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Everything posted by thehairdresser

  1. Read the book the puppy listener by Jan fennell. It's a good one. Establish the rules right from day one, you'll feel mean telling a tiny ball of fluff off but the pup will grow so quickly and its easier when they're little. Ignore unsolicited advice, you will get lots of it, just say thank you and go back to doing what you're doing. Find a good puppy training class, Khaleesi is a different dog since she started classes. Most importantly enjoy your puppy and spend lots of time playing and cuddling (as I write this she is sat on my shoulder!) Xx
  2. It was the puppy listener by Jan fennell but there's also the dog listener for older doggies too We met a lovely husky boy and his hackles always go up around any other dog too xx
  3. Khaleesi is the most mental dog I've ever known.she is either asleep or 100 miles an hour...x
  4. Could be mites, there's a type can make them smell horrible...give her a bath n if there's no change take her to see the vet x
  5. Could be mites, there's a type can make them smell horrible...give her a bath n if there's no change take her to see the vet x
  6. Get some febreeze or the washing liquid you wash your clothes with to clean the smell out as even carpet cleaners don't always get the scent out. Saying that we are still struggling but she's getting better. X
  7. Also dogs find it difficult to read certain dogs body language and facial expressions, particularly boxers as they are all chest and look like they are being aggressive all the time. That isn't a reason for them not to be friends though, just be cautious x
  8. It's to make herself look bigger to avoid being attacked. Although sometimes their hackles can go up when they're enjoying themselves too...according to the book I read today x
  9. Dave Shaw at wits end kennels is our puppy trainer and he's great with Khaleesi. And he does the option of training while they are there if u want. Just google Dave Shaw dog training x
  10. Have a look on the comparison sites for prices but make sure that it has life time cover so that it covers you every year in case of long term illnesses like arthritis n diabetes etc. My mum's rescue dog was on solid food (and wrong food) from far too young n she has really bad allergies. She's insured so she get all the medication she needs, which at one point was £1000 a month! Her friend has the brother who has the same problems and isn't insured so doesnt get the care he needs x
  11. Didnt mean to hit send then! One thing though, if you've only had him for 5 days he may still be a bit unsettled, it can take a little while. I would definitely find a good quality natural food, I'm sure there's a thread somewhere on here. Good luck! X
  12. Khaleesi had terrible worms when we got her and barely ate anything, so might be worth worming him, make sure you give the right amount of wormer for his size and I always watch her to make sure she's eaten it all. But little and often is definitely the key. She still doesn't eat much to be fair but is gaining weight as she should so we've been told not to worry, even though she's skinny as a rake. One thing though,
  13. Thank you guys, we were thinking of spending an afternoon walking down the canal, stopping at the pubs along the way, think we could shorten the route a bit and have longer stops and she'll be fine. Yeah we play fetch for hours on end and do bits of training, but maybe make her do a couple of commands at a time or she gets bored. I thought she was asleep by my feet until I just heard her barking, she's destroyed my electric toothbrush, the little sod!x
  14. The guy who runs the puppy class we go to says you should imagine an old man has pinched your bottom in the post office queue and tell them off using the tone you would use for him! It's slowly working, although I find Khaleesi nips at me in the morning cos she wants to go for a wee, and when she thinks she should have lunch, cheeky monkey! Good luck x
  15. Fish4dogs fish skins are great as a big treat after, wainwrights do some natural bone things that are good. If you search online you can make small treats by crushing and reforming his food into smaller treats.x
  16. Hi guys, Khaleesi is now 16 weeks old (and enormous!) And my question is how long should she be walked for? I've heard its 5 mins for every month but if I only took her out for 20mins a day I think she'd be unbearable. I probably take her for 20 mins 3 times a day or longer less times, but she's never shattered when we get home, just a bit tired. We will walk into town sometimes which is about 5 mins walk but we might be out for an hour or so but not really walking that whole time, most of it is spent stopping so people can fuss her and give me advice! Haha Cheers x
  17. Aw good luck with him. Cant wait to see pics of him...x
  18. Had a horrible evening, and defo sticking to our guns with the lead now. My boyfriend's brother has a collie who we've always been cautious of. Had Khaleesi on a 30ft lead tied up in their garden (cos it's not enclosed) and she attacked my baby. She's ok but has split her eye and we've got to take her for stitches tomorrow. Luckily her sight is fine. The collie used to live with us and tried to bite my face once. We were watching so closely but the collie just pounced from metres away. Defo not letting my girl get like that x
  19. Thanks, think we just needed reassurance that we are doing the right thing. I'd be heartbroken if anything happened to my baby! He said he could tell she was our first dog! We've both always grown up with dogs. X
  20. We got chatting to a very nice man when we were out walking in the woods earlier and as these people do, he decided to give us some advice with letting her off the lead. When we said we weren't going to let her off (possibly in an enclosed space when we trust her) he practically said we were cruel. We've got a 30ft lead and plan to get longer ones as she grows and as we find suitable places to take her. I also plan to run with her as she gets bigger and needs more exercise. What do you guys think? Thanks x
  21. Just wanted to say thanks for the advice, we've cracked the crate now, it's her little safe haven n she loves it. Xx
  22. You're going to have to keep us posted on how you're doing. Best thing to do is download a food diary n write in it as you eat (not at the end of the day) then u can see if you're going wrong anywhere. Good luck x
  23. I eat clean and lean (google it) best thing I ever did. Nothing processed, nocaffeine (except green tea), no refined sugars and no alcohol (most ppl stick to gin n vodka if they do drink. I have chronic fatigue and it's the perfect lifestyle for anyone with health problems ans the best part is its not a diet it's a lifestyle. My weekly foodbill is about £20, my boyfriend who buys rubbish spends double that. And I make meals for my freezer when I have spare time, for those nights when I can't be bothered. You're encouraged to have a cheat meal once a week as this kick starts the metabolism and also stops you falling off the wagon. I lost 2 stone and have kept it off for about 3 years, my mum lost 3.5 stone. Good luck with it all xx
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