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magical Merlin

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  1. I used to take merlin to healing sessions that used rakki and other alternative healing to help him. While there I met a woman who was an animal communicator. She didn't know me or merlins story. We were sat outside and he was so relaxed (hes a dog who hates everything and does not tollerate physical contact from strangers) and he was happy for her to touch him. While were were there, sat in silence as she layed her hands on him I felt something. It was like a wave of sadness. It was such a strong feeling and the woman turned to me and said - Did you feel that too? We both felt the same thing. It was very strange and very odd but I have no doubt it happened. She told me what Merlin had communicated to her. Things that no one there knew. This means she must have been able to communicate with him on some level, even if it was just that she got feelings from him. Having seen rakki and alternative healing and medicines working on merlin and even myself to a degree then I see no reason that animal psychics don't exsist too. Even if it doesn't work, for myself being told that I was forgiven by my last dog or even just some assurance that he is okay dispite me cutting his life short by putting him to sleep....well that would be priceless. There probably are people out there trying to make a quick buck off of people but for the people involved perhapse they pay for it because the need the closure or forgiveness or just a bit of peace knowing that their loved one is okay
  2. Home for the day and resting up. Maybe a small glass of wine with tea :-)
  3. Thats sad. Its double pay so i'm getting 3 days extra money which is nice....Will go towards fixing my car
  4. Your a lucky man! Last year was my first xmas off in 5 years!
  5. Hey guys, Just wondered who else out there is working christmas this year? I'm rotaed on for the big day, boxing day and the bank holiday but get new years day off out of the 4 big days. How about you? Its a 7:30 start tomorrow and monday so at least the traffic will be quiet! xx
  6. Merlin "that wolf should be muzzled, why are you walking it?" "ahhh i see he has the legs of a working dog, they are always a bit funny at the back...I know because I canny cross with my dogs" "is he blind in both eyes!?" (he has blue eyes) "Thats a nice christmas presant for you" "you know huskies are very dangerous and bite people right?" "don't you need a licence for that sort of animal?" "arn't his legs funny" Rosie "those dogs are dangerous, it should be on a muzzle" - that was when she was about 12 weeks old! "you can't have a rottweiler and children" "what breed of dog is she?" to which i replied a black and tan labrador, its new colouring.
  7. not so good. Going to get christmas out the way then face reality with him xx
  8. He won't eat the cone but rosie will so she gets that part. Strangley icecream is one of the few things he does tollerate without any....er......emm.....you know...repercusions....
  9. hahahaha, i thought that! Tea over the keyboard again!
  10. it could be psychological. Do you ever catch him at it? Is there a patteren to this behaviour that you've seen? If its only happening when your out then it could be a behaviour to eliviate stress. Chewing and licking produces chemicals in the brain that settle the dog. If you haven't already tried it then leaving him with a rawhide/nylabone/kong may help as its something he can chew on that's good for him rather than chewing on himself. Does he like his crate? Goes in their out of choice? or he has to be put in there and doesn't choose to go in on his own when your around?
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