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Posts posted by Marc

  1. Later tonight whist upgarding the forum I will be adding some forum rules that everyone will have to agree to in order to continue posting. In these rules will be the following however I wish to emphisise this in a thread before hand.

    When a member of admin, (or more to the point the people who opened the forum and have decided on what the forum is about) makes a dicission, this decission is final. Please feel free to ask about the decission in PM to myself or Sarah however if you are still told the same thing then respect that the dicission. DO NOT continue to pm and pester that member of admin or you are likely to render yourself very unwelcome. Threats of leaving the forum also are futile in thie matter, as if this is the way you deal with it then I would be more than happy for you to do so.

    THIS FORUM, is a forum for people to enjoy the husky life and to meet other husky owners, NOT a forum for people to debate and discuss the breading of huskies. THIS is what the forum was opened for.

    This is not open for discussion!!

  2. Hi All,

    Just a little advanced notice to let you know that there will be an upgrade to the forums main software performed at some point tomorrow (probably tomorrow night uk time). Please be aware that during this time the website will be completely offline for around 2-3 hours.

    The forum upgrade consists of a few bug fixes in the software and some additional features, all of which I will post up once the upgrade has been completed.



  3. Its very very quick ... In fact if I didnt use quite a lot of plugins for firefox I think I would probably use it all the time. But then I guess thats one of the things that makes firefox so good

  4. Just thought I'd post a new thread on something different for this forum for a change.

    Google chrome is a new internet browser by, well, google lol. I have played around with it whilst it was in beta stage and havent really looked at it since, so I thought I would download and have another play. Now personally I am an avid fan of firefox and use far too many of the plugins for me to switch, however chrome is an absolutly excellent browser and would recommend you having a look even if its only to have a play with something new. In my opinion I think they will eventually take over this market also, although they have made a very very slow start of it.

    If you've tried already let me know what you think. If not then have a go, see what you make of it.


  5. Hi all,

    I have recieved a pm this morning regarding the closing of a thread in husky questions and stating that they feel it was closed prematurely. Please can I ask all to bare in mind that the thread was closed as the conversation was going around in circles and nobody was ever going to agree (this is probably the only point they would agree on) and therefore pointless to continue. You ahve to look at this from the point of view of the forum as a whole.

    I do not mind people having a debate however in the same respect I dont want a forum built on a bad environment either. This forum was built for people who love there huskies to enjoy and share their experiences, not as a ground for people to slate each other. There are thousands of debate forums on the internet, if you want adebate I am sure they would be more than happy to host your discussions.

    All in all however one point will stand. When a thread is closed by a moderator then if you have a problem with this please feel free to escalate it to a member of admin. Once an admin has made the dicission to close a thread, then this is final. It is never done out of spite, nor to censor people, or any other reason. It is done for the good of the forum.



    PS:- If the conversation in that thread is started here again I will instantly delete the post in question. Dont say you havent been told.

  6. Hi Dunc

    You are entitled to your opinion, as are we all. The answer is to ensure that "mistakes" don't happen and such measures aren't necessary.

    If you ensured that "mistakes" didnt happen, then they wouldnt be called "mistakes" in the first place. Shit happens, and with all due respect regardless of peoples opinion on 'It hurts them' and 'Its irresponsible' etc etc nobody can deny that it is something which is a very natural thing for them to do. You specified yourself, understand them like dogs, not little furry humans.

    We've got 5 entire dogs and 4 entire bitches and we manage to keep them apart without any problems. All our dogs live in the house and we don't have any outdoor kennels.

    First of all congratulations on managing to keep them apart, however please bare in mind you are a lot more experienced that the majority of people on here, therefore personally I would be shocked if you couldnt tbh.

    Of course you are not! I was simply saying that statistically speaking, dogs that are bred without KC registration, health tests, without proving their quality in the showring and on the trail and by breeders who will offer 24/7 support to the puppy owners for the whole of the dogs' lives, are much more likely to end up in rescue than all the others. In answer to your final point, I think I answered it in the above paragraph - ie people whose dogs have been proven as of sufficient quality in the showring and on the trail, who have carried out all the health tests, who KC register their dogs and who offer 24/7 support to their puppy owners.

    Very true statistic, however the comment was said in quote to someone without knowing the breed quality of their animal. Both Sakia and Wolf have a lot of champions of breed in their bloodline which is kennel club registered, help is offered to any owners of saskia and wolfs litter by both breeders, all owners are fully vetted and every pup is KC registered.

    Of course mistakes happen to everyone and in the final analysis, our best is all we can do!!

    Er... agreed LOL.

    all my lot are very close to each other BUT I do seperate the girls completely from the boys if a girl comes into season, for one I DONT want an unplanned pregnancy, and two it is very hard on the dog(especially if all ready used) to live with bitches in season, and NOT to breed, it is actually physically painful to the male to have to go throught this , it is not like a man that gets told to sod off by a bird in the pub and his feeling are hurt, I am talking real pain that the male has to endure, all because you dont want to seperate?

    I believe the comment was mistake, not dicision. Also please bare in mind it is not possible for all owners to completely seperate the girls from the boys at all time.


    My comments are purely personal and my own opinion, however on reading it seems that bingnblaze asked a simple question and it has turned into a debate session rather than answering the question which on the question of being responsible toward the breed actually made you all irresponsible. Each will have different opinions and those of you who run rescue centers should know this more than most.

    I can also see a lot of feeling in peoples posts with regards to how animals are treated in general, and it seems very quickly people are judge based on a persons experience. We all need to bare in mind that because someone has a different opinion does not make them any better or worse its simply a different way of doing it.

    I have visited the websites of you all and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out how well your huskies are loved and looked after. I also know saskia and wolf and know personallly how well they are looked after and very much loved. At the end of the day this is all that it comes down to. A well treated, loved, and looked after animal.

    Now please can we agree to disagree and get back to the topic, which was a simple question by bingnblaze asking when a husky can start breeding.


  7. Its seems that I keep being asked various different questions regarding how the reputation system on the site works, so I thought I would do a post as an explaination of this.

    What is reputation?

    You reputation on the forum is shown by way of a number which is converted into little green pips on the site that look like so: reputation_pos.gif

    How do you give/take away reputation?

    These numbers are increased and decreased by other members and staff on the site by clicking on the reputation button reputation.gif which can be found in the users postbit to the left of any post.

    Once this button is clicked you will recieve a popup box simply asking if you would like to say "I approve" or "I disaprove" of the post you have clicked it on. There is also a comment box should you wish to add a comment. Any reputation given or taken can be seen by the user in there control panel.

    Is that all?

    Well not exactly. You see you also have a reputation power level. This is the amount of reputation you have the ability to give and take away. You will notice that the admin and supermod have a rep power of 10, therefore we have strong reputation effects on other members, whereas at present most of our members rep power is currently 1.

    Is rep power always the same?

    Nope, this can change over time. You reputation power will increase with your lenth of time on the forums, number of posts, reputation value. Currently these are set as the following increases:-

    • +1 power for 6 month of registration

    • +1 power for every 500 posts on the forum

    • +1 power for every 100 Reputation points received

    • Minimum post count of 10 to have any reputation effect.

    So as you can see, the people who have been here a while are the people who will truly start to show peoples reputation on the forum, and this is the reason we have it.

    One more thing to note is that you can only give out/take 10 lots of reputation per day and you will find that you cannot repetativly give the same person repuation or the system will tell you that you need to 'spread the rep' around a little first.

    I hope this is of some use to someone and enjoy using the reputation system on the forum.

  8. I wouldnt want to be seen to ignore these posts, even if I disagreem therefore I have run some testing on the forum now the servers seem to be up and running correctly. For no other reason to ensure the forums are running at their optimum.....

    Have a look at the debg images from both the old skin and the new ... Both tested on the same thread (word association thread) at the same time for accuracy. The new one actually out performs the old skin, therefore not only is it not slower, it actually loads quicker.

    Darker one is the new skin .. lighter is the old (yeah yeah I know that was obvious LOL)



  9. as we didnt get him for this purpose

    Glad to hear it :)

    i no how much people in here no about huskies

    Yep :)

    You have to bare in mind also that not everyone agrees with studding out of dogs whilst there are Huskies in shelters needing homes, although I appreciate that not everyone is willing to have a dog that is not trained by them and known by them from a very early age (myself included tbh). Just thought I'd prewarn ya before anyone else says it LOL ...

  10. First and foremost thing I would say, is do you know the level of involvement with the studding out of dogs? I'm unsure of the breeding ages but I am sure that the majority of people when having the idea of studding dont fully understand the involvement. No offence intended, just ensuring you have an idea of what your letting yourself in for.

  11. Switched off the annoying noise .... Besides anything else it seemed to be causing an issue with firefox and freezing peoples text when they are typing a thread, which is definatly not a good thing LOL ....

    Have also moved the who's online in the shoutbox to a new page. To see who's online simply click the button that looks like a plug on the shoutbox

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