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Posts posted by Marc

  1. Having 2 huskies in my opinion is a lot better than having one. They keep each other company, tire each other out, play with each other rather than you, and give each other the companionship that a husky craves. Its not simply a good idea, its actually easier as supprising as that sounds. We just got another who is only 8 week old and already we are starting to see the difference in the house.

  2. @Amy ... You can setup a paypal account without a debit card. All you need is a bank account as they will directly debit from that account. Worthwhile having one to be honest, it makes online shopping a lot easier :) ...

    One thing I did forget to mention in my HOW CAN I HELP section ... was probably one of the biggest things. Invite your friends who have huskys. Advertise us in your local petshop if they will let you do so. promote us in any way that you can. A little things like the petshop add doesnt seem like much when you consider that only 1 person may see and do something about it, however when you get 100 people do so, thats 100 new members for us to chat to.

    Donation link has now been added to the sidebar .... Donating members will automatically be added to the donators usergroup and additional extras will be added at some point tomorrow once I announce the system properly.

  3. Image problems solved

    So it would seem that we have problems with uploading images for some with regards to the sizes, dimensions etc, however everyone seems to be able to use their own profile albums with relative ease.

    WHY NOT MIX THEM TOGETHER is what I thought, and so I have done just that. You now have the functionality to add images from your gallery/album to a post or thread if you wish to do so. If when you are creating a new thread or replying (advanced only, not quickreply) you would like to add a photo from your gallery you may do so by clicking on the new INSERT link which you will find undernieth the smilies on the right hand side of the post box. This will then give you a list of everything within your gallery. Simply click on it and it will add the image tags with your chosed picture automatically to your post.



    Early last year me and my wife Sarah decided that we would have a husky (more my wife than me lol) as an addition to our family home. Because of this Sarah started joining groups on the popular website facebook and spoken to quite a few other owners around the country. This then sparked off an idea.

    I have been running websites, and more so forums for quite a few years and do so as a hobby. I have never particularly been fond of having pets, and Sarah has never been particularly fond of the time I spend on the internet at home. Sarah whilst sat there on facebook one day mentioned that it would be a good idea if we could get a few people together for walks with their huskies by using a website. This is where both our interests hit each other and husky owners forum was born.

    Husky owners forums was brought online 85 days ago, on 28 of october last year. Since then the site has changed its look to be a more professional looking website, new additions have been added, and members have been joining on an almost daily bases. As someone with many years experience in website design I can say this place is growing at a very very good rate. Rather than the original idea of people in the UK meeting we have started attacting members from all over the world.


    On starting the forum, this was never meant to be a big project. Now however I would like to become the biggest name on the internet when it come to huskies and their owners. Sounds like a big jump from nothing to massive, but I know the site has the potential to get that big in size.

    Our first meeting will be taking place later this year in the UK, and hope that people from other countries will eventually start to do the same as we gain more members that are local to one another. After all this was originally the intention of the site Sarah had wanted, and therefore we are going to keep in on this track.


    I have had a look around at various websites and forums regarding huskies and indeed other breeds and it seems there are a lot out there who are very much into the breeding of huskies, proffessional and experienced information and not a lot else. We want to get away from this. We are a site for the owners of huskies. People who have a husky as a loving pet and can share their experiences with other owners. People who can share the laughter and occasional problems that all dog owners have. More than anything a place where like minded individuals can come online and have a good laugh with eachother. Who wants to go online and be bored to death? lol


    There are many ways in which you can become involved in the success of husky owners, however I will list a few that are of more significance than the rest.

    • Join in - Simple as it sounds this is what makes the forum what it is today. If you havent posted for a while, come and say hello. Reply to a few threads. If you replied to only 2 threads you contribute massivly to the forum success.

    • Create new topics/threads - In my experience a forum is only as good as the threads/topics that are created. Building good content on the website is good for us all. If we all do it, then we all have plenty to talk about

    • Give suggestions - If you would like to see something on the forum, or you think we could improve something that would be better for the community, please feel free to suggest it. They may not always be implemented however most of the current changes have taken place because of user suggestion. Yours may be the next big hit.

    • Donations - This I hate putting on a forum, however the fact of life is that a website costs money to run. I will later today have a donation system where people can use paypal to donate if they wish to do so. Any amount is good even if its very small and will all be put back into the forum whether its in hosting costs or new features that we can pay to have on our site. I will of corse be giving donators small extras on the forum such as donate tags, extra pm storage, the ability to hold more pictures in albums etc as a thankyou. Please dont feel that you have to donate however as this is simply not the case. Your being here is a big donation in itself to us all.

    Overall I would like to thank everyone who uses the forum currently for the forums success. A forum is only as good as its members we have an excellent set of members on here. I look forward to seeing how we look in 12 months time if this is the level we can achieve in less than 3 months.

  5. If you are an MSN (windows live messenger user) please be aware that what you recieve can not always be as it seems. There is currently a virus spreading like wildfire through MSN.


    the message is usually along the lines of "Foto - www,alinktosomewhere.com" and MAY BE FROM PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW. Excuse the caps but that is important. This is sent out by a virus that has infected the users computer. Do not click on the link or you will also be infected and it will start sending to people on your contact list from you.


    You can remove this virus by using a program called Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and you can download it here. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php . Just click on download now as the free version is sufficient. Install and let it update. Once it is installed and updated YOU NEED TO RUN THIS IN SAFEMODE. If you are unsure on how to get into safemode, then all you do is press F5 during the bootup of your computer (just keep pressing it if you dont know when) You will get a boot selection menu where you can select safemode. Once booted into safemode you will get a dialogue box saying that you are in safemode, select yes. Run the program you have installed and run a FULL scan of your computer and all its harddrives. Once it has run and found all the viruses click on remove.

    Run the program as many times as it takes for you to get a scan where there are no items found. This will take a long time (mine took around 45 mins per scan as an example and I ran it 3 times).

  6. As suggested above just click ok .... The error is simply that the script has tried to request something from the server whilst there was a blip in the server. This should have been handled however there is a bug in the shoutbox system at present. It will be fixed when I get around to it. Just looking at another shoutbox at present though, so it may be solved by that.

  7. Show your gender

    Some people (nix) have mentioned in the past that people do not know what gender they are, and others (nix) have asked in the past what gender people are.

    So now, rather than having to do something like specifying your gender in your sig (nix) I have created a new profile field under the 'Edit your Details' section in the userCP. This is a manditory field, so everyone who registers from now on will have to complete this field. Also every member on the forum will be forced to select theirs before they can edit their profile again.

    This will show next to your username as a male or female symbol in blue or pink respectivly (see next to my name for example) ...



  8. VBExperience

    Ever wondered how you are REALLY doing on the forums? Im not just on about posts, but how much you really put into the forums as a whole?

    Welcome to the VBExperience addition to the forums.

    Seen this in your posts?


    This is a new feature that I have just added that will tell you exactly how you are doing in just about every sense of the forums. So to explain how this works I will describe what each means in turn.



    This is your experience meter and your biggest indicator of how you are doing in terms of other members on the forum. You gain points on this meter in just about everything that you do on the forum from posting, to filling in profile fields and adding images. Quite simply you will get points for everything that you put into the forums. You will currently already have a for each x points you will increase in experience levels. Your points are calculated on the following basis.

    Points taken away for infractions - 100

    Points for completing profile - 10 per field

    Points for reputation - 1

    Points for use of the rep system - 2

    Points for social group members (of your groups) - 5

    Points for every friend you have added - 3

    Points for visitor messages - 1.5

    Points for album pictures - 3

    Points for referrals (when your name is added as referral when someone registers) - 25

    Points for threads (new topics) - 5

    Points for thread votes - 10

    Points for replies to own threads - 0.3

    Points for thread views - 0.02

    Points for sticky threads (admin will sticky if good ;) ) - 50

    Points for posts - 2

    Points for attachment views (your own by someone else) - 0.5

    Points for viewing other user's attachments - 0.3

    Points for Social Group Discussions - 2

    Points for Social Group Messages - 2

    The Points and Level you have currently achieved are shown above the bar.




    This bar shows you how many points you need to reach the next level, along with a percentage you have currently achieved towards that target.




    Your activity meter shows how active you are in comparison to the forums current level of activity. The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count of the ten most active users (in the past 30 days) and compares it to your own post count.

    EXAMPLE:- Lets say that it only used the top 3 active users and they had 30 posts, 20 posts, and 10 posts. This would be an average of 20 posts per user (added together and divided by the 3 users.)... Your activity will then show a percentage of that in comparison to your posts. Therefore if you have 10 posts you onlyhave half of the average and your percentage would be 50%, and to get 100% you would need to have posted 20.

    This is on a rolling 30 day postcount over all users and is counted from today (hence the reason why most people are currently 0%) .. This will start filling up and be fully active once it has collected 30 days of stats.



    With this new system comes some awards. We currently have a gold, silver and bronze award for posting and a community award (others to come) .... The posting awards are made up of the points gained for threads, posts, attachments, views, stickys and voted threads... The community award is for the member who has most used the community areas of the forum, which are profiles, social groups, albums etc. These can be seen next to the users name when they post and if you point at them you can see what the award is for.



    Well I'm sure this would not be good enough if we couldnt see just how we stack up against other members and know what to aim for, would it? Therefore if you go to the VBExperience link within the quicklinks menu you will find a whole host of statistics that you can view along with league tables on all areas of the forum experience system and the awards.

    Hope you enjoy this new addition to the forums. As always, please feel free to ask if there is anything you do not understand and I will try my best to answer any questions you may have.



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