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  1. So after trying Blue on a few different foods we have finally found one she likes! She has Forthglade trays (very similar to natures diet) mixed with her dry food once a day and then dry which is burns pork and potato sensitive. (saw a lady in pets at home whilst debating what to try next who had a malmute and asked what she used and its worked!) We have tried before - science plan, orijin and royal canine. She also turned her nose up at raw bones so we decided not to take that route! I am worried as looking into burns its not the best quality although still expensive! and the wet food has a good meat content and salmon oil etc do you think this is a substancial diet? She isnt worked, although after a lot of training I would quite like to bike with her. She gets walked in the local park, woods etc and I also go running with her. I feel she is quite skinny and worry about this quite a bit, the vet said she was a little on the skinny side although this was before her diet change and she is being spayed next month which I heard they can gain weight then!
  2. Hi I have just been reading this as this is our main focus too at the moment, we also have a halti but Blue hates it! I have read good reviews on the WYDWL harness and looked online, what size would you suggest? Blue is tall but skinny about 21kg.
  3. We took Blue to my mother in laws to stay a couple of days over xmas. We just took a few of her toys and bed etc and she was fine but then we were all there. I wasnt sure how she would be with such a busy house but in actual fact she was loving all the attnetion!
  4. Thank you for the link Jason, I hadn't even considered it before its only because Bella responds well to the sound I am going to give it a go! Will let you know how I get on!
  5. This sounds really silly - but I have brought a clicker and done the whole click and give a treat etc so Bella always comes straight to me if I do click it or gives me her attention. I stopped using it when she was about 6 months old as I wasn't really sure what the next stage with it was. So we were doing treat training but when we are out and about she is just so distracted she isn't bothered by a treat. My main aim atm is to train her not to pull, we have days where she is better than others but its still an issue. I know she can do it but she just gets so excited over everything outside that while walking normally all it takes is to see a human, dog, leaf blowing and suddenly she is all excited and pulling again! I am hoping to use the clicker, and I have just read the non pulling thing using the 300 step rule to click after 1 step and treat, 2 step etc so will give that a go. (I am currently doing the stop and go method but she literally pulls so much we don't end up going anywhere! We live in a city so excitement everywhere!) What other things can I train her to do with the clicker? Do I just use it as I would a treat, so click when she does something correctly? Do I still treat everytime? I have never got to the point to use this method before so its all a bit new to me!
  6. This could be describing Bella! I think our problem is that most people want to say hello to her when we are out and make a big fuss, so now whenever we walk past someone she is waiting for them to pat her. I am lucky she doesn't jump and if I tell her sternly to come she will although maybe look back round once before continuing but she does pull really badly, even with her halti on. I have been reading a few threads on here and I am considering getting a front leading harness as it will be nicer for her to walk as she hates the head harness and it doesn't really stop her pulling just gives her less strength! On a retractable lead she is normally okay although she does loops, when shes about to max the line I call her and she trots back but then automatically goes back to where she was lol!
  7. Bella's favourite toy is her sausages on a rope - about £2 I think from pets at home but we are lucky if they last a week as she likes to take the sausages off the rope! She also likes flat or unstuffed teddy type toys that she can throw and chase around the kitchen! Food wise she likes the bones that are filled with things and I also as a special treat (again from pets at home) got her some peanut butter flavoured chews that were like raw hide but a natural type so no bad stuff. I have tried giving her proper bones etc and she's not bothered! Its taken me a year to find a food she likes she's super fussy!
  8. We are in the UK and have a rented home - its a 6 foot fence and one side has trellis on top so 7ft. On the left hand side the fence had about an inch gap from the floor and she started to dig out there and fit her head under to see next door! My partner dug down into the ground about a foot and added wood to the bottom of the fence and she hasnt tried again since - I guess as she could see underneath it was temping for her as she never tried the other side.
  9. After reading all the husky traits, what to expect etc i had prepared myself for some sort of dog demon and actually bella is very well behaved even coming upto her teenage stage at 1! Shes eaten the odd thing she shouldnt have which compared to my mums labrador is nothing! (He ate wooden chairs and tables and all sorts!) and she is just having her first proper shed so hair is everywhere atm but she is my gorgeous fluff ball with such a loving and cute personality i love it! She will come and nudge my hand so icuddle her etc she is a clever pup and knows exactally what to do! The only thing i wish was i could trust her off lead as it would be lovely to see her run properly as shes so quick and i wish she didnt pull as much - she has a halti for when i walk her with the buggy and the strengh in her neck muscles is amazing how she can still pull with the nose harness on! We are slowly getting there with her teaining! Xx
  10. This is really interesting to read as in a few years we would like to possibly get another dog and a gsd is what we had before our husky (she sadly passed away) and we would like to get one again, another dog we like is a boxer but i dont know enough about the breed to know if it would be compatible or not but at least 3 years to do some research! I must say our husky is very similar to our gsd, the gsd was a bit more protective and barked at the door etc which bella doesnt! But then with a husky you also need some extra precautions - bella is a digger so after her head popping up under next doors fence weve had to dig down and extend the fence! It was about an inch above the floor before (no idea why?) so must have tempted her, bella also likes to dig in oh prize flower bed and has eaten the palm trees tee hee! Xx
  11. I was thinking if changing fe science plan as she doesnt seem to be that interested in it anymore - hence i am worried about her weight. She is only walked an 45mins to an hour a day atm or a half hour jog as we didnt want to over walk her while she was young so shes not getting excessive exercise either! Under all her fluffy coAt you can feel her bones she tends to graze the only time she eats a lot is after her walk. I know huskies are frugal with her food so thats why im wondering if there is a better quality diet out there for her.
  12. I know when we researched huskies they were in the medium breed class however at the vets they class as a large breed - probably to make more money! She is nearly as large as our old german shephard though and she isnt fully grown! Not sure if this makes a difference but her coat is very fluffy - her mums coat was the same.
  13. Our husky is just turning one - she is currently on science plan large breed puppy but we are wanting to move her onto a adult mix now. Ideally dry food - she is quite fussy i am a bit worried about her weight as she seems to barely eat anything! I looked online and origin was reccomended. Just wondered if anyone feeds their husky this or any other reccomendations - our vet has suggested royal canin large breed? Again any views on this? Her coat seems quite dull at the momen although not sure if this is because shes getting her winter coat or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  14. Hi we have an 11 month old huksy - she is starting to get her winter coat - she is a very fluffy girl and literally I could fill a bin bag with the amount of fur I have brushed out which is leaving patches but after 2 hours its only made a small dent in her coat. Would taking her to the groomers help? I did speak to one who said they would be able to get it all out but first of all I am worried in another week it would all just come out again and 2 after reading some online questions on this subject people are saying to be very careful to find a groomer that has experience of their double coat and not to cut them just to wash and brush etc. If taking her to a professional groomers is a waste of time which brushes do you reccomend? We have a shedding furminator - which after reading on here people have said not to use it all the time as it ruins the fur. We also have a medium comb? Not sure if these are correct at all?
  15. Hi Val, Interesting to know about the traits coming out later - I was wondering about this as she has been a lot easier than expected, doesn't cry when I've left to pick the boys up from school, sleeps well with just one wake up at 5am and then once I've taken her down to do her business she's back upstairs and will go back to sleep until about 7 when our children come in (she is in a crate next to our bed) the only naughty thing is she has had a thing for my rug - kept weeing on it and chewing the edge but since that's been taken away she hasn't had any more accidents (4 days now). I was wondering if it was too good to be true! lol! She's not overly fussy for attention either - she will quite happily sit in the kitchen with the stairgate across if the boys want to play a toy with small parts (otherwise she will eat it as she is a pup!) but then I think a lot of this is because being a pup she still sleeps quite a lot atm. She was one of the quieter ones of the litter - apparently she was especially attached to dad - the breeder said he had been looking for her - although she has taken to the change really well shes been with us nearly 2 weeks now! We will see as time goes by lol!! xx
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