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  1. I've not been on for ages!! So whilst Shiloh is finally at peace chewing a bone I thought I'd come and update. She has been doing so well, until the past week where she has turned into a little terror. I never used to be able to complain about her at all, unlike others who say puppies are a nightmare from the start haha she learnt toilet training pretty quick, was doing great with basic commands, was super friendly, loved to chill out and was just lovely. But this last week, she has been horrible. I can't even really explain it, because it doesn't sound anywhere near as bad as it is, but she just gets up and howls randomly, she keeps showing her teeth and does a bit of growling, she's gone to bite me a fair few times, and she just isn't the sweet puppy she was. Even when I'm giving her attention she gets funny. So I stop, then she goes to bite me! I can't win I did wonder if it's because my boyfriend went away nearly 4 weeks ago, so it's just been me, but I'm consistent and firm with her. But maybe she's missing him? But then why is she only starting to be like it now? Or maybe it's because she's about to turn 6 months, and I hear puppies go through the "terrible twos" around this age? Or is she approaching her first season? Whatever it is, it's really getting me down. I'm so stressed with it all (I'm pregnant as well, which is worrying me when she's being like this), she's had me in tears. I don't want to be afraid of my own dog, but I hate it when she gets bitey. She hasn't actually bit me yet, but then I'm watching her so closely because I'm worried she will. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I play with her lots, she goes on 3 short walks a day after her meals, I give her attention ... We found a lovely dog walker who visits her whilst I'm at work, and she loves Shiloh which is great, and apparently she is super well behaved for her. I've already told my boyfriend he will be on puppy duty when he is home in august! Her walks are turning into a nightmare too. I'm not expecting her to always be well behaved, of course she won't be. But it's so frustrating when she has always been so lovely, and now she's turned into a terror! I should add, that at my mums on the weekend, she was not like this, so maybe it really is that she's just bored of it just being me! Anyway, sorry for this long post. I'm just going crazy!
  2. Shiloh jumped over the stair gate this morning and came to say hello! haha couldn't help but laugh when she launched on to the bed! Naughty girl!
  3. stefanie_jane


    aww don't feel guilty, it's the best thing for their safety And you have a dog walker too, so they are still getting some free time! plus, you give them attention too, so it's fine!! I bet they love chilling out and snoozing away in their little dens
  4. aww that's so sweet! that would of been miles away though haha I'm sure we will find something. I've calmed down now, so I will carry on searching tomorrow
  5. Could it have been a blood vomit!? I'm hoping it won't of been that, but that's only thing I can think of that you wouldn't see anything on their bodies.
  6. Oh no! Hope you find out what it's from soon, and hope they are all ok! How bizarre though that nothing obvious is to be seen!
  7. that is very true! Thank you We are in andover. I'm going to see if there are any near where I work as well.
  8. I was in the middle of replying to your message when she text me!! then I started crying and couldn't finish typing haha I have called all the ones I found on a google search but they have no space at the moment. Aww thanks!! Definitely could do without the stress, especially now! Thanks again everyone, everyone here is so lovely and supportive
  9. aww thank you! I'm going to check your links out now
  10. Nope I'm in a new area and don't know too many people, and those I do know are at work and only have little kids.
  11. thanks everyone! Still trying! Text my boyfriend, who is in wales until tomorrow. He says to stop worrying (I am a big worrier!), but then he isn't the one who will be home alone for months at a time with a puppy who needs seeing in the day time!! I was going to find someone else after the problems I had with the night shifts, but I was going to use her until I found a replacement. But yea, I guess she is very unprofessional and in the wrong job! I live in Hampshire, spoken to a few a lovely people, but I'm out of their area
  12. they work all day, all week too. Their dog is taken to work with one of them. And yep, it's just ridiculous!! So far, I've had no luck with anyone all fully booked for the foreseeable future!
  13. she will be in the hallway, without a crate so she has a lot of space. But up to 12 hours, when my boyfriend is away, not so long when he is in the country. I only work 3 days a week, and sometimes weekends and nights, so it can be that when he is home, we won't need someone in some weeks because we will work opposites.
  14. they left Wednesday morning, and they live nearly 2 hours. So they aren't really an option I never thought of the yellow pages! Thank you, I will have a look. And me either, I feel so let down. Because I can't just leave Shiloh at home with no visits all day
  15. Why be a dog walker or sitter if you are going to be so picky!! I just got a text from the dog sitter, who wouldn't let Shiloh stay at her house overnight, saying that she has been thinking of her and after doing husky research, she is not happy to even visit Shiloh in our home twice in the day when I'm at work. She feels she is not safe and she is a scary dog! What the hell!! She also said she researched huskies and they are not a breed she feels she can be responsible for or wants to look after. All Shiloh did was try and play with the other dogs, but what was she expecting from a 16 week old puppy. Maybe it's because she's bigger and when bigger dogs play, they can look "evil" ... Shiloh has played with next doors lab/springer cross and they both look vicious because they play rough, but then she should of considered this before agreeing to take on a bigger breed and a puppy. Obviously she just wants to stick to the little dogs who are simple and then she gets easy money for an easy day. So frustrated and stressed. Now I need to find someone to start on Monday! Which is impossible, as I've just found out after ringing all the people who cover our area. Absolutely no idea what we will do :'(
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