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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Ha, we had birthday cake !
  2. Thank goodness their all ok !
  3. ​OMG !!!! I googled it ! Didn't even look at the pages just the titles was enough
  4. My usual wild weekend, some shopping, a little cooking, a LOT of dusting and hovering lol, Bears enjoying his first blow !
  5. sarahjng

    120Mb Bb

    I think we get 21mbps, we can finally get fibre optic but locked in to a contract until Feb 2014 but after that will probably go with BT, they reckon we can get 76, so better than we've got but no where near yours Dunc
  6. Mine are the same, and I have to say, 90% of the time the little one starts it. It's scary as he'll to watch but I found there were times it sounded like he was killing her and he wasn't even touching her ( up until about a week ago she couldn't get on the bed, I came running in because she was yelping like crazy and she was yelping not because he was chewing on her but because he was up on the bed and she couldn't get to him !) After that I watched a little more and yelled a little less lol.
  7. Silly A@@, unlike a lot of people I'm lucky enough to be at home all day, ( I DO NOT sit on my butt all day eating bonbons and watching Jeremy Kyle lol, I like judge Judy !) And weirdly, this sort of stuff I enjoy. As for your boy, of course he winds people up, he's a teenager, it's part of the job description. They do grow out of it, eventually, I hope, lol. (My boys 18) And no he doesn't deserve to be bullied, no one does, been there got the t-shirt etc, with both of mine. I know it's not cheap but have you thought about some sort of self-defense ? Karate ? Judo ? It really helped my boy. Are there any other kids from campion that get off the bus, could they come home together ? Ask your son if any other kids at the school are being bullied by this boy, if so can you get in touch with the parents, with this sort of thing strength in numbers is really helpful.
  8. This boils my blood, I had a look at the website, the chair of governors name is John Baylis and you can contact him through the clerk of governors helen monaghan at h.monaghan@champion.northants.sch.uk. If you really want to upset the Apple cart, CC jlwood@Northamptonshire.gov.uk, it's the council's anti-bullying and equalities officer, there's actually a letter of praise on the website, so they REALLY won't want this escalating. When you write, stick to the point, outline previous contact with the school and what they have promised/failed to do. Good luck
  9. No idea if it needed a new thermostat, don't think we'd be able to prove it either way as no check was done until after it was replaced. We have queried it with the garage, that was when they started getting shirty with us. We need the car so going to `Pay Under Protest` and carry on arguing after. It's just so annoying they can think they can just do stuff like this, I wish I understood engines !
  10. So sorry Sarah, I'm glad she got to spend her last moments surrounded by love. CAT HEAVEN ........ sunshine and shade, fields of catnip, treats the size of sofas and dogs the size of mice to chase RIP Bella
  11. GRRR, totally ticked off, our new (to us) car is already in for repair, it started overheating, it's still under warranty so took it in to our local garage, they said they would put it on a diagnosis machine and let us know, instead they put in a new thermostat and housing (£200) but that didn't fix the problem, then they put it on the machine and it needs a new fan unit thing ( another £300+) and the warranty people will only cover the fan thing because they replaced the thermostat BEFORE they checked it over properly, so now we're left with a bill of £250, ( we have to pay the whole bill, £657, and claim it back because they won't accept payment from the warranty people direct !)
  12. First question, is this a school bus or a public one ? If it's a school one then it's for the school to deal with, if it's a public one, them it's a common assault, tell the police, let them deal with it. At the least, the family could be given a warning, you could even get a restraining order as the mother is now verbally harassing a child. If this bullying is going on all day, write a letter of complaint to the chair of governors, this HAS to be read out at the next governing body meeting, entered into the official minutes and the head will have to explain what they have done/are doing. ( usually the chair will contact the head when they get the letter and light a fire under them, those minutes go to the board of education !) Most buses now have CCTV so contact the company about the video footage. Worse comes to worse, is there another school he can transfer to ? second question, are you a council tenant ? Are they ? If so register a neighbour dispute.
  13. Bear has never refused any human food, he loves it all, from peanut butter to Greek yoghurt, carrots he enjoys chewing but doesn't swallow. Freyja barely notices what she eats, it goes down so fast.
  14. TOM CRUISE IS NOT JACK REACHER !!!! LOL sorry just had to get that out, read all the reacher books, great character. If you like him have you read the Jack west or scarecrow series, very similar style. I love my kindle and unless I've got a new book to read ( constantly waiting for the next one from some series !) I have a couple of old favourites on the go depending on my mood. At the moment Dragon actually and bad moon rising.
  15. Welcome to all three of you, sennen is a cutie.
  16. Just waiting for Sons of Anarchy !!!!
  17. sarahjng


    Kids are horrible mostly, it's a fact. If it wasn't this it would be something else, glasses, braces, fat, thin, there's always something, my girl went through it as well. The best thing to remember is it's only a few months and you won't have to see them ever again. As has been said in 10 years you will barely remember their names, next time they start, think of what your life holds in store for you, and what their life holds for them ?. Picture this......... thinning, receeding hairline, double chin, ugly baby poop yellow shirt, purple flowered tie, pot belly, nasty polyester trousers, and pocket protectors ! That's their future, now don't you feel sorry for them ?
  18. Bears FINALLY blowing his coat yay I think, although I'm not sure the Hoover will cope !
  19. Ok, then GO MICHIGAN ! They'd be lucky to get you, I could write and tell them if you like !
  20. Where's the university babe, and why are you paying a huge shipping fee ?
  21. Aw poor you, that sucks ! Christmas means money in our house LOL, the MIL birthday is 20th, my mum's is the 26th, my daughter's is the 30th and my son's is the 3rd of January AARRGGHH
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