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Everything posted by sarahjng

  1. Good luck to all of you, never mind the coffee, have a brandy, and one for Alpha as well.
  2. Lol I know izzy is a GSD, but you will be getting another husky. It's funny, I usually only make predictions on pregnancy, but I'm pretty sure on this one.
  3. Honestly, I have trouble judging, I know he's a bit bigger than some huskys, but to me he's just Bear, unless he's trying to be a lapdog, when his name strangely changes to big-butt-hairy-monster. Kati can make a judgement, she has a husky, is getting another husky, and has met Bear. (Now all I have to do is figure out how to tag her ) yay me I did it
  4. If they get as big as bear you'll need a block and tackle !
  5. Want to see real puppy crazy ? Offer him boiled chicken !!!
  6. Well done to him and all the other kids who have marched, watched, understood and remembered. I have always felt that remembrance day should be viewed with one eye on the past, the men, women and animals who have fallen, and one on the future, the men, women and animals who will be taken from us in countries and battles far and near.
  7. Lol we're posh in our house, we get to sit on the CARPET, (sometimes, when the dogs let us, if we have treats !)
  8. Aww, they all look cosy. Pup update, our last girl is literally going to live on a farm ! Lol 18 acres, 18 horses, 6 German shepherds, a pinscher, an akita, (and a partridge in a pear tree) she's staying with us till next weekend, so only nave and lucky to find homes for.
  9. I told all our puppies New parents that there was no guarantee of eye colour as it changes, our blacks had really dark eyes, almost no colour at all, yet our reds had green eyes. I can't wait to see pictures in a few months !
  10. Howler already knows what raw smells like, and will jump like a kangaroo if you have a chicken in your hand ! Just watch out for your fingers lol
  11. Congratulations to mum, baby and grandma !
  12. sarahjng


    Lol I'm still at the caveman stage ! ( it's pitiful, I had to ask my son how to stop my digs flooding, his answer, stop digging on a small island !!!)
  13. Ok I don't buy them anything, I DON'T buy them doggie advent calendars, I DON'T buy them special treats for Christmas when we all go to my mum's. My mum and Nan DON'T buy them pressies (the stuff that just appears under the tree is from SANTA !!) And they definitely DON'T get a special dinner ! And my tongue definitely didn't turn green and drop off from all those lies lol
  14. Did you go to discover dogs ? Was it really good ? Should I be jealous lol
  15. Don't care what you eat, as long as you eat something ! Why not get a stash of power bars etc, things that won't make your fingers yukky, and put them by your desk, set an alarm to go off every hour and snack if you really, really don't have time to eat properly, you need to take care of yourself ! P.S don't tell fibs, and don't leave homework until the last minute ( this is where we need a wagging finger, why don't we have a wagging finger lol)
  16. Why not ? What wrong. Going into mother mode here, your just lucky your so far away otherwise you would be shoved into a chair until you eat something ! And yes I have done this with other kids, unless your sick, you eat ( goddess, I sound Italian lol!)
  17. Never mind the dogs, I think it would scare the crap out of me !
  18. When you first got him did you get any information about his previous owner ? Home situation, why he was given up, that sort of thing ?. I don't want to sound like I'm blaming them, but it could be that he did have his own `spot` on their sofa, that no one else ever sat in. It's been a few months, he feels more settled and secure and that he can now claim `his` spot. Teaching him to share his space, as well as allowing him to share yours ( only when invited) might be the way to go. As for the wires thing, I hate to ask, but were there any physical signs of abuse ? Wires, cables, brooms, belts, even coat hangers have all been used to hurt dogs all over the world. You wouldn't be the first owner to suffer for someone else being abusive. We got our girl when she was only 10 or 11 weeks, there were no physical injuries, but she's still terrified of laud bangs and sometimes flinches if you reach out to pet her. I don't know what happened to her before us all we could do is work on getting her to trust us, we're getting there..... slowly.
  19. Time, love, perseverance and the ability to be more stubborn than a mule will all help you. Our boy went through a stage where he wouldn't let anyone touch his food, funnily enough it coincided with us getting a second dog (duh) but we worked on it every day, only food from my hand, learning the leave command (both them and I lol) Bear will still pick up food from the street, we have a kfc nearby and there always seem to chicken bits around, but now he will either drop it or I simply shove my hand in and grab it, gross but necessary. But I no longer fear he will bite me. ( although there have been times he's clamped his jaw shut and run in circles to avoid it !)
  20. Oh Liv, I wish I could snap my fingers and move dime to be with you. But right now, as hard as it is, you have to play the long game, in time you will graduate, find a forever home for YOU, and your boy will come too. Instead of scribbling his name a hundred different ways. Just remember, each word of each essay, each question of each test takes you one tiny step of those nine thousand miles until he is back at your side.
  21. Anyone else hear about the cadet attacked after poppy selling in uniform, apparently some butthead used a spray can and a lighter, I don't know how to do a kinky thing but if you go on Facebook and look up forces tv (or me) you should find it.
  22. LOL freyja had her first in her pen, cleaned it, then shot outside onto the balcony and the second sort of fell out, she broke the cord, gave it a very quick lick and a spit and ran inside to jump on my bed to deliver the rest. There was no keeping her calm or quiet, she did just what she wanted, including eating the placenta (EWWW but good for her) and then throwing it up all over me (double EEEWWWW)
  23. That's fantastic, wish more places did it. On a side note, army v navy tickets go on sale today ! Yay. Anyone else going ?
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