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Everything posted by thehairdresser

  1. thehairdresser


    The day we took Khaleesi home, 7 weeks
  2. well done! what is it for?? xx
  3. thehairdresser

    How Much

    haha I do that with feet though!
  4. ok as a serial question asker, I'll make more of an effort. In summary, Khaleesi is now so well crate trained that she won't come to bed and insists on being crated , she has had sprats for tea and has legged it down the garden and is thoroughly enjoying going onto raw food. She's not as much of a pain at night anymore so gonna get her fully onto raw eventually, so far though no problems, no diarrhoea or anything. Think the worms have gone and she's been putting on weight nicely. Oh and I've decided to be strong and not listen to nasty old men, criticising my "decision" not to let Khaleesi off the lead. Can't remember what else I have asked. Thanks to everyone who has helped me though, my boyfriend and I seriously appreciate all the advice etc, even if I haven't posted and have just read old threads. x
  5. I was going to ask a similar question cos we went to the dog show at the local rescue centre and saw a few huskies. There was one who was a month younger and while Khaleesi is all legs so she was a bit taller, this pup was quite a lot stockier than her. Her owners have been walking her for 5 mins a day though, which I think explains it as Khaleesi is really active. She weighs about 15kg at 5 months but she's so skinny. Although the vets check her regularly as we pay for a healthcare plan, they say she is perfect. There was one lady feeding her husky donuts though I suppose you just have to get to know your dog and so long as they're not being starved (which mine definately isn't!) I think they'll be fine x
  6. I have health problems, including chronic fatigue, and had managed to build my fitness up to a really good level then I got an inner ear infection which caused severe vertigo. 6 weeks out of action pretty much and the chronic fatigue reared its ugly head. Unfortunately, what is wrong with me is only treated with diet and exercise :( So I put my foot down and said we needed to get the dog asap to help me with my health (haha) I was working too hard and doing silly days and because I am mobile I was booking back to back appointments and not eating either. Now I walk Khaleesi first thing (horrible some mornings as its wedding season meaning early starts!) then crate her with her breakfast and her antler (which is an amazing buy) normally leaving around 9ish, I'm normally back for 12-1ish and we have another little walk then I will go out for another few hours and then come home again. My boyfriend gets home about 6ish so I might go and do a bit more work and he'll normally walk her again. We also have two lodgers who will let her out and have a play with her, but we don't really let anyone walk her besides us. Saying that some days its just me and her all day I start uni in September and I will send her to my dog trainer one day a week, but only because we're soft and feel sad for her being on her own all day. Oh and all the walking and constant ball throwing has improved my health problems no end...and she's such a cheeky monkey, I spend half the day laughing at her x
  7. nothing! I have made some terrible mistakes (and have a vile ex to show for it) but I don't regret anything because my life wouldn't be what it is now... although I sometimes regret starting painting the kitchen when I haven't had time to finish it!x
  8. thehairdresser

    How Much

    I hate it when my clients ask me as sometimes they do it with that "I must be paying you too much" face. But we saved up and didn't get her until we could afford to buy her and her bed, toys, vaccinations and medications etc, insurance and healthcare plan, puppy classes and everything else we needed. My mum was very good and gave us masses of stuff from her dogs, like the crate and baby gates which was brilliant. I get really chavvy lads going "you'll make some money out of her" and I'm thinking "I'm getting her spayed asap as I read a post on here about having pups and realised I couldn't risk losing her. My favourite though was I went to Wellesbourne Market and this gypsy bloke kept trying to buy her from me. Like giving me more than I paid for her would make me sell her! x
  9. my mate's dad has got a lovely cocker (no pun intended) and he has just put her to a poodle. No offence to people who like poodles, but all the ones I know are horrible little things.x
  10. brilliant! Can I just add she is getting more and more striking...gorgeous xx
  11. She's now searching for more chicken! Haha success...hopefully the other end will be ok too! X
  12. Thanks guys, you talked me into it! spent most of the afternoon reading up on it and Khaleesi has got raw chicken for tea...although as soon as we gave it to her she buggered off up the garden so we couldn't take it back off her! Lol. Think we are going to slowly bring her onto a full raw diet, depending on how she gets on with it. X
  13. Yeah I'd seen that mentioned before but didn't realise it was best to leave 12 hours as a gap. Should I feed her red meat too? I think I need to do some research into the raw diet. I think I still want her to eat kibble part of the time for convenience, like when we go away or if someone else has to feed her etc. Thanks x
  14. I'm just wondering what food you guys would recommend I put Khaleesi on, she's on science plan at the mo cos it was on offer at the vets (i know I know) andi knew it was better than iams that she was on from the breeder. I've been looking at taste of the wild and I think that's what most people on here seem to be on. Basically I eat clean, natural, unprocessed food so I want my baby to be on the same sort of thing. Is she too young to go onto raw? Thanks guys x Ps.I live in England
  15. Haha I love the picture of the coyote smacking its face on the fence as it fails to make it over. We're gonna need to raise our fences soon as Khaleesi could make it over the one side now, she just isn't sure yet! My next door neighbour on the one side is douche though and made me get rid of my chickens (as they we're forbidden in the deeds of the house in 1970 something) and while it is no longer enforceable he harassed my landlord (boyfriends dad) so much he couldn't take it anymore. He has mentioned the fence is not to be higher than 6ft on numerous occasions. I think if I threaten the coyote rollers he'd be ok with a bit of trellis! It's only so he can spy on us"you know the paddling pool you got for the dog will kill the grass" "why is there so much smoke coming from the bbq" "the little dog has been crying and I was worried you had hurt her" (that one wasn't our dog nor would we hurt an animal in our care! X
  16. Ps get a decent waterproof jacket...even dying from really bad vertigo I had to take her out or she is unbearable! She went easy on me and kept looking up at me to see if I was ok...lol x
  17. In our local town the dog can go in the bank, carphone warehouse and the key cutting shop...so far Trying to source a "special needs dog in training" jacket from my mate so I can take her anywhere! Xx
  18. Give a quick vacuum, that might help get the dust out of all the nooks and crannie? Ps sorry for your loss.x
  19. Ohmygod I'm in love! How gorgeous! Best way to tell is by feel, google how to body score. Basically, if you can feel their ribs and they go in a bit at the waist but not too ribby they're fine. It works for all dogs. Cos Khaleesi is skinny as anything, she's gaining 1-2kg a week but I think that's all in leg length! But my vets are brilliant and they go on body score not actual weight. X
  20. I would say the weight would be down to the liver flukes, I don't know what they are but they sound nasty? Khaleesi has struggled with really bad worms, but since we've treated her she's piled the weight on. They say you should body score them based on how much rib you can.feel rather than go on their actual weight...google it it might make you feel better. Hope she's feeling better soon...x
  21. Oh and you will never go to the toilet or anything else alone again! Prepare to do everything with a little friend watching... Also don't wear nice clothes, knitwear is a no no...anything you like will be destroyed!x
  22. Khaleesi got attacked by my fella's brother's collie. That was an actual attack, she is a dangerous dog and she had previously bitten their cousin and tried to bite me in the face. Khaleesi was tied up on her 30ft lead in the garden andi thought the brother was watching his dog. But poppy just jumped on her and started ripping at her face. We rushed her to the vets as she was bleeding a lot and have so far paid £140 and as she was so small and it was her eye they couldn't stitch it as there was too much risk from putting her under so she will need an op once she is bigger to remove the scar tissue around her eye so she can blink properly. Tim's brother didn't offer to pay, or even chip in, and hasn't even asked how she is, although I did notice him having a really good look at her eye the other day comparing it to the other one! We haven't said a word about it really, it was shocking at the time and we were upset but we were more concerned about getting her.to. the vet. I know that unless you were being negligent in some way (which I'm.sure you weren't) I'd just put it down to a bad experience and probably be the one reassuring you that its ok cos these things happen! Did they freak out or something? Their dog probably isn't even bothered by now...x
  23. Oh yeah and socialise loads, find nice, vaccinated dogs for them to play with as soon as you get the pup. Introduce them to different people too, I used to carry herinto town before her vaccs so she could get used to people...and our vets did a puppy socialization party too...that was so much fun!xx
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