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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. sarahjng

    Poorly Son.

    Sitting in A & E is a nightmare, at least you know he's going to be ok. As for kicking the bed...... you could always give him a little bell to call you lol. ( My nan KINDLY gave one to my kids years ago, and even though it keeps getting lost, somehow they manage to find it !)
  2. Heard it before, but still love it !
  3. No it's not mange or mites, as I said he's been seen by the vet, got meds, and been checked since, I think the vet would have noticed and mentioned mange, especially as he knew I had another dog and a puppy in the house. He is so improved its crazy (piccy) even has fur growing back.
  4. Is there any home that's safe for puppies without supervision ? Lol perhaps if you clear out a room, put seam free metal everywhere, no Windows, wires, steps, toys you might, might have a puppy safe room, good luck with that lol
  5. Can't you lie, just a little ? We fibbed to get my son into his primary school, told them a family friend who already went there was my boys cousin. Schools put an awful lot of emphasis on `retaining the familial bond ` nowadays, especially if you say they have a close friendship as well as a blood bond. ( DO NOT do this if the only kid you know if a juvenile delinquent lol)
  6. I am so happy that our unlucky puppy will get to spend his life with you guys. I know Mark loved nave, and you wanted howler from the start, but I also know that lucky stole a little piece of your heart when you came up, now it looks like he gets to keep it forever. Letting the puppies go has been very hard, worse than the first day of school hard, and I know everyone has promised to keep in touch, but ..... At least these two I KNOW will be happy, I KNOW they will be loved.
  7. MARCH ! Flippin hell, I would be a basket case waiting that long. I changed my mind, good luck to you ! It's so hard to adjust as they get older and there's less and less you can do.
  8. Good luck to him ! How long do you have to wait before you find out ?
  9. I'm only on two forums now, this and rear party, on there I'm sarahjng, as it was drummed in to everyone back then about security, seems funny now, but back in the day, in my area my OH couldn't even wear his uniform, and we were both very careful who knew he was army. Now people put it on Facebook.
  10. I think it has a nice ring as well ! You could just change it permanently, just imagine that on your bank card and driving licence !
  11. Thanks everyone, they deserve it, at least, she does lol any bride who has all that arranged as a surprise for her hubby deserves a treat !
  12. A really good friend of mine has had her wedding shortlisted for Sussex wedding of the year, please vote for them. Not only are they a lovely couple, but they had to have had the madest wedding on record, I don't know anyone else who's had a candy table, Darth Vader and light sabre battles between storm troopers and the grooms party in full dress uniform ! Lorraine and Colin fairies ( and yes, he still gets stick about his surname, even though he's served in the sand lol) http://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yoursussexwedding.com%2Fwoty4_FurtherRounds.cfm&h=OAQFe_178&enc=AZNQDty3RQPrqPCHnHnQAjEfI2A2XGW9erkEDojAFh1SQiJ9ySvQCT8fulmdDJ5oe5Y&s=1 http://www.yoursussexwedding.com/woty4_FurtherRounds.cfm
  13. Are you sure that's the right amount ? It sounds a bit low to me.
  14. Anyone else watching this ? Love amazon for saving it, just wish they would put the whole series on instead of doing it one episode a week !
  15. I've seen a couple of clips, but tbh, I don't know who most of them are. Good morning Britain are giving it alot of coverage because one of their guys is in this year, so that's about it. It irritates me when people go in and act surprised that they are in a jungle !!! The first year or two, yeah no one really knew, but now ? come on,
  16. Aww, that's so cute, they won't be able to do that for long, Bella already looks a bit squashed !
  17. Whoever it is, I hope they find him soon, the longer we have him the harder it will be to let him go,
  18. That is sooo tempting, but I really believe he's supposed to be somewhere else. I know alot of people will think I'm nuts, (they're right) but I have dreamt about him, he's sitting playing with some bits of card on the floor, pushing them around with his nose, when I look, he's pushed them together and made a picture of a heart. Somewhere out there, someone needs him. Someone with a broken heart
  19. We have a male and a female in our house, and there is a HUGE difference between them. My boy will jump around like a lunatic during playtime, but understands that sometimes he needs to settle. My husband's girl however, is a diva, a diva who loves the sound of her own bark. She will argue with our boy, me, the pups, the wind, I have even caught her barking at the TV. Neither of them has been for that `special` trip to the vets yet, (hence the puppies lol) but that's on the to do list. Will see if there's any changes. I did notice one very big change, when we first got our boy he ate dog food, and he was very hyperactive, even for a husky. After alot of reading and some fantastic advice on here we switched to a raw diet. It took three days and it was like having a different dog in the house, calmed right down.
  20. So all our puppies have now found their forever homes, all except one, our unlucky puppy. He's fallen down the stairs, fallen off the sofa and been stepped on, twice! Once by his furry dad and once by his human dad. Out of all the people who have been here, no one has even considered taking him. I feel so sorry for him, he's a good boy. He comes when he's called, sits on command, eats all his dinner and nearly always hits the puppy pad ! And he's a total cutie, why can't he find his forever home?
  21. LOL sounds like my boy, he's only 2, but if his evening walk goes over an hour he gets the hump ! Comes home, has his dinner then collapses !
  22. Do you enjoy working with the kids ? is it something you would really miss ? If the answer is yes then maybe think a little longer. If it's no, then go for it !
  23. It might sound silly to say, but you need to take care of you too. If you are exhausted you will be no good to Ruth or the dogs. Ten minutes off their walk won't make any difference to them, but does mean you can sit and decompress with a coffee after what sounds like a pretty stressful day.
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