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  • Birthday 11/25/1994

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    Student midwife
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    Mother to my crazy three year old daughter, and to my seven year old husky Sky! Family full of huskies, my sister has Sky's brother, Paddy and rescued a husky called Inca who had 11 puppies in 2011.
    Loving partner currently serving in Afghanistan.

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  1. Evening lovelies! Been shopping today, got a big bush with blue flowers for the garden today and a wooden bench with a plaque on it for Sky, going to keep busy doing a corner in the garden dedicated for her. Don't think it's hit me yet that she's not here? Is this normal? Hope she's up there stuffing her face full of the food! Xxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. I hoped I would never have to write this, or at least not yet. Sky passed away early hours of this morning, I stayed up with her till 3am, then I woke up at 6am and she had gone. Devastated and heartbroken, I had a feeling all day yesterday something wasn't right, Without sounding awful I'm glad my baby went on her own behalf and I didn't have to make the awful decision. I can't seem to get my head round it at the moment, but I now know my Skybe is at peace! Thank you to every one of you lovely people, just reading your comments made me determined to fight for Sky, I appreciate it so much xxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Bloods are back, they all came back negative/normal for infection, cancer, hormonal imbalances, kidney failure and other conditions. Sky are some peanut butter (I put some on her gums to encourage her) But a moment ago sky's leg gave way and she fell down and started to shake a little, called vet and he said it sounds like the body is shutting down which I kind of knew just didn't want to hear it.. We are seeing the vet tomorrow to discuss options etc.. But I don't see no options other than to wait for her to go, or make the decision that it's time to put her out her suffering.. So tough but it's time to stop thinking of what I want, and to think of Sky xxxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Sky went for a sleepover at my mums last night, and she was saying that sky perked up when she saw my mums dog, but still no food, a little water. I'm a little confused at moment, a lady who trains dogs and is friends with some people in the vet industry have been reading sky's notes and are telling me that she has got renal kidney failure and she's slowly dying?? I'm so confused, the bloods from the vet Tuesday aren't back yet. So confused! Xx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Vet came out and she is adamant that the PDSA know something, or might have damaged something inside of Sky whilst being spade, she explained that even if Sky did have Renal Kidney Failure they wouldn't suggest that she would be put down as many dogs live a normal life with it they are just treated! She's taken bloods and going to wait for the results, she said that a Sky was cold yesterday so she warmed her up and Sky perked up, I'm giving sky water every 20 minutes with a syringe on top of sky drinking water on her own. Food wise, she's not eating much! If bloods come back the same as before we are thinking of the camera down the throat? But the vet has said she does not recommend putting sky down! So we are going to keep fighting! Such an up and down, up and down situation! But finally think we've found the right vet for us! Xxxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. PDSA is a vets for people with low income, it's a charity run vets but you still pay just less. And the private vets who we went to first the owner of it previously worked at the PDSA and he was telling us all the dreadful things they do there, to top it off if I had gotten Sky put down at the PDSA when they called me Friday if I had chosen not to have her ashes back, they put it in dog food?? Anyone else heard of this? It made me sick to the stomach! After the vets came at least I will know what I have to do, can't have my Skybe being miserable xxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. She's had some water, I syringe it! Still waiting on the vet to arrive, stupid PDSA refused to email me the notes of Sky so luckily the private vets we went to before had them faxed over from PDSA, So they've kindly emailed me them now, 37 pages worth! Sounds awful, but wish my baby would just pass away naturally it would be so much easier on my behalf! Will keep you all updated xxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. This is Sky today xxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Hi everyone! Yesterday wasn't a good day for Sky like I hoped, she are nothing and drunk nothing.. Last night I sat with her on her bed all night and she had no moved once, this morning her eyes are half closed all the time and she cannot move at all, I'm thinking this is a sign? I never thought it could be his hard, and feeling sick to the stomach knowing I have to make a decision on what to do, I've arranged for a vet to come out to us today to give their honest opinion, but I thinking Sky is slowly going xxx
  10. We've got an appointment Tuesday with a vet hospital, has more machines and equipments than the ones we've been using! Fingers crossed! Sky has eaten for England today, she has ate three cooked sausages, packet of ham and even took a bag of cheese savouries of the kitchen side and ate them all, but I'm not fussed I don't care what she eats as long as she's eating! Its brilliant, may only be a little step but it's better than taking three steps backwards! So happy! Fingers crossed she keeps going up and doesn't go down xxx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Her brother Paddy is with my sister who has another husky called Inca who had 11 puppies! We are a husky mad family!xx
  12. This is sky as a puppy with her brother Paddy, then this is the most recent photo of sky whilst she's been I'll again with her brother Paddy. As you can see her ribs :-( Don't have any photos on iPad of when she was healthy before op xxx
  13. Sky's been in over night about 15 nights in total on IV Fluids and they put feeding tubes in but she chewed them out, just tried the ice poles and she loves them, best run to shops and get loads! Hi Wendy the list of drugs she had are (that I know of) Zantac Metronidazole Cephalexin Predndale. Pdsa have given her a few diagnoses then said it wasn't, so far we've been told thickening around the bowel, chronic renal failure then ulcers in the gummy, oh and gas in intestines. But then once explored more every diagnoses was ruled out. Just wish they knew what it is! Thank you everyone, only found this site yesterday and I love it! Felt more at ease through your comments than the three vets we've seen!
  14. Hi Ed, we had a test for Addison's but it came back negative as that's what we thought she had. Today she ate some dry dog food then had some water, then at around lunch time we gave her some ham but she wasn't interested even tried cooked bacon she went to eat it but then didn't. I then tried some bread and butter and she ate it all! To me she looks like her teeth are sore or maybe her throat which may be caused from the tube down her neck when she had her op? The vets are saying its not. We are going to keep trying for a few more days then book an appointment with a different vet maybe have the camera down the throat? As that's all i can think of that we haven't tried. but soooo happy shes finally eaten and drinking more! soon as she had the bread she perked up, tail wagging! fingers crossed!!
  15. That's exactly how I'm feeling, I know if I don't try everything I can I will regret it! I'm going to stick it out with the steroids, she's not in any pain as I can tell, i just needed someone to tell me to keep trying, I know vets are amazing but when it's your own animal who you love so much you would do anything like you would your children etc! Fingers crossed she has a good day tomorrow, brought her some yummy meat not sure how on earth she can turn it down ha ha! Thank you so much!! :-D
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