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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. What about home made dog treats ? Cupcakes for humans, liver cookies or something something for the important ones ! Raffles are great, but Tombolas are easier, all the work can be done before hand. Will your dog be with you ? If so why not run a guess the dogs weight ? Comp, prize could be an hour's playtime with you and said dog, tell them they can experience a little slice of husky heaven. Have you been in touch with your local businesses ? Especially those pet focused ? Ask if pet shops will donate a collar, groomers a voucher for a bath & blow dry, Ask your local dry cleaners if they will donate a voucher for pet hair removal on a suit or something. Probably a long shot but if you know any brand new litters you could run a guess the name or buy a name comp, Sorry can go a little overboard with this sort of thing lol Oh, what about husky shaped or bone shaped cookies ?
  2. Ha, we used to use expensive stuff the vet recommended, had to switch and tried pedigree chum, tummy settled and his butt dried right up !! Thinking of switching to raw, it's the calculations that scare me a little, getting the right mix is important, and I don't want to cock it up
  3. You do babe, I just did a search of dog education for kids and found www.deltasocietyaustralia.com.au. they run a similar programme, found one in D.C as well, problem is people don't know and schools don't ask or look,
  4. Tell me about it, he has taken himself from 3 meals a day down to 2, (ignoring breakfast) but he's still getting the same stuff, I have thought about putting him on adult food even though he's only just over 8 months, he's pretty big for his age. When is the best time to do that ?
  5. Sounds like bear the last few days, turns his nose up at his food and normal treats, but will wolf down chicken or sausages no problem ! I think the dogs are simply smarter than us, if I had the choice I would go for sausages as well
  6. Poor sasha, this sort of thing makes me so mad, dogs have rights too !! Another dog owner (who should have known better) approached bear from behind yesterday and then moaned when he went from sitting at my side to jumping up, another owner told him off while I calmed bear but it took 15 minutes to settle him properly. ( trying to teach him that even when we're in the park sometimes he has to sit quietly) Blue cross run an education programme for kids, how to approach a dog etc, I think it should be mandatory in every school, cub pack, youth group in the country, (probably most adults could do with it as well)
  7. sarahjng


    This might sound like a silly question, and I don't know much about bipolar disorder, but you say your maxed out on meds but still depressed, could it be you need a different cocktail of drugs ? Might be worth asking your psycho-pharmacologist. Also, have you thought about trying something like aromatherapy ? DO NOT stop taking the drugs ! But certain smells do help when stressed or depressed, for me it's vanilla and coconut rum, visualisation helps as well. Please don't think that I'm taking what you are going through lightly, I'm not, digging your way out of a depression is a long slog, but it starts with a baby step, if you can find one little thing that makes you smile or laugh each day it's a start. This is going to sound awful but sometimes, sometimes I like to visualize horrible things happening to the mean people around. The guy that pushed aside on the stairs, I imagine him bending over and his pants splitting, the snotty woman at the vets who moaned my big rough dog was too close to her precious ? I imagined her reaction when precious piddles in her handbag ! I bet at least one of those got a twitch if not a mini grin, and now I think I need some meds ! Good luck babe
  8. IF, if they manage to survive 20 years, ( even cons in segregation can be got ! ) no parole board or home sec will ever want to be known as the one who released these animals !
  9. LOL I started out using a gentle puppy shampoo from the vets, that lasted two shampoos until I switched to one called Dirty Beastie, for filthy dogs ! Bear seems to need a bath every week or so, of course his love of lying down in mud and splashing in dirty puddles might have something to do with it !
  10. Reading is like breathing !! I love my kindle and very rarely buy a bookbook now, last one was the final part of the wheel of time, if anyone like a truly epic LOTR style series this is it. I will read almost anything, shifters by Shelley laurenston to scarecrow by matthew Reilly, to vampires in the argenou series, they're not traditional but they are fun. I like to read several at once as well, especially when I'm far-reaching them ( I do that a lot ! )
  11. EWWWW !!! This is why I love my kindle
  12. Good luck to you both, crossing bits I didn't know I had
  13. She looks so pretty ! I want one, I want one.
  14. It's now been confirmed it was a soldier, his family have been informed.
  15. This is horrific, got a friend over there, got straight on the phone to make sure her lot are all accounted for, I don't understand why they can't confirm if he's a squaddie, it shouldn't take this long surely. Either way my prayers go out to his family, no one deserves to die like that, no one.
  16. I think I'm more confused than ever ! If the two rings just meet when it pulls tight how looses is it at rest ? Looking at the picture of the chain can't they wriggle out ? I have spoken to a couple of my local pet shops about this but they seemed to know less than I did !
  17. It seems people go from one extreme to the other, I wish schools (or parents ! ) would teach kids on how to approach a dog, screaming SNOWDOG ! And running at them is not the way, it annoys me when parents stand there and frown at me when I tell their kids they should ask if they can say hello, it's like they think they have the right to touch my dog because he looks cute and cuddly, he is, but he's still an animal and he has rights too ! Sorry rant over
  18. sarahjng


    I know I'm an old worryguts, but please tell me you've told your parents, the police, someone who can help you out a little, how old is this guy anyway ? A year or two older than you or really old like me ?
  19. sarahjng


    Well done for A, being observant and B, smart enough to report it ! As for carrying something just be careful what you carry. Mace/pepper spray illegal, perfume, hairsprays and deodorant are all legal. Knife illegal, LARGE HEAVY spare dog chain legal, because they are things not made to harm ( like mace or a six inch lock knife !) I would suggest a loud rape alarm but some of them can freak a dog out, good luck !
  20. Can you find out who her social worker is ? They might be the best person to start with, although if they consider it a suicide attempt she should be on a 72 hr psych hold, Is it council or private ? If it's private I doubt if the landlord would want her back, can you find out ?
  21. sarahjng


    Monsters and men ? Sounds like metal to me going to look that up ! Well defiantly not metal just listened to mountain sounds, it's a lovely song, sort of artic hillbilly hillbilly.
  22. Good luck with that, we have had a couple of horrendous neighbours, one the police took care of with a fully armed team, sniffer dogs and the fire brigade ( they were dealing drugs and poured petrol down the stairs when the cops arrived !) The other only left to go on the run after being bailed for criminal damage to our front door and my O.H s car, I have never seen him that angry, the gas guzzler is his baby !
  23. sarahjng


    Best looking the guy from Iceland, no idea what the song was about but he had long blonde hair so I don't really care !
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