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About shayes19

  • Birthday November 19

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  • Real Name
    sharon hayes
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  • Occupation
    Looking after my Grandchildren
  • Interests
    Hill walks with my dogs. Crafts. Reading, Science and nature

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  1. I think that if we had her from a puppy it would be different, however getting her at 18 months, well, the bad stuff is now in her brain. She has just attacked my old dog Alfie for no reason. He was laying down chillin and she flew out of her crate to see where the cat was, she wouldn't come back so I had to put a lead on her to walk her outside and on route she decided to have a go at Alfie. I simply cant accept this behaviour. She just totally ignores me at times. So frustrating.
  2. Hiya I have had Belle for about 3 months now, we got her from people who weren't looking after her very well ie. no walks and leaving her on her own for hours. Anyway, for the most is seemed to be going okay, however there is still problems and although I am used to dogs, having already two lassie dogs, Belle is something else. She is very naughty and will get up onto worktops to steal food, eats the bird food, even bulbs and simply wont be told off without growling at me. Also my two old dogs are scared of her, they don't even want to go outside with her as she wont leave them alone and has recently started go for Alfie my 11 year old. I cant even put them in the car together. They were getting on fine so I don't know if she is getting too big for her boots and is after becoming top dog but it's not making life very easy. I feel that I am letting my two old dogs down and maybe I have taken on too much. Is there any suggestions that anyone can give me or do I simply try to rehome her. I really don't know what to do. I have never been a quitter and she is loving and great with the grandchildren, but how do I get this 18 month girl who has never had any training show respect. I know she is very attached to me already and I just want to do what is right. I need advice from people who know about Huskies.
  3. Sorry to hear about your problems, I hope all gets better for you soon. I have only had Belle for 6 weeks and I got her a very large crate where she can feel safe herself and give me peace of mind if I have to go out. I have two other dogs( lassie dogs) who are 10 and 11 and they have free roam of the home so Belle can see them, so she doesn't feel on her own. I haven't left her for long periods but if I have to go out at least I know she cant come to any harm or do any. I also have large patio windows and the thought of her going through them is quite scary. I'm sure all will turn out okay for you and for family just keep positive.
  4. Okay, sounds quite similar. knowing my luck though I will probably fall over if I walk backwards lol. But I will give it a go, thanks.
  5. Hi Guys Thanks for all the tips, I am using the marker method already with my bag of bacon and it is working quite well. Yesterday evening we went out for our evening walk and she walked heel nearly all the way on loose lead so things are getting better. If she does pull forward I just turn around and walk back a few paces then quickly turn again and continue and this is working so far! lol. I don't really like the halti leads they kinda freak me out, just seem weird haha! no offence to those who use them, everyone has there preference. And it's all about what works for you and your dog. I do like the harness idea though and think they would be a good thing as they don't pull on the neck. She is a cleaver girl and the bond we have is incredible in such a short space of time, I think she is so glad to be with me and my lovely family who adore her, after what she has been through. She gets three walks a day now instead of two or three a WEEK, so imagine how excited she must feel. I am lucky where I live, that the beach is usually empty and she loves the sea. Is anyone going to the Husky convention in December at Sherwood Forest? I am also thinking of going to the talk in October(same place) about learning sledding. Does anyone already do this? I have tried to put photos on but it wont let me. I will keep trying.
  6. Hello everyone, I'm Sharon and my Husky is Belle. 6 weeks ago my daughter asked me if I would take on Belle, as she wasn't getting the attention she requires from her owners. I already have two Rough Collies who are 11 and 10 so this needed careful thought. However after hearing that she being left alone for hours on end and only getting two or three walks a week, yes a week I decided to go for it. It soon became clear that Belle who is 18 months has had no real training and has been allowed to do just what she wants. The last few weeks has been hard going at times, but she is slowly learning, although her desire to eat the cat is a bit of a problem ha! She has never been exposed to being out in the countryside, and sheep, wild ponies etc. are something to be chased. Not good!! She hasn't been shown how to behave on lead and at times this is not great for my left arm. She loves to run on the beach which we are lucky enough to live next to and when no-one is about it's great, But when she sees another dog she is off and although she will come back it is on her terms when she is ready. I feel that she doing okay considering it as only been 6 weeks, but sometimes I feel she is a nightmare. I even felt today that I couldn't cope anymore. But when I got home and looked at her beautiful face, I knew that I had to keep on. My daughter says I am being too hard on myself and that I'm doing a good job. She can now sit, lay down, sit at curbs and comes back 95% of the time on recall. She still pulls on leash, so if anyone has any ideas I would take any advice. Also she seems to have a problem with women, growling and sometimes snapping. I'm wondering if she has been hurt, in saying, this she is fine with myself and my daughter and granddaughter. it's s real mystery.
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