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    Chris Moore
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  1. I’ve been offered a job in London on decent money. Was wondering if anyone on here would allow me or knows of anyone who would let me rent a room with dogs allowed in the house. i know this isn’t a normal request but someone’s gotta love animals as much as I do and could do with the extra cash. ive looked at renting a house but it’s too expensive for me. Any advice welcome.
  2. Maybe I have missed it. When I first got her she was already one and had her season within the first week of her being here and I found blood everywhere but the last one she had there was only a few drops here and there. It is every 6 months isn't it?
  3. My vet told me the best time to get my bitch spayed would be 3 months after her next season but she hasn't had one since the beginning of last November. I thought she would of had one by now. She is in good health and is as energetic and happy as ever but should I be concerned and if not get her spayed anyway?? She is 2 now and I'd rather get it done as soon as possible. Thanks for your kind responses guys
  4. No idea what or how to tell for this
  5. I've noticed these red dots/spots in front of both my dogs noses. I'm not sure if they've been there forever and I haven't noticed but thought I would just clear this up on here. They are not irritated by the dots but I'd rather be safe then sorry
  6. There friends again now. I think shes getting the hang of it. She was going to go for his toy later and I just pointed at her and she backed off. I just need to keep an eye on her at all times. Little madam can be so frustrating though lol
  7. My girl is soft as a brush as is my boy. But for some reason when it comes to food she is so nasty and I hate it. My boy takes a while longer to eat his treats so as soon as my girl finishes hers she's snooping round him trying to steal his. I always separate them but she got free this time. I punished her telling her no and putting her in the yard but I feel bad for being so firm. Any other time of the day they love each other. I keep the bowls apart and all that so I'm not asking for tips on that. It's just on the very odd occasion she gets close enough to snap at him what do I do? Will she ever learn to be nice?
  8. Lol I can imagine. So you leave your slow cooker on when out where the dogs have access too? And they do not succeed in any attempts made to steal the feast?
  9. Might seem like a silly question but as I haven't ever used one before do the smells get out of the pot?? They won't know what it is by sight but the smell of beef stewing all day might drive them crazy lol
  10. I have recently purchased a slow cooker which I wish to use when I am out or asleep. I've never used one before and I'm a bit worried the muts might find the smell irresistible and end up climbing the counter when I'm out for a naughty feast. Has anyone here had such problems? I'm thinking of putting it on top of the microwave when in use or am I just being paranoid?
  11. Thanks for your advise people. I have just this minute taken the liver from the fridge and to my delight it all fell apart upon opening the bag yet was still partially frozen. So I whipped the chops I needed into individual containers and put it back I the freezer. Job done. My boy is the same Jase. I give him fresh liver and he will lick it for hours but frozen goes down a treat lol must be like ice cream to them
  12. I have been feeding my dogs raw food now for around 8 months and I'm very happy with it. The only problem I have is feeding the liver. I buy in bulk and usually get a joint of liver but I always end up throwing most of it away as it doesn't last long in the fridge and freezing it obviously makes it rock hard and is quite a chore to cut for the tiny amount they need each day. Ideally I would get the joint fresh, cut it up and then freeze it but my local raw food shop only sells frozen. Is it ok to defrost the liver, chop it all up and then refreeze it? I know this is not safe for humans but was thinking dogs have alot more tolerance for food then we do. Any other suggestions are welcome as cutting the joint is like chipping away at a rock every day and is no fun for dog nor human.
  13. Had my boy 2 years now he's fine and did all the usual naughty puppy things which is understandable. I've had my girl 6 months and she's been fine also. She is around 20 months old and is lovely. However recently she's been chewing my wallpaper off and nibbling at the skirting boards! I'll come home from work and there will be wallpaper on the floor. She even does it when I'm in sat right next to her. She hasn't done it since she moved in with me 6 months ago so why the naughty behaviour all of a sudden? Teenage years maybe?
  14. This is not a choice I'd like to make but as money is tight I could do with the extra income. Has anyone else found a housemate that they have been able to trust with their dogs before? I would be leaving them with him/her for a long time as I work 12 hour shifts so need someone good with dogs but I find trusting strangers hard. Am I being paranoid?
  15. He is on Skinners sensitive Salmon and Rice his poops have improved I just wish he would take his time eating. I'm definitely going to buy one of those slow feed bowls as he seems to have sussed mine out already. He was fine on this food for a long time before so i dont think thats it
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