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  1. Hi, I think our female is all done growing..(she just turned a year) maybe she might get a bit fluffier, but she is at about 45 lbs. right now. I thought she would be much bigger and got her a large crate.. I could fit 2 1/2 of her in it. We definitely could of went with the medium.
  2. haha.. thanks for all the replies.. I guess we'll just have to adjust to having hair everywhere. I think the worst is over.. mostly just her hind quarters are left and her tail. I bought a good under belly rake.. seems to work really good.
  3. I was just wondering if your Pup is still biting. We've been having the same issue with ours, except now she is 11 months. We've had her since she was 3 months.. and we tried all the tricks. She is much better with me but will still bite my kids, she has gotten more gentle with it but the kids cannot run around with her in the back yard or play to active with her in the house or she will bite them. It's not aggressive at all.. but it still hurts. We had a trainer come to our house, he reccomended leaving about a 2 ft chain leash hanging from her collar so when she gets into that mode you take her by the leash right away and get her to sit. It's been our #1 issue with our puppy. Her nipping is very intentional..if I'm walking her and stop to talk to someone, I will put her in a sit/stay, she will only sit for so long, like an impatient child, then she will come over and nip my butt (like saying I'm done, let's go) - she's almost pulled my shorts down a few times by trying to pull me away..
  4. Hahaha, yes.. I guess I truly never believed it could be this bad... are they all as bad as the first. I read that a puppy will shed it's entire coat before it's adult coat comes in.
  5. Hello.... a few months ago I was posting that our puppy Anaya (who is 11 months now) wasn't really shedding much - well much has changed... PLEASE someone tell me the first shed is the worst. This is insane. I read the shed's last about 2-3 weeks... we are going on about a month.. and it has just started coming out clumpy. I just through out my 5X7 area rug because I gave up trying to vacuum it 3'x a day. I'm grooming her repeatedly throughout the day, 2-3 times... about 20 min. a session but it just keeps coming out. Our backyard looks like a cotton field. Is there some kind of secret to this.. would giving her a bath help.. is there no end to the fur? thanks.. Kris
  6. We were having this issue with Anaya, but it was 5:30 every morning. We compromised with her and let her sleep outside her crate one night, she crept up on the couch and didn't make a peep till 7. So now she doesn't sleep in her crate at night, and we get to sleep on the weekends... so far she hasn't chewed anything, but we have baby gates up so she can only access the kitchen and the living room.
  7. We met a Husky at puppy training. He was beautiful. Anaya took to him right away, it was really sweet. One night we were the only dogs to show up so the trainer let them free play, it was a lot of fun to watch, until he got a bit frisky, then we had to separate them. It was interesting to see out of all the dogs in the class though she went directly for the other Husky. I tried to convince my husband that we should get another one, I'd like to get a multi colored one, but I think he'd sooner move out.. he wasn't quite as ready for a puppy as I was, maybe I can revisit the idea in another year or so.
  8. Hello husky family... curious to know if anyone else has a husky puppy who bites, not aggressively but it is definitely intentional. I have tried all the recommended tricks and nothing is working. She will bite me when she gets over excited, it's playful but she is getting bigger and it's starting to hurt. She will also come over and nip my butt if I am hugging someone or not paying attention to her. She jumps on my youngest and will grab ahold of him (he's 6). We've put her in her crate for 30 sec. at a time, we've put her outside, we've chained her up for 30 sec, over and over. She is worse outside.. my son can't run or she is all over him. I need to fix this asap or nobody will be able to play in the backyard, I don't want my son getting hurt by accident. The only thing that kind of works is bitter apple, she can't stand it, if I just show her the bottle she will back off, so I know she understands. Is this a phase.. does anyone have the same experience? The other night I took her for a walk and I had to cut it short and when I turned to go back home, she realized it was over and she got all mental, starting biting the chain, jumping up and biting my elbow.. I couldn't even walk, it was ridiculous. She's been to puppy training and performs very well when we are there, very showy but at home she it is different.
  9. Thanks so much.... this was great.. very informative. All the pictures helped a lot. Do their coats change as they get older?
  10. Oh, I'm not sure.. I didn't realize they had different coats. She's pretty fluffy. She seemed to shed a lot the first month or so we had her (she was about 3 months), the hair was very noticeable. It hasn't been so bad now.
  11. I have heard some pretty fascinating stories of people who can make fur angels in their Husky's shed... were into spring now and I keep waiting for something to happen. Anaya is 7 months old.. does anyone have any idea when this happens?? It's still been cold here on the east coast but the temps have been warming into the 50's. Is it based on the weather temp? Should I be scared?
  12. We started crate training the first day with Anaya, she was 3 months old. It was really bad at first. She would go in around 10 pm and cry for about an hour, each night she would cry a little less. This lasted about a week. I slept on the couch with her a few times near her crate but I think this just made it worse. The biggest problem we had after she was use to the crate was her waking up at 5:30 am. My son just started sleeping through the night, (he's 5) - so this was an unfortunate set back. 5:30 on a Saturday, ugh. So this went on for a few more months but we noticed that she never needed to go to the bathroom when she got up that early, we'd let her out and she would just lay on the deck. So one night a week or so ago (she is 7 months now) we left her out of her crate when we went to bed. We have baby gates up so she only has access to two rooms (kitchen and living room). We all slept till 7, it was heaven. She just didn't like being in the crate I guess. So now we don't lock her crate at night, sometimes she goes in there to sleep and sometimes she sleeps on the couch or the kitchen floor. She still goes in he crate when we go out, I don't quite trust her that much yet, I saw a video where a Husky ate a couch.
  13. Wow - this was fantastic.. thank you all so much. It had never occurred to me that maybe she could sense I was still grieving (maybe giving me some space), or maybe not and she will just be who she is and I'll have a different relationship with this dog. It was so great to read all your stories and I feel so much better. I'm so glad I found this website I have so many questions.
  14. Hello.. I'm having a hard time bonding with our new husky. She has been with us for 6 months now. I lost my 12 year old Boxer back in October and was not handling the situation very well so I impulsively ran out and brought home our Husky (Anaya). I had been researching Husky's for the past few years because I knew eventually our aging dog wasn't going to be with us much longer, I realize that the bond I lost cannot be replaced but Husky's are so different from Boxers. I'm not sure if it's just a puppy thing and she will grow to be more affectionate, or if there is something wrong with my husky. She doesn't really care to be around anyone.. she loves to play and go for walks but even then it's like were both there but were not there together, does that make sense? She never comes over just to lay next to me or follow me around. So I'm wondering if all Husky's are like this, independent and not very cuddly? I'm use to having a dog that follows me everywhere.. lays her head on my lap so I will pet her. Anaya never does any of this.. the only time she listens is when I have a treat. Is this typical behavior?
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