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About LauraG89

  • Birthday 10/06/1989

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  • Occupation
    Call Centre Adviser
  • Interests
    Walking, reading, playing fun games with my daughter and using the excuse to be a big kid again :)

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  1. The stitches are swollen and hot too, the vet said it was best to treat with antibiotics to be on the safe side xx
  2. She did have a plaster on it originally but as the vet failed to give me a collar while I was at work she ate it, I didn't know until I got home later, as mum was keeping an eye on her and my daughter. I got a collar the next day but by then the damage had been done xx
  3. I am worried sick, it's not been a good week all round but this has added onto it, just hope indi gets better soon and starts picking up xx
  4. So do I, she is my second baby, I'd be lost without her, she's normally so full of life like any husky and seeing her like this breaks my heart, just want my little firecracker back to her usual self xx
  5. The next vet to me is near 15 miles away and I don't drive yet, I luckily didn't get the bill for her as the vet admitted to making a mistake in not providing a collar for her and allowing her access to the area, the first night I had to use an old t-shirt and make hole in it to stop her getting at it, but I guess by that time it was too late as I had gone to work and my mum was looking after indi and my daughter, so was unable to monitor her at all times, I'm just hopi.g it can all be treated quickly as I hate to see her in any pain, or discomfort, she isn't acting like herself at all (the pics below is of the first nighgt)
  6. I don't know what kind of infection it is, the vet didn't say, just gave me 5 days worth of antibiotics and told me to come on Tuesday to look again. If I was worried I was to take her sooner, if it doesn't look better by the morning will be taking her straight back xx
  7. My indi got spayed on Monday and I've had nothing but problems, she still hasn't had a poop which the vet isn't too worried about as long as she is having a wee, but I am worried about an infection she has developed, the vet has given me antibiotics today to help fight it off but it's looking worse, is there anything I could apply to reduce the temp of the area and redness?? The pic below is one I've just taken
  8. Thanks for all the advice, will definitely be looking into it all once indi is back to her usual self, she was spayed yesterday and feeling a little sorry for herself so spent last night and probably tonight on the couch to be close to her
  9. Thanks, feel a little better now, I didn't realise just how fussy they were about eating, she has me worried constantly, and I'm glad it's not just her but something that happens with a lot of huskys
  10. Her food allowance is what she is allowed, but she is eating far less than that, even with 3 walks a day. Two of them being 1 1/2 hours long and the later one only 30 mins, tried other things in her food to entice her to eat, but she doesn't seem bothered
  11. Indi is 2 years and 9 months old and currently weighs 19.30 kilos, her rib area is fine and she has the dip in the stomach area but what concerns me is her spine, it's noticeably bumpy
  12. Hi all, been a long time since I've been on here, but I need some advice for indi. Since I rehomed indi in September 2012 her weight has yo-yoed, she is currently 19.30kilos and yesterday she was spayed, the vet advised me that although she looks lean on the outside, (I'm sure she looks and feels underweight) she is fatty inside, is there anything I can do to increase her weight whilst keeping her healthy. She is on royal canine dry food at the minute.. Any advice would be appreciated :-)
  13. I have just had my indi spayed yesterday morning and there is hardly anything there at all. Just a small incision about 2 inches long if that and very neat and tidy,
  14. I don't know whether this would work with you but I used a different command. Instead of drop it I use "Give". When Indi has something that she is not supposed to have I ask her for it and she will give it to me. I trained her on her tracking lead and a ball. I would get her to sit next to me and throw the ball. Once she had the ball I'd reel in the lead until she was back to me and I would ask her to give. When she did I'd "give" her either a treat or a good belly rub while praising her. It took a while for it to work but now I can say "Give" to her and get whatever it is she has... I hope this might be some help to you
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