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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Hugs and blessings from us, the dogs and the puppies, hope it's good news.
  2. I want to staple a copy to the forehead of all the people at the dog park who tell me I'm a bad owner for not letting my boy play off lead. ( it's not enclosed, and the park is right next to a very main rd)
  3. I found another one closer to Lansing, (well it looks closer on the teeny tiny map lol) 2 bedrooms unfurnished $650, no aggressive breeds and under 40lbs yay Ferris 01-2 website apparently I'm sure my kids would agree that I'm a star, a large ball of gas lol. People who love huskys are a breed apart themselves, never really understood by outsiders, "they shed, their eyes are creepy, you can't let them off lead ?" All comments every husky lover has heard I'm sure. So, we have to stick together and help each other, I can't do much from the other side of the water, but this, this I can do. Oh just had another thought, does MSU have an Animal Care/vet medicine/vet nursing type course ? Might be the perfect place to find a flatmate who will love dime.
  4. East Lansing, or will Lansing do ? I know it's a bit weird but I just went surfing a little, place called collage towns apartments dogs allowed call for policy, furnished/unfurnished. Various prices and sizes it SAYS their close to MSU, 4 bus stops some apmts have heat cable etc included, found it on apartmentguide.com
  5. Have you thought about a flat share ? Perhaps you could advertise for someone, stating they need to be a dog lover but not a dog owner. I assume this has to be near east lansing, or are you transferring ? I know you love dime, but is it the best idea to take him all that way ?
  6. I DO believe in premonitions, had a few myself. It might be that this is one, it might be that your subconscious is telling you not to give up, that snickers is out there somewhere. This may sound silly, but watch your dogs, don't forget how good their sense of smell is, if they suddenly want to go in a totally different direction, perhaps you should let them, yes they could be following a random person eating something interesting, but maybe, just maybe, they know something you don't.
  7. What a stunner, more pics please, I also have a Bear ! It can be exhausting with a new puppy but so worth it. Exercise is important, but don't forget you need to tire him mentally as well, one we used to do was place a treat on the floor and put a lightweight plastic cup (the cheap disposable sort) over it, the first couple of times I showed him how to knock it over, after that he figured it out, with masses of praise, and the treat of course. We worked up to 3 cups until he figured out it was easier to knock them all over in one go the cheater !!
  8. I prefer that they ask as well, but I will admit that there are certain people, who have seen Bear grow up, and he just has no control what so ever with them. It's really not his fault when someone sits on the tarmac in the car park to roll around with him lol. As for pictures, we live in the middle of london and it happens at least once a week, I don't mind as long as people are polite about it. Strangest one was a nice lady who petted him, took a picture, apparently sent it to her husband and asked HIM if she could buy MY dog ?!! (He said yes and she offered me cash !!!!) Why do all the weirdos live near me ?
  9. It sounds to me as if you've already decided, to be honest, looking at your lists Japan is the winner financially and educationally. Although we would love to meet you Liv, your education comes first. Could you not do the Tokyo thing next summer and perhaps look at applying for a grant to study " English regional dialects and cultural terminology in the 21st century" sounds stuffy enough someone might hand you some cash lol. Whichever you decide, HOs will still be here for you, good luck
  10. Getting a husky is like giving birth, it leads to the best/worst experience of your life. Carpets, clothes, furniture, even your social life will never be the same. If you can think of an adjective, any adjective, it can be used following the words, huskys are...... intelligent, ignorant, aloof, loving, demanding, irritating and wonderful. There will be days when you want to turn them into furry slippers, ( I have those lol) and days when you wonder what you've done wrong (those too) but at the end of all those days, when they finally come to you for a cuddle, all the fur, and the chewing, and the interrupted phone calls are worth it, because when huskys were created, it was out of all the best parts of all the best dogs.
  11. Right, so as far as she's concerned, the love of her very young life is going away for 3 months, to a strange town filled with beautiful slutty girls who's only aim is to take her gorgeous soldier away from her. And your surprised she's unhappy ? I'm not saying you would cheat, in her heart, she knows you wouldn't cheat, but she thinks your the sun and the moon, why wouldn't the girls in this new town. Being in the military is hard, being the partner of someone in the military is harder still. As a soldier you know what your doing and if it's dangerous, she doesn't, she will always have that fear in the back of her mind. Could she see this as a precursor to an overseas deployment ? Talk to her, I understand PERSEC and OPSEC, but if you have more chance of going to the moon than into an operational situation, she probably needs to hear that.
  12. I'm a little confused, why are you blaming arguments on her menstrual cycle ? If you have been a couple for 2 years, but it's only been the last month there has been a problem, then I would say there's something else going on. It would be very rare for a woman to suddenly go from nothing to an entire month of PMS. Has anything else changed between you ? You say your in the army, have you been given new orders, a change of base, could she be afraid for you ? I've been in her shoes and trust me, sometimes the only way to deal with the fear is to lash out, every news story, TV report, or gossiped rumour sends you into a spin. Could she be pregnant ? I don't say these things to upset you, just ask that think about other reasons she may be feeling unhappy. Talk to her, calmly if you can lol
  13. Well done you ! First of all, pictures, pictures, pictures !!!! As for the raw diet, I feed both mine raw and its great, there is a raw thread with loads of information, I just don't know how to link to it, sorry. But when you find it there is a link there to a weight calculator, so that should help.
  14. sarahjng

    The Strain

    How ? It's just started on sky,
  15. Lol if we're going with odd connections to celebs, minty from eastenders used to babysit me, and I once hoovered with David Essex,
  16. sarahjng

    The Strain

    Seen the first episode, CREEPY is a good word, with a dash of whatthehell and just a touch of gross. Won't say any more as some haven't seen !
  17. Aww, love the way it's obviously a game for just the two of them, even when other dogs try to join in. Bear has a friend like that, only problem is, she's a screamer, every time they get within 2 feet of each other it sounds like he's killing her !
  18. She sent me a pic on facebook, looked like a husky/malamute to me.
  19. Strange book, and totally different to the film. I tend to follow certain authors, kerrylyn sparks, Christine feehan, g a aiken, lots of vampire/shifter romance comedy, but I love the action books as well, reacher is great, but I think I like the Jack west Jr series and scarecrow by Matthew Reilly a little more, both fast paced visually stunning and packed with characters you either love or hate. I will confess I love zombie books ! The dead series by Joseph talluto is a firm favourite, as is patient zero by johnathen maberry.
  20. sarahjng

    Got A Job Offer

    If you look purely at the finances, it looks like your in the plus column even without the extra 4k a year, the job itself is more secure and your salary will improve. You haven't mentioned moving house, ( American geography = fuzzy, but pretty sure Chicago is in Illinois) can you find a suitable place for your furbabies there ? Or is it the commute from home to there that's the problem. Is there a friend or dog sitter that can `do lunch` with them ? If you take the job, they are lucky to have you. If you don't, it's because your old company will fall apart without you, because you are awesome, and my ( currently) 12 dogs agree !
  21. Should have done that before the birth ! Then what the he'll is up with the black eyed ones ?
  22. But to what ? With our family they could end up with those eyes that blink the wrong way, !!
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