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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Don't get me wrong, I love the sound of music but as his usual stuff is Amon A math and Iron Maiden....... it's a little different lol I thought mine was the only odd one ! Now there's a guy who loves his chocolate !
  2. I love him but he's so weird ! Brett is eating stupidly expensive Swiss choccies ( an end of semester gift) and singing EIDELWEISS !! ( Badly lol)
  3. LOL been there, I use a kindle it takes forever to type out stuff. When it comes to raw feeding Sid wolf is a GODESS, and I will be honest, if I hadn't found HOs, my boy would still be eating crap so yay ! If he's eating all sorts and he's happy with his diet, it could be boredom, have you tried changing your washing powder, maybe he literally likes the taste ?
  4. Everyone has the right to their own beliefs, no one has the right to say "your faith is wrong " and yet they do. As a child I was a Christian, Sunday school, girls club at church, my grandmas been a deacon/elder since before I was born. And none of that stopped me from following my own path, ( no I haven't told my grandma, she's 93 if she realised I now pray to a woman I think she'd have a heart attack !) Public areas are all very well but even there care should be taken, a couple of months ago there were stalls set up outside my local shopping centre and a big group of followers of Islam were shouting that theirs was the only holy book that counted, that anyone else was a none believer and would burn in hellfire for eternity, they were calling for sharia law in England. They were really getting in people's faces and made a kid cry, that's not spreading the word of God, that's trying to force it down other people's throughts.
  5. Hey Sarah, I can't help much with the sock thing, but a strong leave command would probably help, as for raw feeding, we've only been doing it for a few months so I don't think I should be giving anyone advice, but I noticed you didn't mention bones, does your boy eat chicken wings etc ? There's a few raw guides in food and diet that have been a godsend for me. And there's loads of members who have been there and done that and worn the T-shirt, I'm sure someone will reply who can actually give you some advice, good luck
  6. Welcome to the pack, we have a ten week old mally, so hope to see lots of pics of kovu (love the name btw )
  7. Quick update, gave them a call and spoke to a very helpful lady, I asked if she adds supplements, I think she was a little insulted ! Anyway long conversation short, nothing is added to their mince, it's just meat, bone and offel, Will be getting a sample pack shortly so we will see.
  8. Well done you, you faced your fear and kicked it's butt ! As for my fear, I used to be terrified of spiders, throw up screaming fit terrified, when I had kids I decided I didn't want them to be scared so I hid it, a couple of years later Brett got his first tarantula, at the end we had 32, yes 32, and I could hold and handle most of them.
  9. Sounds like you had a great day. Congratulations on the win
  10. £125 a month ? #@!$©%¢ that's less than my weekly rent ! Good luck !
  11. Not yet as I haven't left them, but I probably would. Before went on holiday I did look at kennels, I found one that has a private webcam for your dog that you can access at all times through the internet. ( still couldn't leave him and found a dog allowed cottage instead !)
  12. Perhaps it's time licenses were brought back, all dogs have to be chipped by 2016, what about owners ?
  13. LOL he was there, that's annoying enough with most boys ! As for for belly piercing, don't hold your breath, kirsty started at 13 as well, until at 15 she hit me with the big guns, " my body is my own and you always said no one can tell me what to do with it" my own words thrown in my face ! Having a smart kid sucks, she knows I was talking about child abuse NOT piercings. Oh just a thought, if she has got aspergers, ask for an IQ test, aspergers kids often have a high IQ so they need more school support.
  14. Regardless of what they say she will have a normal life, aspergers won't stop that, she will find friends who will appreciate her honesty. As for her comment in london, WAS the boy annoying ? If he was then she should make it clear his behaviour isn't acceptable. ( when my kids were little, if we were polite and held a door for someone and didn't get a thank you we would say a very loud ` your welcome ` it's a polite way of telling someone there a rude git. As for the whole BJ thing, I don't know but it scares the he'll out of me, kids are doing more at a much younger age, at 13 I knew what it was but wouldn't have dreamt of doing it !. If you decide to let her go ahead and get a belly ring, I can recommend a really good place in Camden where I took my girl, strict on ages, hygiene etc, and really good at explaining everything. Still, you've got a while to make that decision. Poor Abbie, that's hard for such a little one, at least if you know you can start to deal with it (kirsty has IBS, much fun during GCSEs !) hopefully you will find the right and wrong foods for her fairly quickly. So what's the new job ?
  15. Agreed, but some of the stuff their offering is really hard to get hold of locally, if I do use them I will probably end up adding bits that are particular favourites. It's all about trial and error at this point, my boy loves his chicken and beef, liver makes him sick, and he won't touch trotters or kidneys ! ( he always manages to find room for sardine ice pops or Apple cookies though)
  16. No No No, no tears now, Brooke`s 13 now ? I don't want to scare you BUT ..... At 13 my girl came home and said she wasn't going to be friends with a classmate anymore, I asked why (stupid stupid stupid !) She told me quite bluntly that she was a " bit of a tramp" becouse " she gave some boy, NOT her boyfriend a blowjob in the park" I nearly fell off my chair ! At 16 she's had her belly pierced and is one of only two girls in her circle able to still wear white to get married. At 18 she plans to get a tattoo, And you thought the assessment was something to worry about
  17. From what it says, the packets of minced meats have an 80/10/10 mix, no supplements are listed they also sell bones, chicken wings/necks etc, will be giving them a call tomorrow and if it checks out I might try their starter pack, watch this space for updates lol
  18. Good luck for tomorrow, I hope you get the answers you need. Worrying about your kid is the worst, all you want is to make it better, ( worn the T-shirt on that one to a holey grey mess !) Just remember no matter what they say she has one huge advantage over other kids......... YOU !
  19. sarahjng


    As long as they say it on their knees lol
  20. sarahjng


    Congratulations, well deserved. Don't ban him, let him come in, wander around, browse a while, and slip something expensive with a security tag on it into his pocket, I hope your guards are VERY LARGE and ENTHUSIASTIC.
  21. sarahjng

    Mortgage Etc

    Here's a better idea, win the euromillions, build a huuggeee house with acres of space and husky proof fencing ( along with guard towers, floodlights and steak distractions ) right next to a certain persons puny little home, remember to plant giant mature trees along the property line, then fill them with birds to poop all over his garden. Seriously, well done you, taking charge of it all
  22. Not really our area, we're near the arsenal stadium, but thanks for the offer. Our boy has been on raw for about 5 months now and he's doing really well, seems to have calmed him down a lot as well, so win win as far as he's concerned, ( went on holiday last month to a VERY small village and the butcher fell in love with him, kept handing me goodies, lump of rib eye steak bear loved, the pigs trotter he wouldn't even lick ! ) Our girl is just 10 weeks and we have just started her on raw, we figured we might as well after she went for his dinner for the third time and finally got hold of a chicken wing ( note to self, puppy teeth are SHARP ! )
  23. sarahjng


    Can't be your fault, it's hissing it down in london as well !
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