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Posts posted by Marc

  1. First of all welcome to the forum...

    I have to admit, I have been looking around the internet tonight at places to boost the forums activity and its supprising to find that there are very little discussion areas for huskys considering that they are such a gorgious breed that everyone who has one actually wants to talk about.

    Sorry to hear that your sibe is getting old how. Its a shame that we will all one day have to see this in our pets, but then I guess this is life. Hope to see you around the forums anyways. Have a look around and get yourself into some of the many discussions that we have on here. We have only been online for a few week however we are picking up very very quickly :)

  2. I usually find that the wife makes a good toy that lasts more than 5 mins ... she'll play with ours all day lol ....

    Anyways, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay. We are still very new but seem to be growing quite well simply due to the lack of husky forums there are about.


    1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home,who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.

    2. It's important to have a woman, who can make you laugh.

    3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trustand who doesn't lie to you.

    4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.

    5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.

  4. WIFE:

    What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?


    Definitely not!


    Why not - don't you like being married?


    Of course I do.


    Then why wouldn't you remarry?


    Okay, I'd get married again.


    You would? (With a hurtful look on her face).


    (Makes audible groan).


    Would you live in our house?


    Sure, it's a great house.


    Would you sleep with her in our bed?


    Where else would we sleep?


    Would you let her drive my car?


    Probably, it is almost new.


    Would you replace my pictures with hers?


    That would seem like the proper thing to do.


    Would she use my golf clubs?


    No, she's left-handed.


    - silence - -


    F * ck ....

  5. OK I've updated the smilies again... (yeah yeah I know it took a while)

    We now have a few different sets of smilies as below

    Generic smilies

    :):mad:;):o:cool: :confused::P:D:rolleyes: :eek:


    :bored: :crazy: :crying: :dry: :frustrating: :happy: :mellow::angry: :blushed: :g_cool: :g_sad: :g_shocked: :g_tongue: :g_wink: :laughing: :proud: :unsure: :g_confused:


    :wacko: :a_biggrin: :a_cool: :embarrassed: :a_wink: :a_confused: :a_cute: :a_err: :hissyfit: :nerd: :ooh: :shocked: :unhappy: :a_frown: :a_mad: :a_rolleyes: :a_smile: :a_tongue:


    :bananen_smilies011: :bananen_smilies060: :bananen_smilies027: :bananen_smilies045: :bananen_smilies105: :bananen_smilies075: :bananen_smilies091: :bananen_smilies013: :bananen_smilies063: :bananen_smilies029: :bananen_smilies047: :RockOn: :bananen_smilies079: :bananen_smilies095: :bananen_smilies104: :bananen_smilies074: :bananen_smilies090: :bananen_smilies012: :bananen_smilies062: :bananen_smilies028: :bananen_smilies046: :pepper: :bananen_smilies077: :bananen_smilies092: :bananen_smilies015: :bananen_smilies064: :bananen_smilies031: :bananen_smilies050: :bananen_smilies018: :bananen_smilies065: :bananen_smilies032: :bananen_smilies051: :bananen_smilies066: :bananen_smilies033: :bananen_smilies020: :bananen_smilies084: :bananalama: :bananen_smilies054: :bananen_smilies070: :bananen_smilies071: :whacky095: :bananen_smilies082: :bananen_smilies096: :bananen_smilies019: :bananen_smilies083: :banana: :bananen_smilies068: :bananen_smilies099: :bananen_smilies022: :bananen_smilies085: :bananaparty: :bananen_smilies055: :bananen_smilies023: :bananen_smilies087: :Banane36: :bananen_smilies056: :bananen_smilies024: :bananen_smilies042: :bananen_smilies103: :bananen_smilies073: :bananen_smilies089: :bananen_smilies039: :bananen_smilies102: :bananen_smilies072: :bananen_smilies088: :bananen_smilies008: :bananen_smilies058: :bananen_smilies026: :bananen_smilies044:

    Bowler Hat

    :sad: :b_biggrin: :b_confused: :b_cool: :b_cute: :b_embarrassed: :b_err: :b_frown: :b_mad: :wacky: :b_hissyfit: :b_nerd: :b_ooh: :b_shocked: :b_smile: :b_tongue: :b_rolleyes:


    :c_cool: :c_embarrassed: :c_rolleyes: :c_sad: :c_wink: :ooo: :c_confused: :c_eek: :c_mad: :amazed: :eer: :laught: :c_biggrin:


    :omg_smile: :camera: :phone: :clock: :present: :coffee: :regular_smile: :confused_smile: :rose: :cry_smile: :devil_smile: :shades_smile: :dude_hug: :star: :embaressed_smile: :teeth_smile: :envelope: :thumbs_down: :film: :thumbs_up: :girl_handsacrossame:tounge_smile: :girl_hug: :whatchutalkingabout:guy_handsacrossamer :wilted_rose: :heart: :wink_smile: :kiss: :angel_smile: :kittykay: :angry_smile: :lightbulb: :bat: :martini_shaken: :beer_yum: :messenger: :bowwow: :moon: :broken_heart: :musical_note: :cake:


    :dribble: :eeek: :go: :redface: :augenrollen: :ran_embarrassed: :spiderman: :brick: :ran_mad: :sure: :byebye: :ran_smile: :sweet_kiss: :cry: :ran_wink: :verwirrt: :ran_biggrin: :ran_confused: :ran_cool: :sexy_girl: :boss: :ran_frown: :super: :burn: :ran_rolleyes: :sweat: :cold: :ran_tongue:


    :volleyball: :golf: :badminton: :checkeredflag: :silvermedal: :weightlifter: :hockeypuck: :baseball: :diving: :snowboard: :fencing: :soccer: :fishing: :surfing: :football: :swimming: :footballhelmet: :taekwondo: :footballreferee: :tennisball: :frisbee: :trophy: :goldmedal: :archer: :bullseye: :running: :waterskiing: :hockeyplayer: :barbell: :cricketbat: :skateboard: :wrestler: :homeplate: :basketball: :horseshoe: :beachball: :iceskate: :bowarrow: :karate: :bowlingball: :lacrosse: :bowlingpin: :olympics: :boxing: :pingpong: :bronzemedal: :rollerskater:


    :24: :44: :13: :19: :35: :8: :30: :56: :3: :25: :46: :14: :20: :36: :9: :31: :58: :4: :26: :48: :59: :21: :38: :16: :32: :8: :29: :55: :3: :24: :14: :19: :35: :9: :30: :57: :4: :25: :47: :15: :20: :37: :10: :15: :31: :5: :26: :49: :60: :21: :5: :39: :27: :50: :61: :22: :40: :11: :17: :62: :22: :41: :12: :17: :63: :23: :42: :12: :18: :64: :23: :43: :13: :18: :34: :11: :16: :32: :6: :6: :27: :51: :1: :33: :6: :28: :52: :1: :33: :7: :28: :53: :34: :7: :29: :54: :2:


    :P_confused: :P_cool: :P_eek: :P_mad: :P_rolleyes: :frown: :smile: :wink: :arghh: :biggrin: :cute: :err: :laugh: :tongue:


    :th_cool: :th_dead: :th_Jttesur: :th_o: :th_sur: :th_woot: :th_blush: :th_jtteglad: :th_love: :th_sad: :th_wink:

    If anyone comes across any other packs, or even single emoticons (smilies) they would like me to install then let me know

  6. Was talking to a woman at work the other day who has a japanese akita (that looks like a bloody bear) and she was asking me whether I had started buying christmas presents for Kimba yet? :eek: Now I looked at her like she was mad, but she was deadly serious. Is it just me to thinks shes off her rocker?

  7. Gotta admit I have found our pet insurance to come in very handy with kimba especially due to him having a tendancy to eat womens tights. We are currently insured with 'more than' who we've found to offer a good service at a good price for both Kimba and our cat.

    So who do you insure with?

  8. A few months ago our local council decided that we were all going to start recycling (nice of them to ask) and so kindly delivered kimba a new toy.

    Product: Paper Recycling bag

    Rating: 3 Star

    Entertainment factor: 4 out of 10

    This new age toy comes in the form of a blue plastic bag which occasionally goes from hollow to paper filled. I have given the product a 3 star rating as Kimba simply will not touch it in is original hollow state, meaning I had to do some minor improvements before he would play with it at all.

    Suggested Improvements: 3 x used magazines, 2 x newspaper (always prefers damp ones, 1 x cardboard box (see by previous review for usefullness of this item), 8 x bean tin labels. Any other paper based items may be added as prefered by your husky.

    Once the improvements are done your dog will find this a highly excitable item that he will gladly drag around your garden. Improvements somehow seem short lived however as they seem to magically turn into tiny peices, mainly around unbrushable lawn areas. I would suggest a brush and a lawn vacuum for extras with this product.

  9. Seen a few different ways that people put dogs in there cars, from simply having them on the back seat free, or with a doggie seat belt. Some people put a crate/cage in the boot (suppose thats ok if you have a car big enough).

    Personally we went and brought one of these grates (think thats what they called anyways) to seperate the boot of our vectra from the rest of the car so Kimba quite happily sits in there now. Only annoyance I can see is that we cant have the boot cover in the car as it doesnt fit with the grate.

    So how you lot do it?

  10. Was just reading on another forum that I regularly use to do with fish. They have a full section on DIY projects where people have build there own units, fish houses, stands etc etc ... Was just wondering if anyone has had any of there own DIY projects with dog stuff like kennels etc?

  11. Well ... After about 6 hours graft today I finally got my garden to a state where Kimba can run about without his mega long line.

    Ordinarily you would think there would be no prob with him being on a line and having the full run of the garden, however kimba seems to have ahabit of liking next doors garden a little more that our own. You can imagine his face if he shite next door lol So thought it was about time to do something about it. We now have paneling all the way around :)

  12. you nasty pasty!! cats are just as lovely as dogs!! don't be a meany!!

    Nah ... ya see I can see the point of dogs as friendly companions, nice to walk, fun to watch when being daft, nice to look at. etc etc ... What do cats do? Nothin.. They're boring lol.

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