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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Oh poor Noah, and poor you, running to the vets right before Christmas! Hope everything goes well, let us know when you know!
  2. Lol take a cushion and sit on the top step, in fact, take a cushion and a book!
  3. It probably is fear related, you could try baby steps. Put your chair right outside the door and sit and relax, just sit don't call her, if she comes over to see what your doing, great, if not, don't worry. Huskies are nosy, eventually she will want to know why mum is outside, don't make a big deal about it but if she comes out say hello. If she sits or whatever she gets a treat, the next day you can move your chair a little further away, same thing. Make sure she sees you going in and out so she knows your coming back. To humans you were gone a week, to a dog it was an entire year ! I try to think of my two as drama queen/diva teenagers I think it helps me understand them lol.
  4. He's gorgeous What a wonderful Christmas your going to have !
  5. This sucks, so sorry babes, let's hope karma is wearing studded boots when she kicks them in the crotch ! This may sound a bit odd, but did you actually have a wedding reservation at one of the big hotels ? If so it might be worth contacting them, perhaps you could get some money knocked off or a free upgrade, along the lines of, we may have to cancel our dream wedding as they stole our money, been saving for years, only ever wanted to get married at your hotel etc etc, I don't suppose either of you are ex forces, as I know there are some massive discounts in the states for veterans.
  6. If you paid with a credit card I'm fairly certain you can claim from them, visa/MasterCard etc all have regulations where you can claim it back and they chase the company for the money.
  7. My boys like this, he likes to be outside, my girl prefers it indoors, I think it's a personal thing. As long as he can come in when he wants he should be fine, although I will say keep an eye on the weather, we have a balcony right by the bedroom and he sleeps out there most nights (I leave the door ajar and huddle like an Eskimo all night lol) but a favourite trick is to wait until he's completely soaked when it rains, THEN come in jump on the bed and shake, usually at 3am !!!!
  8. Well, I went, I couldn't understand a word, it killed my eardrums and it was brilliant. Seeing these young guys put their heart and soul into their music was amazing .... and next time they play, I'm going again ! On stage, headbanging screaming, the whole bit, off stage .. surprisingly polite young boys. I'm very impressed
  9. She wishes, but it was an amazing experience, to walk with a wolf with no bars or fences, the rules were if the wolf approached you then you could touch, if not then tough lol. She was lucky enough that he came straight over, nudged her and then stood next to her and waited to be worshipped.
  10. Found the photo of her with ` her ` wolf lol!
  11. Well done Liv, adoption is a great idea. We visited a wolf sanctuary a couple of years ago and got up close and personal with a wolf. My girl adopted him the same day.
  12. I'm probably spelling mikasa wrong, but they are anime characters, when they first told us zukos name, my girl thought of Danny from grease, my son of anime, he was right !
  13. We have to come and visit, I want a Nobel hug ! And I want to meet your big boys
  14. Lol apparently the bully, mikasa, is all gooey over `her` New baby zuko. The bed zuko is in is hers but he sleeps there as well, aww
  15. As most of you know, NOBELHOWLUC49 is the forever mum to two of our puppies, I have been lucky enough to stay in touch with the rest of the new families as well, so I thought I would post up a few of the pictures I've been sent. All the puppies seem to be happy and healthy, and I can't ask for more than that.
  16. I can't believe how fast they are growing ! I still miss my babies, but those big boys can't possibly be the tiny puppies you took home ! What ARE you feeding them ? Tell the truth, they sleep in a grow bag don't they ?
  17. The way I see it you have two separate problems, demon crying is one, the neighbours are another. I can't help much with barking but I have an idea for the neighbours. Print out a little letter from demon, put the cutest picture of him on it and make it from HIM, e.g hello my name is demon, I'm 9 weeks old I miss my mummy and sometimes I get scared when my human family have to go out, I'm sorry if I'm a bit noisy I will try to be a good boy. Perhaps put your mobile number with it and ask people to call if he's really upset, I know it's a bit manipulative but if you can make them like him it might help. As for the old man downstairs, next time you see him, stop him, ask if demons been crying, ask his advice, maybe take DEMON down to meet him, anything to break the complaint cycle. You don't say how old he is, but if he's 70 plus, try saying `I won't hit my dog, but... spare the rod and spoil the child`. It's a phrase someone of that age will understand and usually approve of. I am lucky in that I am home all day, but when we first got bear I took him round to my immediate neighbours and introduced him, I apologized in advance for any crying, and they fell in love with him and even now two years later I still ask occasionally if the noise bothers them.
  18. Sad to say, we have a fairly strict routine for Christmas, we go to my mum's every year, and so does my Nan. She's nearly 95 and pretty set in her ways, so everything is done to her timetable, ( we did try to change it around one year, she moaned until March and every year she `reminds` us of it lol) It's church, Turkey, Christmas pudding, THEN presents, then afternoon tea with Christmas cake, then nibbles, then more tea, then she goes home !!!!! Edited as I read it and it looks like we go to church lol, she's a deacon, our house is a combination of pagan and atheist !
  19. sarahjng

    Awful Dream :(

    I've had a few bad ones over the years, but my worst time was after I watched a movie called saviour (I think) two or three nights every week for about six months I would replay one scene in my dreams, woke up gasping and terrified. I'm not going to go into details because the last time I did it triggered another round of let's scare the CRAP out of Sarah. All I will say is it's not a horror, more true to life, and to be honest, that's more frightening to me every time
  20. Haven't heard of nightcrawler, but I have watched the hunger games, and the change in focus is down to following the story, not the gossips lol. I can tell you how it ends if you like
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