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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. sarahjng

    47 Ronin

    I think if you try to relate it to the original you would be disappointed, but if you can just watch it as an interesting movie ( and a chance to see Keanu with his shirt off) it's quite good
  2. CRAP !! I never heard of this, and the vet certainly didn't mention it. Someone's about to learn to love his alone time !
  3. Ok, it's been just over four weeks since Freyja had puppies and so far, everything seems to be going great, (apart from their huge appetite, her mega huge appetite, and her growing reluctance to feed, their teeth are SHARP !) Anyway, over the last few days bear has become increasingly interested in mounting her again, she's really not interested and made that clear lol. Is this normal ? He's also cut down on the amount he's eating, she and we have warned him off repeatedly. I've looked around the net and most sites seem to agree she won't go into season for months yet, could it be her hormone levels changing are triggering this ?
  4. So glad you got them back !
  5. There's nothing little about your girl, she's gorgeous, and can I say, love the hair (yours not hers)
  6. Hi, what about getting in touch with RAF Feltwell veterinary clinic ? All personnel are required to register their animals with NEVD within 2 weeks, perhaps they have information you don't. Did kaze ever have another name ?
  7. sarahjng

    47 Ronin

    Just watched this, a good film but very different to the original tale. Not sure I remember a gaijin in that, or a bit-eyed witch. LOL 45 minutes into the film the other half says, isn't that that bloke, the one in, oh you know !. Yes dear, that's Keanu Reeves.
  8. Probably pass the test before I will !
  9. I have sent her a text with an update, and asked if she's sure of the litter date, she says it's the only litter born 5th December, in the breed supplement that's sent out by the kennel club. Ok been digging a little more, there's a puppy called fenris, born 18th Jan 2013, mother is ZAKASIA FRANKIE, can be viewed with pup from last year's litter that they kept, Ripley. If you trace the sire, it's AMBERZITA ARAZ VON THURLOW, he's listed as fathering Ripley, born 5th of December 2011, so they DID have a litter, why they would deny it I don't know. But, I've seen pictures of AMBERZITA, he's almost jet black and very, very heavy coated.
  10. Look a bit like Doc Martins to me
  11. Hugs from all of us in London, if we count the puppies, that's 12 furry hugs, and four human ones ! Let's hope the seizures slow down and in time, when someone asks, you'll have to think to remember when the last one was. It's never easy dealing with a sick furbaby, take comfort knowing that once it's over, it's over, and he feels no long time effects.
  12. Love it! Bear loves the bath, as long as it's not for him !
  13. sarahjng

    Got Snow!

    Send some to london please !!!
  14. I'm going to start by saying I'm not an expert (lol!) But I will ask a couple of questions, Are your dog's healthy ? Happy ? Loved ? Do they mean the world to you ? Do you do everything you can to make sure they're healthy and happy ? If you can say yes, then in the immortal words of my 94 yr old grandma, STUFF THE BREEDER ! I try to be ladylike, and delicate, but this sort of thing burns my butt. How dare she or he berate you for working, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, who says they are a reputable breeder? If they were that good, you would have gone to them first, but you didn't, you went to a breeder of superior dogs, with a better understanding of what a dog actually needs, who are decent human beings not a viperous old grinch ! Next time you see them, put your nose in the air and walk away, someone as mean spirited as that doesn't deserve a civil (on your part) conversation.
  15. Freyja as done the same thing ! She lying on the floor next to me feeding the puppies and I love her, but she reeks !!! My eyes are watering while I write !
  16. Hi Kevin, I think I have good news, only one litter born in the UK on 5th of December 2011, in Merseyside ! A long way from Suffolk lol. The breeders name is Mr and Mrs Ridyard, leasowe coast rd, Worrall peninsula, CH45. Tel, 0151-638-6554, email is designations@ntlworld.com, their breeding name is KRISANNRIO GERMAN SHEPHERDS, The sire is: AMBERZITA ARAZ VON THURLOW The dam is: ZAKASIA FRANKIE I had a quick look at their website and zakasia frankie isn't mentioned, but she is listed as their bitch on the champdogs site. WWW.champdogs.co.uk/breeder/17179, I really hope this helps, please let us know if we've found the right place, the lady who gave me the information has demanded that I let her know as well ! Good luck Sarah
  17. sarahjng


    I bet bathtime is fun in your house !
  18. I've just spoken to her again, apparently each quarter she's sent a list of all litters born, she's going to check if she still has the ones from that quarter, it should list the breeders name and or KC number, so even if there were two or three (unlikely!) They should be contactable, fingers crossed, just have to wait and see when she calls me back
  19. You are more than welcome, our bitch just had a litter of ten, I can't imagine not knowing what happens to them.
  20. Hi Kevin I've just spoken to the kennel club, there is no way to trace an individual dog without registration number or original breeders name and postcode, so not very helpful, BUT, I looked up German shepherd clubs, there's one in Suffolk, I've spoken to them, ( a very nice lady I cought while she was in the hairdressers !) I'm going to call her back around 5pm our time, she will take some details and see if she can help. It's worth a try but don't get your hopes up too high.
  21. LOL camelback !!! Some of my friends wore these to the army/navy game, they were NOT filled with water needless to say.
  22. Yay, glad it's (mostly) good news !
  23. I will admit I have followed people down the street and crossed the road like some mad stalker when I see a husky, sometimes I worry myself lol. I find its doubly hard when they let their husky off lead, their either incredibly snotty, of the my dog would never .... or unbelievably ignorant, he's fine let them play. Both make me want to bite someone !
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