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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Can you have a pretty garden and a husky ? Is that even possible ? Bears like this with anything that moves across the floor, brooms, mops, carrier bags, bits of paper, leaves ! LOL
  2. She barely looks like the same dog, whoever is responsible for her condition should SUFFER !! You have done an amazing job with her, she looks so happy
  3. Been there, done that, had the arguments, felt really bad, finally decided to stop banging my head on a brick wall and simply stopped taking Bear to the park where I was getting grief. Feel much better now lol. Worse culprits are older men I find, especially when bear pulls, I've even had men grab the lead to "help" me
  4. have to admit, most of it goes over my head as well, although I know my son plays steam games a fair bit. Team fortress 2 is a current fac ( I think that's steam lol) and I know he's mentioned gerrys mod, no clue why lol. He's going to the insomnia festival over the August bank holiday, are you going ?
  5. Book, I want pie mash and liqueur !!!
  6. I think I'm going from recreational husky owner to everyday husky owner, and I have no interest in conquering my addiction ! LOL @ Andy for the hot fuzz !
  7. First of all, I'm very jealous I wish I was another 2 inches, (or 4, or 6, anything would help lol) I won't start moaning your only a size 14, because what I think doesn't matter a damm, what you think matters, and your not happy ! Like you I have tried the DVD route and when there's no one there to encourage you and no one to report back to its really easy (at least for me) to loose your motivation. So what about doing something together ? We could each exercise and report/moan/commiserate to each other. Work out some healthy meals and snacks that won't cost a bomb, and be honest if we cheat even a little (I will cheat lol) I'm willing if you are
  8. She's soooo tiny ! Me want !!!!!
  9. What a stunner, truly wolf like !
  10. It sounds like there's loads of support on here for you, I'm not trying to be personal but how big are you ? Not how big do you think you are, or how big do you feel, but how tall are you, stones and pounds, and dress size. It's hard when your unhappy about the way you look, (been there done that !) And you sound a bit, dare I say depressed, have you been to the Des ? They might be able to help. Some on here have offered to go through your diet with you, what about making it a regular thing ? Do you have Skype ? Face to face is sometimes easier, what about starting a diet club on the forum ? I'd sign up for that ! I will say it load (but not proud lol) I'm 5ft2, 13st 11, my new jeans are a size 20, and since getting bear I've lost nearly 2 stone, so I was really pushing the boat, (my personal downfall is coke !) I am possibly the laziest person on the planet, so if you want an ear to moan in, mines usually free.
  11. I had the basic kindle keyboard for ages, and it was great, yes you need a light but Amazon do a leather cover with one built in so that covers both your queries, I haven't tried the paperwhite but I think it's almost the same as the kindle fire (the Ereader bit anyway) and yes you can get some glare on the screen, I've only ever found it to be an issue in really bright direct sunlight but changing the angle of the kindle and/or myself usually fixes that. Have you considered the kindle fire ? I love love love mine, take it everywhere use it for everything lol. Games movies, Skype, internet, it does have all the bells and whistles
  12. Never been with 3 but wouldn't touch them with a bargepole after they called me up and asked for my credit card number so they could send me the contract phone I never applied for, 20 minutes of bullying later I hung up only to find the asshat had called me and wouldn't disconnect the call !#@!# ! Anyway, have you tried o2 ? Been with them for years and never had a problem, me, the other half, the kids, my mum lol, all on PAYG but for £12 ish a month all our calls and texts are free to each other, saves a fortune with the kids (and me yakking to my mum !)
  13. Happy Birthday :cake: I can't believe how different he looks ! Like a totally different dog
  14. Just a thought, if you fancy meeting up while your in london, let me know, might be fun.
  15. Don't know where Odins gone as I can't view the content lol
  16. Happy Birthday Indi-dog :cake: Big thank you to Sid for a warm welcome, a much needed cup of tea and Bears New collar, (which he seems to love !) Her dogs are beautiful and look like proper huskys ! Unlike Bear who I am becoming convinced is a whole new breed I'm calling a yetimute. ( part husky, part malamute all yeti lol)
  17. Looks like it might last, where and how much, if you don't mind me asking ?
  18. Totally agree, I believe because of my own experiences, as toddlers both my kids chatted with friends I couldn't see, and I have predicted 6 different pregnancies, (not my own lol) I think this would be a pretty boring world if there were no mysteries left. Is it actually sleep paralysis stormy, have you been checked out for narcolepsy ?
  19. Good luck with everything, and don't forget planes and trains go both ways, you can always come back to Blighty for holibobs
  20. Buy it ? You can have mine for free, I can even throw in a sweetener lol Looking at what you eat it's a very healthy diet your eating, you like pasta so maybe pasta with some heavier cream sauces, instead of a yoghurt a full fat milk pudding, I used to have a recipe for an old fashioned posset, if I can find it will send it to you. The thing is, you want to put on weight but you don't want to be unhealthy, no can do because healthy foods, the sort your eating now with your level of exercise won't put any pounds on, your porridge ? Instant or made with full fat milk ? Do you add a little sugar/jam/honey ? You can add calories all sorts of places.
  21. My boy shows his teeth slot as well, except when I get the toothbrush out, then his lips are glued shut !
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