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    Southsea, uk
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    Were first time doggy owners and we decided not to make things easy by having a rescue Husky!! We got Ghost at around 9 months old, she is a beautiful Siberian who is well behaved, yet mischievous, nervous yet lovable and everyday both Ghost and our family are learning new things about being part of a Husky / Human family!

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  1. Phew I thought that it was just Ghost that did this!! She goes bonkers when she see another dog and some owners do mistake her playfulness for aggression!! It doesn't matter if she's had a good play hours before or not, when she sees a dog she acts like she's never seen one before!!! We take her to the enclosed park in Portsmouth and she loves it in there and is much better off the lead - (although I have had to tell her off a few times for getting bitey ! If there's a miracle cure I'll be glad to know!!
  2. Hi, My dog is still suffering with Demodex mange. It seems to be slowly getting better (ish) but it's not going. We've changed her diet to reduce the yeast she has in her body to a 80% fresh meat & 20% veg. I have vitamins too. I've been giving her aludex dips weekly since November originally just on the noticeable areas but after recent research I discovered I should of been putting it everywhere! Aludex is impossible to get hold of even my vet is struggling, I read an article that Hydrogen Peroxide, borax & water mix works just as well. Has anyone any experience in this? Is it safe & just as good? Thank you xx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks Emma- at least it's not unheard of!! I thought my dog was bonkers !! Xx Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hello everyone- thank you for your support and replies. [emoji8] We decided to give Ghost another fortnight on antibiotics and painkillers before booking her in for her tail op. In that time we thought we would give her extra attention (not that she wasn't getting enough already!) we did lots of playing, walking, she had 24 hour around the clock care. We made sure she wore the improved cone of shame at night or if she was sat with us whilst we were doing housework (as you can't keep your eyes on her continuously!) her tail was looking like it was healing nicely- we haven't had any fur growth but we had no open wounds!! I noticed that when we out walking or in playing she kept looking back at her tail so I would tell her no and distract her, but the last 2 days she managed to attack it, gnawing on it like it was a corn on the cob. Once when I turned my back on her to pick up the cone and once when we were out walking and stopped to talk to someone. I feel that she waiting for any opportunity to attack it. The issue I'm having is that the vet said he sees this sort of thing all the time and even after it heals they will keep retuning to it. - we've been dealing with this since November and I just can't break her habit. I really don't want her to loose the whole tail but I just don't now how to stop her from doing this. I'm worried that if she has her tail removed she will start gnawing at something else??? Has anyone had any experience in this kind of behaviour? Please help xx Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So my beautiful girl has had demodex since we got her from the rescue centre, (June) she was treated and looked so much better so the vet told us she was fine now- then in October (2 months after) it started again. My vet took skin scrapes this time and biopsy so see if there wasn't underlying problem (which there wasn't) We were back to square one. Ghost lost all her fur on her feet and face and they became swollen, but with perseverance and a new vet, she now looks amazing!! Then last month she started chewing her tail in the middle, we concentrated on treating that area and made her wear a cone at night, as she couldn't reach the middle she started on the end of the tail. She has been on 3 courses of antibiotics, I've tried homeopathic remedies, I've extended the cone so she can't reach the end. Yet at any opportunity she bites her tail. - proper gnawing at it. I went back today and the vet said there's nothing more we can do- the end is now dead and the middle un-repairable. And she now sees it as a foreign object. She is to have it amputated. I feel heart broken for her. I know at least she will be out of pain, but I'm worried that she'll miss it and that it got this far and what if people are mean about her? So sad [emoji20] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. We don't do tradition in our house hold so this year were doing pulled pork in baps with a JD bbq sauce, mmmmm!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I took her to the vet. They thought that it was linked to the demodex mites- I got antibiotics and am treating her with a dip weekly. Trouble is its where she licks her lips so any cream I use gets licked off so the wound is always moist. [emoji20] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hi- my rescue pup has been suffering with zrd and demodex mites, she's been poorly For weeks and we're finally getting over it and she's showing signs of improvement. She accidentally scratched her face which ended in a deep cut & bleed, i put dermisol on it but she licks it off straight away- I've tried sudacream and coconut oil too but it doesn't last long either- it seems to be getting worse by the hour!! She did have a small bald patch but it's getting bigger. I just don't know what's best to put on it to encourage healing and hair growth??? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I hope you find out what it is- it's good that it's not bothering her thou
  10. Hi, is she licking a lot? My pup has one like that on her tail, she has poorly paws so she's wearing socks so she can't lick them, but she found a new place to lick, under her tail- it's licked red raw. I heard that it's granuloma. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Hi, so I'm having on going problems with Ghost she has zrd & dermatitis mites (that was inherited from her mother) she's a rescue dog and she came with all manner of problems- my vet has now taken a biopsy to determine if she has an underlying immune system problem. So she started losing weight with a recent infection on her paws but since the antibiotics her appetite has really come back. She still won't touch kibble thou, so this past week we have been feeding her a cooked meat (beef or maybe a sausage) with potatoes , peas and spinach, which she loves, it's a bit time consuming but cheaper then kibble, I worry that she's not getting enough vitamins from this thou. I alternate the meat type depending on what's on offer and thought about trying her with some lamb liver over the weekend for a change. I read the raw food post and it seems really confusing, time consuming and I was horrified to see that it includes bones!!! Ghost can't eat chicken as it gives her the runs & so I feel we're a bit limited there. I am always concerned about giving her raw meat from the super market as I worry about the bacteria of uncooked meat. Am I being really naive!! In my local pet store they do frozen container of raw meat mix - if I got that would I need to include all the other extras of offal & bones or is it all included? I really don't mind cooking her a batch of potatoes and veg everyday to add to some meat but do you think that this diet is sufficient? At last weigh she was 14.9kg and she's just turned 1 year, she is petite all over thou and in proportion! Thanks in advance xx Sorry meant to add - she has rawhide treat everyday too
  12. Hi I was wondering how your getting on? My dog has zrd, we got rid of it for about 6 weeks but it's come back. I saw that Jase said that bread is bad- ghost likes to eat the crusts off my daughters toasts, I'm gonna stop that immediately!! I have ghost on salmon & potato kibble with fresh tuna or mackerel, she's only been on this the past week or so there's not been a chance for improvement yet. She's suffering most around her eyes and on her paws and girly areas (!) so the past 3 days she's worn a buster collar (cone) at night as she's licking them red raw, she very annoyed with me for this thou I really hope your pup gets better soon & you manage to find what's triggering it. Nik
  13. Hey there, just a quick update. Ghost isn't getting any better, even with the kelp & calendula tea it seems to be getting worse. She seems a little down too, not sure if that's what's making it worse or why she's feeling grumpy!!? I think I'm gonna check out holistic vets tomorrow & if I can't find a local one I will have to take her to my normal vet. Thanks for all the advice thou,bat least I know I(or we!) have done all I can to try & help her first. I'll update when I have better news!!
  14. So... Ghost is looking worse, she's now licking her 'bits' continuously untill their red raw, her eye fur is missing & the skin sore all down her nose and lower lip. How long does it take for the kelp powder to start working? I have bathed her eyes & paws in the tea mix once but will do it again tomorrow. Her little paws are looking so sore, I'm worried that I can't find her trigger for the return of the zrd!?! Don't fancy a trip to the vet as they aren't very well informed on this topic! ?
  15. Great Post - I've been interested in this too. My pup has taken months for her belly to settle, she cant handle rice, chicken and grain. She is now 1 year old and on Brit Care, its ok priced but she seems to be a bit bored of it! Her ZRD has started again and so I was looking at other brands. I was considering; Arden Grange Sensitive Barking Heads Fuss Pot Eden Hollistic They are all similar priced around £9-£12 for a 2kg bag, Has anyone else tried these?
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