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Everything posted by thehairdresser

  1. I am an expert at cooking with husky fur...I can give u some recipes if you'd like Can anyone recommend any good brushes and also anything to remove the hair from clothing and bedding and cars and furniture etc...x
  2. I've got a furminator and it's cos it is a blade rather than a brush. I'd probably say use it once a day for a week and use an undercoat rake to remove the loose hair straight afterwards. But don't go in too hard or for too long and you should be fine... I think! X
  3. Khaleesi used to eat about half of what the bag said any more and it was awful! She only eats raw now and is fine, but I would try reduc ing the portion size until it firms up. And I would Defo go for a grain free food. X
  4. If I remember rightly shes a similar age to Khaleesi. I get up every morning between 6am and 7am to let her out, she pesters me constantly to play with her. We got her because we wanted to add to our family, we spend all our free time with her. You don't sound like you're spending too much time with her, that's why you got her wasn't it? Also Khaleesi will sometimes have accidents when Tim is "watching" her, she doesn't do it if I'm here! X
  5. It looks like you've done your research as we did, we had both had working dogs before collies retrievers etc. We were upset when we tried the animal shelters and they said no as we had never had a husky before. now I understand why! We crate trained Khaleesi, she watched intently for months and then one day she opened the crate from the inside! Sp we no longer crate her. We're lucky because she's not destructive she only eats underwear. She absolutely doesn't have separation anxiety, however I got her because I needed to slow down in my working life due to health problems so I now have to go home at lunch. We have to be very selective wit with who we trust to walk her as I've spent a few hundred quid on training and one bad walk can undo months of training. Could you ask your uncle to show you how to walk his pit bull? I have to walk Khaleesi on a head collar as she is so strong I can't control her on anything else. You need to make sure you can afford pet insurance. But most importantly you need to make sure the garden is secure, it is not fun chasing a husky down the road because she's opened your front door and chased a cat (true story) Also you are probably going to need to play with the dog constantly when you are home. If you're like me you will perfect the art of typing an assignment with one hand and throwing a ball with the other! These dogs need constant stimulation so you'll need to come up with ways to keep them occupied when you're out. I like to do her a treasure hunt where I hide treats for her or you can get puzzle toys like the Kong but you'll need to use different ones each day or they'll get bored. I actually think you've done lots of research and the only thing I'd suggest is going and meeting some huskies and walking them and playing with them. Because they play ROUGH! And you might want to consider a dog walker for days when you're out for a long time. But good luck! Xx
  6. Khaleesi was sick almost every day on kibble but she was throwing up actual kibble so I don't think its the same thing. We put her on raw food and she's fine now. I'd definitely go and get a second opinion from another vet or go and see a specialist. Poor thing. Hope he's feeling better soon x
  7. I bought a brush from just for pets that is like a furminator but half the price. It's like a clipper blade that cuts out some of the undercoat. This helps loads. I use a wire brush to start, then the undercoat brush and then the wire brush again to get out any loose bits. We do this in the garden!
  8. It's much hotter than usual here at the moment so we're doing 30 mins in the morning and 30 at night although if it's still really hot we might skip the evening walk because she's not too happy in this heat...and neither am I. Today we did about an hour in the woods and I think she had a walk this morning as she was in kennels last night. If you've only just got shadow then maybe you just need to build her up to longer walks. We could walk all day but if I take khaleesi for a 30 min run she's knackered for the rest of the day and shes only 18 months so don't worry too much.
  9. my top tip is to get a wire dog brush and use that to brush the carpets instead of vacuuming, it's much more effective and quite satisfying. Also get a throw for the bed if they sleep on there in the day. Khaleesi is blowing her coat for the 2nd time and it's so much worse than her first one...x
  10. Aw how funny! They like to give you a heart attack when you think they're in the garden but really they've gone up to sleep on the bed
  11. Khaleesi didn't care about it at all, we heard a massive clap of thunder and both woke up, then she pulled herself along on her belly to be closer to the window and went back to sleep. I'm gutted I didn't look out the window cos I heard it was spectacular. Fingers crossed for tonight. It doesn't look too far off here in the midlands. x
  12. We had the same problem when we first got Khaleesi. She had HORRENDOUS worms, mostly threadworms and roundworm, I hope you never have to clean one of those bad boys up! We had to worm her every two weeks for AGES! The other reason is that Huskies don't need much food. Make sure that you feed them a good quality, grain free food, the best quality you can afford. I personally feed mine on raw as she vomits all the time when she is on kibble. She now does lovely little poos that don't smell, unless she's raided the bin I would suggest doing what everyone else has suggested with the rice, and then if you put them back onto kibble play around with the quantity, so keep dropping the portion size down until they are a bit more solid good luck!
  13. Khaleesi does it all the time and I find myself saying "I don't know what you want?!" to her a lot! With general obedience I find that if a deal is mutually beneficial she's all for it, but if she doesn't see what she will get out of it she's not gonna do it...we have to bribe her with food A LOT!
  14. Al's right, there aren't many dogs that could be left with ferrets let alone a husky. It is only a matter of time
  15. Try covering the crate with a blanket so she can only see out through the door, and like someone else said, section it off. Is there any bedding in there? I'd possibly put some bedding in there for her too. Something that is easily washed! Khaleesi was a nightmare to crate train, crying and pulling the catches off the crate so she could get out. We we going to take it down but she loves going in there now for quiet time away from us! Khaleesi used to "go" in her crate a bit but even if she was desperate now she wouldn't do. What you're doing when you're not shouting at her and putting her in the right place for her to go is the definately the right way to go. We gave Khaleesi all her meals in her crate and didn't shut the door at any point, that worked well. You don't S**t where you eat! x
  16. I've got Khaleesi on a Gencom head collar (same as the halti) and she is a dream to walk on it. Be careful cos if I don't give her my full attention for a second if we stop walking, she can get out of it She's kinda used to it now! The other thing I wanted to say to you is I ALWAYS get offered unwanted advice from well meaning strangers. I say well meaning but sometimes they are downright rude. I'm 27 but I look a lot younger than I am, people think that I'm a teenager, and I don't think they realise that Huskies aren't like spainels or labs and require different training, people tell me that I'm really strict because she's a lovely dog, well thats why! The main one I get is, we do not allow her to jump up, and can only have fuss when she's on the lead if she sits nicely. They will go "aw its ok, I've got dogs myself". That isn't the point, the point is that I don't want her to jump on ANYONE. But the main one is that we should let her off lead! My point is, YOU have done your research on the breed. Walking your dog should be enjoyable for both of you, and if you can't handle her on a harness or collar (I can't) the a head collar is the only way. And I find she enjoys it more as she doesn't pull either. Just trust your own judgement and politely tell people where to go if they don't agree with it. x
  17. Khaleesi likes to lie on the patio in the sun, but soon moves into the shade when it gets really hot. she is asleep under the coffee table at the moment.
  18. We fell out with our landlord (my boyfriend's dad) and he kicked us out. Turns out it was because he wanted to sell the house so picked a fight. But even when we were really struggling to find somewhere to live it didn't even cross our minds to get rid of the dog. Although the deposit ended up being a grand because of her! x
  19. I agree about husky proofing the house, it pretty much is, we have baby gate (that she watches intently every time anyone opens them trying to learn how to!) The top two pics happened with me in the room! I'm just interested to see what people do to keep the pups entertained x
  20. We went to see him, I made him a cuppa and then told him I did something bad. As soonas he realised I wasn't pregnant he was. Relieved! I honestly thought he was going to kill me!x
  21. Not to big myself up or anything but I just love this pic x
  22. Not that I'm complaining but she's a keen interior designer!
  23. Just wondering how do people keep their huskies entertained so that they don't tear your house apart? I walk Khaleesi first thing in the morning, sometimes at lunchtime and either Tim or I walk her before tea time. I also play ball with her (seemingly endlessly) We have Kongs when we crate her too. What does everyone else do to keep their doggies mentally stimulated?
  24. If anyone already has a vista print account you sometimes get sent really good discounts on calendars etc. They aren't amazing quality though, my step sis always does one of her son. You might do better to ring a local printer (local to whoever is organising this!) and they might do a better deal/better quality x
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