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About Sqwidge

  • Birthday 04/25/1984

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  • Biography
    I play wheelchair basketball for GB and I am hoping to go to my 3rd Paralympics in London! I have a female husky called Eika (said like an acre of field, but spelt differently!) who is just gawgeous!
  • Interests
    Wheelchair Basketball

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  1. Sqwidge

    Happy News!

    Thank you everyone!!! Had my consultant appointment today and we now know baby bears birthday (I'm having a planned section this time around) and he/she will be born on 24th June!
  2. Sqwidge

    Happy News!

    Those who I'm friends with on Facebook may have already seen, but wanted to let you all know that I'm pregnant! 15 weeks on Tuesday due date is 1st July! After a really tough year it has been good to end on a positive.
  3. Am I right in thinking that brushing with a soft brush a lot helps stimulate fur growth??
  4. My mummy is buying mike and I one for Xmas as a joint present! I'd rather have something we will use rather than the usual random crap she buys us!
  5. I'm really glad to hear that they are doing better, for him it was probably just a huge shock! Hope all the germs go away soon! x
  6. Josh was 1 when we got Eika as a pup, so it's really hard to try and think of any advice. But something that may help, is it possible to take him on a really long walk and make him really tired (plus getting some 1:1 time) and then try introducing again? And definitely keep on a short leash for now, which i can imagine is difficult. Goodness, doesn't rain but pours hey. And as others have said, a professional, if you can get a good one, sounds like a must. ps, really glad she's home xxx
  7. Glad she is doing better. She's so cute!
  8. My goodness, how scary. My thoughts are with you guys and I have everything crossed she makes a full recovery. Take it easy yourself, you've had a major op so don't overdo it. Your husband sounds like he's doing a fab fab job xx
  9. I'm so very sad to read this. Massive massive hugs to you all, he'll be waiting for you, don't worry xxxx
  10. I know you have said the birth was traumatic, but remember it's still very fresh in your mind. Give it a few more years and you may change your mind. My son's birth wasn't the best (very very long labour, pushed for hour and half then ended up with emergency section) but 5 years later I have decided that I do want another one and we will be trying again soon. Just take it easy for now and enjoy your gorgeous little boy xx
  11. Nope we do not go out in the rain!
  12. We worked with Eika all the time when she was a puppy holding paws, pretending to clip her nails everything then one day she couldn't deal with us doing it anymore. We have to get it done at the vets now and she is so much better when she's alone with them! She will lay on her back, put her paws up and let them cut them!! Little bugger. You may just need to find someone else who she will let do it?
  13. Jeez, he's only 3 months old can people not let you just get on with learning how to cope with one baby. This is the most all-consuming time for you and they're worried about when the next one will be? Tell them at the moment you're enjoying your newborn son and you're not even thinking about another one at the moment.
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