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  • Birthday November 23

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    South Africa

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  1. My little dogs are INCREDIBLY social and sometimes it's more of a case that I should be asking if they mind being brutally attacked with love my 2 small furballs! However my Husky I do not like people coming up to without permission. Mainly because he is nervous of people and when he hears that "OOOOOOOO EEEEEEE look a wolf" rubbish that people squeal at him in a high pitched tone he really panics. Even the girls at home...on Sunday the one came up and grabbed him from behind and he let out a scream that terrified even me. he has never shown any signs of biting but who knows, a dog caught off guard and fearful could snap. I had to give her a firm talking to about personal space even though he is a dog. Then the other daughter was trying to force him to be with her and had a leash in her hand and clipped him on while I was in the kitchen and I heard her say "you can't escape now can you" so I ran through to find him almost strangling himself backing away from her and she was pulling him and I just lost it!!! I have made it very clear. If you want to play with him let him come to you and ONLY when I am home. But even the little ones can be a problem. My female tends to climb onto your shoulders and this silly girl at home wasn't holding her and dropped her. So yes I now have an issue - if you want to touch the dog ask me and let him come to you. If I say no he is scared leave him alone. I am trying to socialize him but it's almost impossible when people can't take no for an answer.
  2. He's be loved twice as much is he stopped wallowing in the mud like a pig
  3. It is crazy how quick he has grown and what a fine young chap he has become! He is a slightly different dog to what I expected. He is very attached to me and only me and doesn't go near anyone he doesn't know. It has taken 2 months for him to warm to the people I stay with. But through all that he is just a bundle of happiness and joy in my life and is getting braver day by day! Here are a few smiley pics taken over the weekend! I have given up worrying about sand in the house until bed time because it is a pointless exercise trying to stop! Notice the nice brown face! We have finally started to get some summer rain and the spot he has chosen is a hole dig by his partner in crime that fills with water!
  4. Smokey aka Smiley is looking gorgeous!!!! she has grown up fast!!!! good work! you have skills! should start yourself a small business there!
  5. Diablo

    Husky Ears

    Welcome! She is really gorgeous! My boys ears were up straight at 8 weeks and then one flopped for a while and then went back up. At one point his ears weren't even the same size! ha ha! They are perfect now. I would avoid taping ears. I own Yorkies and many people do this to them and it's just something I personally disagree with. She is very young still give her some time for the ears to develop. Well done for giving her a loving home. I'm sure she will be very happy with her new family! Keep us updated as to how she goes we love pictures!
  6. Mine grinds his teeth and has that same back end issue as Pongo but can't say he hisses! I would love to see this. try get a video?
  7. I am going to tread as carefully as I can in this topic so in advance I mean no disrespect. wondering if I should comment at all but this is a public forum as Clare stated. As an ex registered breeder of Yorkies I would never let my pups go before 8 weeks. some stayed until 12 weeks depending on the individual. My mentor always told me no matter what happens the pups have to stay a minimum of 8 weeks. If you make the commitment (or allow the accident to happen depending on the situation) and bring those lives into the world then you have to make the commitment to see it through to the very end. I nearly lost my female Yorkie because I got her at 6 weeks from a breeder who wanted them to go as early as possible and I was just so excited at the time I never thought it would make a difference. The stress caused her white blood cells to sky rocket and she ended up as a 450g puppy on a drip all night fighting for her life. I am sorry to say that you have contradicted yourself numerous times in your responses. Topic heading says they "are leaving" and you also state you have let litters go at this age before leading people to believe they are going now. You said you had no choice as you weren't expecting to leave town, now you say they're staying until 8 weeks because you aren't leaving town for another 2 weeks. I am confused. But whatever the actual facts may be I wish the pups all the best in their new homes. they really are a beautiful bunch! Every pup is different and I hope the new owners are experienced and can give them the guidance they may need
  8. Oh goodness! in the house?! Diablo kills...and EATS a rat at least once a day. let's just say they face stays far away from me with his rat breath! I made sure the landlords don't poison rats because he literally eats them. So be careful what you use. Something safe for Chula. She will only need to catch one once but let's hope its a lone rat that's stays out your kitchen. We are on a farm. There are cane fields next door and of course horse food so it's a Husky hunting ground. He spends all day in the feedroom and stables waiting for a false move. Good luck with your extermination!
  9. I think it helps that he has 6 acres of open space to keep him busy all day! He kills a rat a day, much more fun than a remote!
  10. Welcome! what a pretty girl! lucky you to have such a great owner!
  11. I can't say he has stolen anything bad. Only major thing is my heart! Never a shoe, remote etc. A couple plants were emptied out so he could munch the pot but that's it. Guess I'm either lucky or in for future make up for the loss in items!
  12. I have thought of trying the slow feeder bowl, been looking for one without luck. I have cut his food down to the right quantities, I don't feel I overfeed him. But yes at night I do mix a bit of raw in. I tried doing ONLY kibble and nothing changed. Im afraid if I feed him once a day he may eat me alive! I was always under the impression that Huskies only ate until they were full.
  13. Hi guys I am hoping someone can help me a bit. No matter what I try Diablo never has a solid stool. I have dewormed him AGAIN in case. In the mornings he gets only dry food which is a good quality food and I have tried all vet foods with the same problem. I have avoided foods with a high cereal content. At night he gets his dry food with a little something nice mixed in such as fish. and a little bit of rice sometimes. I avoid liver and fatty foods. I have tried pure white chicken meat and rice...no change. My breeder recommended adding a bit of mashed butternut or pumpkin in his food and as a puppy it did help a bit but now it makes no change. I don't use canned food at all. I can only think it is because he eats like a complete pig. He flattens his meals in 30 seconds max. He just gulps it down without chewing. Any ideas on how to stop that would be great. I get indigestion just watching him! What am I doing wrong? My dogs all eat a well balanced diet and the other 2 are always 100% but he never seems to have a good tummy. I read the article pinned about apple cidar vinegar, perhaps that may help? Any ideas would be most helpful. I know Huskies need specific foods and I have tried my best to make sure he gets the right things.
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