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Everything posted by thehairdresser

  1. You can always send them up here! They sound lush! Good luck xx
  2. I've got until Wednesday to wait now and I'm going mad! Hoping the biting will stop once she can go out.x
  3. thehairdresser


    The directions colours are the best...they do a gorgeous bright orange called mandarin which you could fade out by mixing a small amount with conditioner to make it pastel. Just go with what you like bes but brighter colours last better if you use vegetable dyes like directions or crazy colour x
  4. Thanks guys. The vet did say she might be sick. She was really greedy when we got her (probably because of the worms) and we're supposed to be giving her 100g of dry food 3 times a day but she's just not eating anywhere near that much. She's still so lively and active and is putting on around a kilo a week, so I think it's ok, well she's trying eat my arm as I'm writing this. She's got her second jabs next week so I'll ask then. Thanks for all your help x
  5. Hi guys My poor Khaleesi has had really bad worms. When we wormed her we found a rather large round worm (which made my boyfriend scream!) And then after a few days of nothing I noticed there were loads of baby ones. Took her back to the vets and got her some more wormer that we gave her over 3 days but I can't believe how many worms my poor baby must've had. Now it's not just roundworm but threadworm and something else that I can't identify. She seems okay in herself but she's off her food a bit and has been sick a couple of times. Am I just stressing over nothing? Thanks guys Ps. I have a pic of the roundworm if anyone wants to see...it's a beast!
  6. Aw that doesn't bother me! Her dad is huge and her mum's pretty big so I'm expecting her to be a decent size! x
  7. We have been putting Khaleesi in time out if she hurts us or bites my slippers/feet/ankles/shins etc. She hates being separated from us and is much calmer afterwards. Just putting her in the kitchen behind a baby gate for about a minute. But I agree that watching her like a hawk is neccessary. Its weird as she play bites my boyfriend all the time but only really bites at me when I am walking around. He's not too happy though as she has quickly realised I am the alpha of the family! ps. sapphire is beautiful
  8. Well done on the weightloss. Khaleesi is 6kg now at 9 weeks, but when we wormed her she had a massive roundworm, so I assume she will start to put a bit more on now. We went back to see the breeder the otber day to get her papers and she is quite a lot bigger than her sister. I secretly want her to be ginormous
  9. Kong toys are brilliant I've got a puppy brush to get her used to being brushed when she sheds her coat Definately a crate and as someone suggested somewhere on here I've now gated off the kitchen (which is tiny and boring for her) as her time-out area for when she is too bitey! Oh and hawk eyes for watching her constantly, cos she's always up to something!
  10. Hi, sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere. We are struggling with crate training at the moment. What do people think is the quickest and easiest way to do it? At the moment, her food and water bowl is in there, and we are giving her a Kong toy in there as a reward for doing a little bit of training (5 mins of walking round the garden on the lead without attacking me!! haha) and only shutting the door on her when she has her kong toy, which she is only allowed in her crate. Then we are going upstairs for 10 mins, she just goes mental and cries like someone is strangling her! I know its a little too big for her but she never makes a mess in there. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. We're having the same problem. She's fine if she plays with me and I yelp if she's a bit too hard, she'll always kiss me better. But its when I'm walking around the house (especially in a long skirt!) and she nips at my feet and clothing, and its really only me she does it to. Think we're going to try putting a gate up and giving her a time out, that sounds like a good idea. Can't wait for my shins to start healing
  12. We had a retriever that didn't make the enzymes to digest red meat so had to feed her chicken and fish. She loved tinned tuna! Don't know of that's ok for huskies though!x
  13. This is what Khaleesi mostly looks like at the moment.x
  14. yes, it is, I need to pay more attention when I'm typing! x
  15. ps that is my boyfriend with her, not me! x
  16. This is Khaleese (big game of thrones fans) she's 8 weeks old now. We only got her on Friday but she's settled in really well already, little monkey. x
  17. Hi, I'm Lucy and I've just got myself a gorgeous little Husky pup. We did loads of research and were determined we wanted a Husky. Apart from her stinky farts I'm so glad we did! Just wanted to say Hi, and if anyone has any advice I'd be really grateful. x
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