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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Born in 69 and nearly named starshine ( momma was a hippie lol)
  2. We sold our car ( his baby, the 1977 corvette boy toy) and bought a proper car ( four doors and a boot and everything ) so we now have room for kids dogs and shopping yay !
  3. I think you need to be very blunt and direct, make it clear that there is no relationship between you, that you don't want a relationship with him, that you don't want him to contact you any more, if he knows where you work make sure everyone there is aware of the situation, the last thing you want is him turning up and making a fool of himself (or you) . Some people just can't take a telling, they think your kidding or playing hard to get or just wrong, and that they know better. As has been said, keep all messages, keep a note of every time he calls, if he comes to your work make sure you don't talk to him alone, have someone else in the room, and call the cops if he carries on. He might be the greatest guy in the world but he's pushing waaay to hard. ( he's lucky your not my daughter, we would already have had a `chat ` I can be very insistent with a 2 x 4)
  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this sort of thing, couple of years ago we did a Shakespeare day at my kids school and I printed out dozens of Elizabethan insults and put then all over the school. Lol we had parents phoning up wondering what the heck their kids were saying.
  5. Once again displaying my ignorance of modern music, who are they lol
  6. I'm a little confused, don't get me wrong, I still think he's a knob, but why did you sell his camera ? Did he ask you to ? I get that you paid for it but if it was his you kind of shot yourself in the foot. It's a horrible situation and obviously very difficult for both of you, to live in the same house after a relationship is over is almost impossible, and you have both been doing it for weeks now. It sounds like he really wants you out now, almost as much as you want out. All I can say is keep your chin up babe, and your head down ( It doesn't make sense but you know what I mean) karma is a bitch and I hope she pees all over him !!
  7. We do, only instead of hard time they play Xbox, jail is a joke to kids that do stuff like this, they know the law better than their legal aid lawyers and know every loophole and dodge, in and out !
  8. I'd like to shove that air rifle where the sun don't shine !!!
  9. sarahjng

    Poor Skye

    My girl Freyja isn't the only bitch in our house LOL. There are also some very interesting websites you can sign him up for as well, every one's now thinking dating etc, but for maximum enjoyment you need to think outside the box, or know someone like me, Think ....... train spotters, model train lovers, tea spoon collectibles, barbie lovers, there are a million weird websites you just need to be creative !
  10. sarahjng

    Poor Skye

    Ideas for annoying the knob AFTER you leave. 1. Sew prawns into curtain hems 2. Sprinkle cress onto carpets 3. Unpick seams on the bum of his trousers I have a seam ripper I can post you !
  11. sarahjng

    Poor Skye

    I vote you have a party when you get rid of Rob the knob FINALLY
  12. My daughter has suggested mally kiss kennels, as there's nothing quite like them and each one is unique ( we are part owned by a 12 week old puppy !)
  13. No you don't lol it smells going in and coming out, makes me heave and the OH thinks it's funny to sniff the bag and smile !
  14. Poor girl, I tore all the ligaments in my ankle a few years ago unbelievably painful, so I can totally sympathize.
  15. sarahjng

    How Much

    NOOOO now I'm gonna have it stuck as well !!!
  16. Hi Dan, if you take a look at the toy/product sub-forum there's a few threads on there about trackers, if you find a good cheap one let us know !
  17. sarahjng

    Wisdom Tooth

    ICE CREAM, JELLY, RICE PUDDING , back to the nursery !
  18. Thank you, not something I've tried before.
  19. sarahjng

    Wisdom Tooth

    OUCH ! sounds painful, (even more painful when the dentist gives you the bill)
  20. There is a place in heaven, it's called the husky camp Where huskys go to run and play Jump puddles and get damp There's sand pits just for digging And trees for sniffing too no one to say come on or hush there's room to howl and woo The sun shines all year long there and shady spots abound achy legs and old age gone They all can run around And when you get to heaven If you've been very good the gates to camp will open just like you knew they would Hope you like it
  21. First of all, stop being an idiot. Your dog was attacked, it's head was in a pitts MOUTH ! anything you have to do, you do. It's very simple, you did not over react, morally you did nothing wrong, legally you did nothing wrong. Second, yes you may have pinned the dog, but that's a lot less than you could have done, if you had wanted to, be honest, you could have seriously harmed it couldn't you ? BUT you didn't, because even in the split second you had to react, your still a dog lover. I will be honest, I'm not sure I could have shown the same restraint, so don't beat yourself up about it, you did the right thing, glad Ralph's ok now and well done Maya for staying !
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