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  1. Got are pumpkins today. My 5 year old twins can't wit to carve them tomorrow. I will post pics as they will be so proud lol. Don't think they will be master pieces tho. But I'm sure to them they will be
  2. Geeese. Ill look it to getting some sort off meatal pind round the bottom off the fence and get it but about a foot uinder the soil. Kids dad should be able to get something for that from his work. Will deffo be looking in to that lol.
  3. Lol. I got the back garden husky proofd. Well the best I could and iv noticed they have been trying to dig under the gate but luckaly there is only a little bit off mud then its all concreat. They still keep trying tho on the off chace they can get under. So iv got my eye on that lol
  4. Iv always wanted huskys and iv read loads about them and looked loads off things up but I think untill you have them and expirance being a husky mummy/daddy. You are never going to know what they are like and what tricks they learn and how sneeky at doing things they can be. There a big challang for me and I'm loving every minit off it. Apart from the exscaping lol. But that's just a worry as there my babies. I like keeping busy and they deffo do keep me busy xx
  5. Brill iv got some off that under the sink. I'm going to do that now as ice keeps coming for cuddles but them patches still stink real bad lol
  6. I did chase ice but alaska was already gone. Thanks for that andy. Ill try that next time. But really hoping there won't be a next time but with them you never know
  7. Sorry for going on but I do have a small question again. They both have black tar like poo or something stuck on them. Iv bathed them but I just can't get if off. I was going to cut it out but I don't want them rto be coverd in bold patches. Any ideas? X
  8. I'm sure they will out smart me quit a few moor times as yet then lol. I'm just glad its not just me. I really did think that I was just failing at being ownd by 2 huskys. I feel better now and I feel as tho I must be doing some thing in the right way as they came home. Alaska was gone for 16 hours. She could have been at husky camp by now with how fast and far they run. I just can't thank every one enough on here. Also on a good side I think just about every one with in about 20 miles off me have my number and a pic off them both. So if they do get out again. Most people will know they are my babies. Touch wood they don't get out agin tho. Made them go for a little walk today too as all they have wanted to do is sleep. So knowing my luck they will be keeping me up all night lol. I don't mind tho just so glad there home now xx
  9. Thank you so much everyone. Was so worried when they got out. Don't know what I would have done with out every ones advice. I love my pups to bits and was hart broken on the thought that I wouldn't get them back. On the good side I feel as tho they must be happy hear with me as they did both come home by thear selfs. Doggy gate is now up at the front door. Windows are all child proof and hopfully husky proof. If there is any advice on anything that I might have missed on stopping them from getting out please let me know. I was so hart broken on the thought that they might not have come back or got hurt. I really don't want to go through that again. And a really big thank you to every one again. You all made me feel hopfull and a bit better about me really feeling as tho I had let my babies down. Don't know what I would have done last night with out every one on hear. Thank you so much to this site. Dunno what I would have done with out it. I have been on a few sites like this but iv never met a friendlyer site and all the people hear have been so welcoming and so help full sorry for ranting on I don't have a lot off familly about and iv had a really hard time latly. I'm just glad I found you lovely people xx. Had lots off cuddles with my babies today. Not that alaska was very happy with that as she isn't a cuddly husky but ice loved every min off it. Once she stoped sulking about her bath lol xx
  10. Think that's were I went wron. I didn't see alaska go but I see ice go out the front door and I chased after her. When I ran to get her she was gone. Going to get a doddy gate first thing today for my front door. Just when I thought I was husky proof there is something else lol. There worse than having a toddler around the house x
  11. Can't belive she was gone 16 hours and then just strolled through the back gate as tho to say hi mum I missed you. Now you know what its like to be left home alone. I'm just so so happy she's back. Xx
  12. Thank you so much every one. I woke up at 7. After not falling asleep till about 3 am. Alaska just strolled in the gate a few mins ago.never been so worried in my life. Think doggy gate shopping today and buying new doggy shampoo as she is covern in some sort off thick poo. Maybe cow poo and thistals. So relived thank you every one for the advise and crossed fingers. One very happy mummy but anyoed mummy here xx
  13. I really don't know what else I can do. I'm going to sleep on the sofa. Have back dooor and gates left open and hope she comes back. Will call council first thing and see if I can get any hep there. I'm just laying hear thinking the worst. Ice is in here crate so she dosnt go walkies again. Thank you every one. All cab companys have been called now. None open in whittlesey put called sevral in peterborough
  14. I wiil keep you posted. Kids dad thinks I'm mad worrying this much. Iv had aload off people helping look for them. Iv gave every farm owner and every one iv met my number just in case. Shehas a coller and tags on it but I know if she tried she can get it off.
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