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Wolfee last won the day on July 13 2015

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About Wolfee

  • Birthday 05/07/1998

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  • Real Name
    Chloe Taylor
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  • Occupation
    Uni student
  • Biography
    Freya my 5 year old Siberian, Holly my 9 year old Labrador & my baby 1 year old Chihuahua Rosie 💕
  • Interests
    Animals, Anime, Japanese Culture, Art, Movies, Music etc.

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  1. Did you do anything specific to calm yours down? Will the whole idea of not giving her attention until she's calm work?
  2. I tried what you said, first session it seemed to go well, I got Lexi in the kitchen with me on her own for a while, ignored her until she calmed down, she kept trying to hop on my lap and kept putting her head on my knees, but I just pushed her down or just ignored her until she lied down (she did eventually), and then gave her a pat when she did, and then I put her in the crate with her lead on (just incase) and each time I pet Freya, I'd give her a treat... As time went on, she became lots more relaxed and more focused on me and the treats when I was petting Freya, so she didn't mind as much.. Hopefully this works
  3. Just so you can sort of see her behaviour, this is how she is when I greet her, here I'm ignoring her until she's calm IMG_9908.MOV
  4. I've been walking them together to see if that would create a stronger bond, but now I see that it's not their bond that's the problem, Lexi is just too jealous... I need to get a handle on it, they've made each other bleed before with their fights, it's hard to get them apart too when they're both such strong breeds :/ thank you for all the advice, I'll definitely be starting this ASAP to hopefully see a change so far I think I'm gonna try: one to one play/walks with both And possibly try the attention and treats (but do I tie them both up on other sides of the yard and only give them attention when they're both calm? Or just give them attention one by one, then treats afterwards? If you could break it down for me step by step so I know I'm not doing anything to make it worse, I'd be so grateful <3 )
  5. They don't actually now that I think about it.... They're always together would it help if I spent alone time with each of them from time to time? Like one on one walks, cuddles etc. Im just scared that would make her more possessive
  6. So Freya and Lexi have been fighting lately, and I know why now I'm 100% sure that they are fighting over me. they only ever fight when I'm there, if it's other members of the family they're fine together. They stay outside together all the time, and they're fine, but as soon as I step out they're at it again. On a walk, I had Lexi go for Freya everytime Freya came over to me for cuddles, Lexi would go for her... And Freya wouldn't come near me after that, just stand at a distance looking at us, whilst Lexi stayed near me. Im at a loss of what to do now... Lexi isn't technically even my dog, she's my brothers but he doesn't bother with her so I kind of took her on, but if she's fighting with mine then I may have no choice but to sort of distance myself from her... Any help? I don't know what to do
  7. Wolfee


    Yeah haha the only downside is that when it comes to emotions they're useless
  8. Wolfee


    Thanks everyone, I'm better now. I think I was just in a bit of a funny rut at that moment. Funnily enough they're all guys haha, I get along with dudes better x that's the thing though, guys are useless with this sort of stuf haha xx they always try to cheer me up though. To be honest ive been off them for about a week because I ran out and couldn't get a doctors appointment to renew them, so I think it's mostly withdrawal, and the effects of starting them again a few days ago, so I'll probably have to wait for them to kick in again I'm usually fine when I'm continually on them, and I know this logically but I can't help where my mind wanders off to sometimes x
  9. I thought this too, especially with Lexi as she's honestly the most lap dogish one, she will just come up to me and sit on me Haha I think I need to set some firmer boundaries
  10. Wolfee


    I've had depression since like year 9/10 of Highschool, I've had lots of counselling and stuff like that, but its not helped much, and earlier this year I was diagnosed with both depression and anxiety and was put on anti-depressants. I've been low before and I've contemplated suicide lots of times, but sitting here right now is the closest I've ever felt to actually going through with it. I'm at my friends house, surrounded by my 4 best friends, and we're just doin the usual, just playing video games and joking around, but I'm just distracted with how horrible I feel. I feel guilty for being around them like this, I just keep thinking "do they really want me here" "what do I actually bring to their life? my jokes aren't funny, my company isn't great or interesting, especially not when I'm like this, so they can't possibly be enjoying my company"... Am I just being tolerated because they feel sorry for me? I just feel guilty and selfish at being like this when they are hanging out with me and trying to make me laugh with them etc. I just feel empty, and wracked with guilt and it's just getting worse each second. i don't know what to do, I feel like I'm gonna burst out crying any minute now. I feel pathetic for being like this I just want to be normal.
  11. Lexi is fixed but Freya isn't yet, we've had to wait until it's been a certain time since her last season... If we get her fixed would that calm her down a bit? Yeah Lexi will run next to her whilst looking at her and try to nibble her ear and grumble at her sometimes
  12. I've been thinking though, it seems to only happen when I'm around them together, maybe it's me that's the problem? I have anxiety and depression, so I'm not always projecting the strongest energy or presence... Are they reacting to me? Maybe I'm not a strong enough leader for them... I don't know how to fix that
  13. They are both 2 x
  14. I have no idea what's gotten into Lexi (staffie) and Freya (husky) recently. They've been having tiffs lately, after their first one we got Lexi spayed, because we thought it was her who had the problem, but from watching them together, I'm thinking it might be Freya that's instigating these fights... They had one last night, and it was quite bad. I calmly separated them, and Freya had bitten Lexi's face and her eye, thankfully she's fine but I'm thinking, what will happen in the future? If I don't fix this and sort it out, one will end up dead. I have no idea what their problem is, I thought food, because Freya can be snappy with her food, and Lexi goes for her left over food sometimes, so we began feeding them separately and taking their food bowls away when they're done so there is no food that they can possibly fight over. Now, I'm thinking its Freya... Since last night, we've taken them on a walk together today, and they were OK, before going Lexi tried to get at her again, but she didn't get near her. So I got my mum to get Freya whilst I had Lexi, and they walked nicely. We let them off together when they seemed calm enough, and they ran around together nicely, but then Lexi started to get all up in Lexi's face, her body forward and being bit bossy, so we put her back on the lead immediately to prevent anything from happening. She calmed down on the lead, and they walked back home nicely. I then took Holly out, and had them all in the back garden together for more run around and play, which we do a lot. Lexi can be completely distracted from the other two with her ball, she is really fixated on it so she was happily running after it, bringing it back etc. But as I was watching them both, I noticed that Freya had her eyes on Lexi a lot, and she did not seem calm... She wouldn't lie down, sit or anything, she'd just be stood up, hovering around Lexi and looking at her a lot, so that made me think, maybe it's Freya who is instigating these tiffs? I'll be honest, due to my exams (which have recently ended) they have not been getting regular walks, so I thought that maybe they're frustrated? I really need help, I don't want to end up having to rehome on of them, but at the same time that's what I'll have to do to protect them both from each other if this carries on. Please give me any advice or help you can, thank you The picture of them both shows exactly what I explained, with Lexi concentrated on the ball and Freya looking at her and hovering ---- Freya is never interested in toys.
  15. I bought Freya (and the others) a 15kg bag of Vitalin Muesli and she won't touch it... Will she be more interested if I mixed water in or some tuna to make it wetter? Or even with some tinned wet food? This husky is so stubborn and fussy, been through so many food brands/types, if she doesn't want to eat it she will literally starve herself and get really skinny so I need her to eat this
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