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About clyvert

  • Birthday 07/23/1982

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  • Real Name
    John Clayton
  • Location
    east ayrshire
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  1. Hey! quit with the shiny thing at me!
  2. When I got him from the breeder he was on pedigree puppy, but his toilet just never seemed to be as solid as i'd like so I took him to the vet to make sure there were no problems health wise, which there werent, but the vet said he'd take him off the pedigree puppy as "it stinks going in, and its worse going out", so he suggested either beta or royal canin, we went for the beta which was a waste of time as he never touched it, so we then tried the royal canin, which he ate at first but within a couple of days he had the runs again, so it was back through all the chicken and rice bit of scrambled eggs etc to try flush him out agin and now he wont touch the royal canin, dont get me wrong as others have said on another thread i think the chicken and rice have given him a taste of the good stuff so he is trying to push my buttons by not eating the 'dog' food and holding out for the good stuff, I just wondered about the wilsons as I hadnt heard of it before, i was really wanting to keep him on the wet, but every time I ever needed to take either Malakai or Meeko to the vet, it was almost like the vets rule of thumb fix for everything is take him off the wet food better on dry so I thought Id give it a go.
  3. Hi folks was just wondering if anyone has any experience of this stuff, i come from a farming community and and was telling one of the farmers I know about meeko having the runs refusing food etc, and he swears by this stuff has been using it for 40 odd years apparently and every one of his dogs has loved it, its for working and sporting dogs, but I cant seem to find much info on it, not that i'll be changing him onto it just now as we are in battle of the wills mode at the moment, lol, just wondered if anyone had ever used or heard of it before, and if it may be an option? Cheers
  4. aw, the poor wee mite, glad its something that can be sorted though, hopefully not be long till on the mend
  5. Thanks folks, and there was me thinking when i got the new pup, " Right this time im gonna be boss in total, no playing me or scamming me", and here we are getting scammed by a husky......again! lol, seriously though thanks for the advice folks will just need to out will him, Cheers john
  6. Hi folks 3 or 4 weeks ago Meeko had a bout of the runs, so checked with the vet and he said put him on chicken and rice for a few days with the odd scrambled egg till he is over it. No problems there worked a treat, only other advice he had was take him off the pedigree puppy 'it stinks going in and coming out'(vets words noit mine lol). He suggested either Beta or Royal Canine, which we have tried and he point blank refuses to eat the stuff,and it aint cheap the wee bugger lol, chicken he will eat till its coming out his ears, scrambled egg that too, so I'm thinking he aint getting anywhere near what he should food wise, so tried him back on the pedigree puppy and guess what? now he wont eat that either. So was just wondering if anyone else had experienced similar or had any tips on what we could do to get him back on regular scran, had a look at raw on the web, not too sure about whether that is any better than the wet,or dried options,though possibly dried isn't going to happen as he refuses to eat it, even if its mixed with either tinned or chicken etc, just picks out the meat and leaves the rest. Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks John
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome back folks, good to be back! Lol. Look forward to letting U all know how he develops, and to read how uz R all getting on Cheers
  8. Hey folks, after a bit of time out and a lot of thinking I have returned, after deciding i could not let the good work my boy had started in training me as a husky owner go to waste. lol, so here I am and here is the troublesome ball of fur who has claimed me once more for the siberians, this is Meeko, he'll be 17 weeks now first 2 pics are when he first arrived, the 3rd one is from his holidays a couple of weeks back, cheers for now folks
  9. hi, thanks everyone for the kind words. I know its going to hurt for a while, he was my first dog, and we did everything together, he even came to work with me most days, the guys at work used to kill themselves laughing at the husky in the hi viz vest. I know we did the best for him as i couldnt have watched him suffer and get worse, I just feel so cheated he was only 6, we should have had many more years with each other. I will probably check in from time to time, I like reading how everyone is getting on and enjoy there stories, it has been wonderful being part of the community for this past year or so. Thanks again everyone.
  10. I cant begin to put this into words, For a fortnight or so Malakai has been off his food, lethargic generally unwell, after numerous trips to the vet to get blood works etc done, they wanted him in for a liver biopsy as they had narrowed the problem down to that area, Today he went in for the biiopsy, got a call from the vet, that the problem was not his liver but a massive tumour on his pancreas, which was in operable and to advanced too treat, ive never felt myself sink so quickly, there were no options open to me that would have helped him, I felt like i'd been hit by a bus, I genuinley thought it was going to be an infection of some sort, we'd treat it and he be back to his best soon enough. But instead I have had to put my boy to sleep, for his own good, Absolutely heartbroken, I got to the vets and was with him at the end. I know everyone says dog is mans(or womans) best friend but he genuinley was mine, since he was 12 weeks old we've been a team the 'king' (king kai was his house name lol)and i promised him i'd look after him, I'm now left racking my brains to think if i missed some early sign, something anything. Words will never describe how utterly gutted i feel at the moment Run fast son, Run hard
  11. thanks for the tips, sorry for long time in reply, have had some internet issues(ie sky suck lol) anyways i had a go at new commands (we got a few done but we are selective about who gets to see them apparently ) his fave game has turned out to be the baking tray covered with halved tennis balls, but malakai's prefered method of victory is to lift the actual whole tray, thus dropping the whole lot to unveil the goodies(he seems totally delighted with himself at this, "look da look i did it!") lol, But on the down side the knee seems to be getting worse, so were back at the vets tomorrow, if i get palmed off again with the its nothing chat I think i'm gonna go get a second opinion, he genuinely does seem in a lot of discomfort now, especially when sitting he wont sit up straight anymore, always sits on his right side and has his left rear leg shooting off to the side, but as I say he is back at vet tomorrow so hopefully get some movement on whats going on. As always cheers for your help guys n gals
  12. Congrats, He looks like a wee belter
  13. Hi everyone, just an update and to say thanks for the advice given, turns out the vet seems to think its a knee injury, he doesnt think its a torn ligament or anything too serious, either a strain or a twist. Once the vet pointed it out there was a visible swelling when comparing one knee to the other(one of those "doh how come i never saw that" moments). So anti inflamatories and only minimal exercise for a week or two, and he should be right as rain, since the rest and minimal exercise regime has been put in place there is a slight improvement but by god when he doesnt get out and about does he become a nightmare, lol, from the minute I get in from work I'm convinced he just trotts round the house looking for ways to wind me up, pulling things out of drawers, opening the fridge over and over again!!!, throwing cushions on the floor, shouting at us loud enough for the entire street to here him, you name it hes got it going on lol! Still hopefully we are on the right track to get him back to norm again, but anyways thanks all for the advice and help Cheers
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