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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Lol we actively discourage ours from playing with bottles. We didn't mind until bear figured out how to get the lid off one still filled with coke, a husky on a sugar high is not pretty !!!!!
  2. Knackered lol what's new. As for the temperature thing, if you've just started there's no way to tell, I have no idea if dogs can go into prem Labour, even going by the lower end of the numbers she still has 5 days to go. Freyja made it easy I will admit, her temperature dipped by half a degree at 7am, and I did wonder, still dropped at 7pm and first pup was out at 10.45pm. No crying, she jumped off the sofa ran into the pen, gave one startled whine and there it was! She didn't even lie down.
  3. It depends what her temperature has been the past few days, that gives you the base line, when it drops, there you go !
  4. I'm so glad that howlers going to such a good home with Kati and Mark, and her other furbabies. I want owners like that for all of them. 6 now have forever homes, 4 of them with husky older brothers or sisters, and yes I have made sure to mention the forum a few dozen times lol. All of them have agreed to keep me updated and send photos. I have had a few odd ones though..... someone who asked if huskys had to be shaved like poodles and another who insisted he only wanted a pair, brother and sister ! Something about that one set alarm bells ringing !!!
  5. I will be honest and say there are days, well moments, when I could cheerfully turn the lot of them into a fur coat, especially when I look at poor freyjas boobs, but then I walk into the front room and they all run to me - even when I'm not holding dinner lol- and the thought of waking up without being nipped on the chin kills me.
  6. To be honest, I'm desperately trying not to name them, and get attached, and fall in love, and hopelessly failing. This is as bad as having little ones again, I look at some people and I know I shouldn't make snap judgements, but there's no way I would let them have a pup ! I see the way they treat their kids etc and I couldn't, I just couldn't. I wish I could do a damm background check lol.
  7. So sorry, there's no words.... R.I.P saskia
  8. One or our red pups has green eyes ! I'm not crazy am I ? It definitely looks green, one minute they were blue grey, now green !!
  9. ouch ! Poor girl ! And poor you ! Don't have any advice I'm afraid but good luck
  10. He is gorgeous !! What a stunning colour, I don't think he looks too skinny, slim yes, but don't forget they are bred for speed, so a fat husky would look really odd, bit like mine lol.
  11. I think man's inhumanity to man, and especially to soldiers, no longer really shocks me, a soldier shot guarding a war memorial in Canada, a soldier hacked to death on a London street, yes it's horrendous that people are videoing things like this, but at least those tapes can be used to send the monsters to prison forever. Sorry if I'm ranting a bit, will admit this is a bit of a touchy subject with me, the OH was army, friends who still are.
  12. Hi Andrew I may be reading this wrong but you said he's seen the vet and he's happy with him, his coats fine, fit and healthy just really slim ? Is that just what you think or are other people stopping you in the street ? Can you post some full body pictures ?
  13. I just tried a tiny dab of Cajun hot sauce on my Palm, made one of the pups foam at the mouth !
  14. Not sure if I'm putting this in the right place, so, mods feel free to move. As many of you know we recently had a litter of ten, I knew they were coming (didn't know it would be ten !) And figured it would be a good idea to get a bitter spray for the inevitable chewing. I bought vets best bitter cherry spray, it was recommended, only problem is, the little monsters love it ! They don't just ignore the taste and keep on chewing, if I spray a hard surface they will actually run to lick the damm stuff off ! I have spoken to the vet about it, mainly in relation to stopping them attacking poor frayjas blobs every time she stands still, he recommended a bitter Apple spray, said they could order it for me, I should have asked how much it was, because I nearly had a heart attack when they called to tell me it was in and the price was £27.61. Are they kidding me ? For £27.61 it better be able to give me dinner and a show as well as stop the piranha behaviour. Anyway, has anyone used one of these sprays ? Can you recommend something that they won't want to lick off ? Has anyone else's dog loved the spray ?
  15. Why does it break your heart ? It's a lovely picture of YOUR dog, and a nice blanket, nothing more, nothing less. Can I ask for a couple of pictures of you and Chula ?
  16. You say she's adjusted to your pets, does that mean she tolerates them because you come as a package, or does she go out of her way to interact with them, if I go into a house with a cat or dog ( or spider/snake etc) I will deliberately approach the animal, but a field with a horse ? I would pet it if the owner invited me to, but wouldn't bother otherwise. Maybe watch her the next few times she comes round, it could be you find she will chose to sit away from your cats, or perhaps there is one she gravitates towards. It may take months before she is truly comfortable, it might never happen, and while a pet of any sort can help with depression, there is something better, and that's a friend. You have already become that,
  17. I would love to keep to all in December but Christmas is crazy for us, Dec 20th mother in laws birthday Dec 25th Christmas duh Dec 26th my mum's birthday Dec 30th daughter's birthday Jan 3rd son's birthday Works out ruddy expensive ! I don't know about most organized Christmas, but I know my most disorganized, the year my daughter was born, I was doing fairly well until we were offered a two bedroom on Dec 9th, only we had to be in within 2 weeks, the other half was working 12 hour shifts every day to cover the days off we'd planned so he wouldn't miss the birth, and I was the size of an tank. We got everything shifted by the 23rd then closed the front door and went to stay with my mum, I LOVE MY MUM ! Stayed right over Christmas and she helped us get everything organized enough it was livable.
  18. I'm not going to say anything about you drinking to much, it's never the answer but sometimes it helps. What I will say is you need to do two things. 1 SEE A LAWYER !!! 2. Make a list of all chulas expenses, insurance, vaccinations, food, treats, everything that's spent on her, then make a list of her schedule, let him know how much it's going to cost him in time and money, a list of her requirements, I.e 6ft fence, large garden,does she cry ? Will she cry and howl if she's away from you ? Remind him of this and that he needs to find somewhere suitable to live. After all, if her living conditions are unsuitable, a judge wouldn't be impressed.
  19. Feel free to ignore this, but might it be an idea to not talk about it ? At least not with him. I don't know about your financial situation, but if you've been together 10 years I dare say they it's fairly entangled, if it is it might be an idea to see a solicitor/lawyer so seperating is a little easier. Instead of letting him know how much Chula means to you, just include her in a separation contract, he may not even think of her, but if he does, rather than say I will give you anything for her, let a lawyer/mediator do it, offer to give up your half of the family car, or Xbox, whatever you know he wants. I would think that regardless of whose name is on her paperwork, once she is included in a legal contract of separation she's yours,
  20. sarahjng


    So sorry storm, xxx
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