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  1. Lucys nails started bleeding at the tips today it looks like they have worn down to the pink and there's no white left. I have never cut her nails as they wear down on a walk on their own however it seems like they have worn down too much. Have I walked her too much? And what can I do about it? My vets want 50 quid for a consultation to tell me what's wrong but I'm pretty sure they can't grow her nails back. I don't want to pay 50 quid to be told to keep her in the house for a bit and walk her less. Thanks
  2. I have been crate training Archie now for around 4 months praising him when going in and always feeding him in the crate. He was going crazy when we would first put him in biting the wire and bouncing about. He has made progress where if he is tired he will eventually quiet down after about 30 mins of loud crying the first time we put him in at night. Afterwards I get up to let him out for a wee during the night when he comes back in from outside i shout in your bed and he runs in and lies down himself and i shut the door and he doesn't cry at all. However if we are popping out during the daytime and we have took him on a long walk before hand we put him in his crate and he still cries and cries and cries. He must stop at some point though as when we get back he is quiet however I wouldn't be surprised if the crying is effecting the neighbors and would like it so he doesn't cry at all and is happy in there even when he's awake. Is it likely he will always cry when he's first put in there or what are the next steps I should take to stop him crying completely as so far I don't see how i can stop the initial crying Thanks
  3. Thanks for your replies everyone jay.. I've just searched for that scentsy and it looks cool and some look stylish that would go with our new house. The holders are expensive though since I would like one for each room how long do the 5 quid scents last for?
  4. Do any of you use any automatic scented airfresheners or plug in scents or anything around your house to keep the house smelling fresh? It would be nice to have airfresheners we can buy and leave to keep the house fresh and only have to worry about it once a week or a month to change cartridges. If anyone uses them do you recommend any good ones? Thanks
  5. I don't know much in the way dogs perceive things but lucy learned never to use teeth on humans not just myself when training her so I'm just wondering how they perceive another dog in the household differently. At the moment When I see them use teeth I tell them no and stop them but not sure if I'm being fair or not. When archie does it to lucy she plays back but he is often crying out at the moment as she is being a bit rough sometimes by accident mainly due to size difference
  6. I was wondering today when i saw our new pup archie winding lucy up by biting her over and over and was wondering if it's possible for us to teach our dogs to treat each other like they treat us as in they don't use teeth at all and all they Are allowed to do is lick. So if they are trained like this they will never bite each other and only lick instead so that they never hurt each other? Is this a rediculous task to try and accomplish or has anyone ever seen it before?
  7. can someone help me out by giving me an example of a daily meal from products i could buy from http://www.thedogfoodcompany.co.uk/products.htmlfor example if my dogs adult wieght is aprox 25kg so daily intake should be about 500g i think if i did it right. But what would i need to buy as i need to work it out how much it would cost and what id be buying. It seems so confusing thanks
  8. ah right thats great thanks is the one you suggested the cheapest company that does it?
  9. what do you mean by prepackaged meats? im struggling to find the variety of meats id need without breaking the bank
  10. Im looking into switching to feeding our dogs a raw diet however i am stuck to a small budget at the moment. Can anyone give me some advice on how to feed two dogs raw for as cheap as possible and can they be fed the same raw meats everyday or do the meats have to be different? I currently pay about 35-40 pound a month feeding kibble to two dogs. Thanks
  11. I think it is definitely because the previous owners left him ages in his crate so he has associated it with a punishment I've been looking online and seen that there are anxiety tablets for dogs. Do any of you think this is unethical or is it a good way to help your dog relax for the first few days in a crate and slowly ween him off it so he can relax in there as at the moment he goes wild the second we put him in there and hates it he only goes in willingly for a treat and will run straight out with it
  12. Hi we got archie at 10 weeks age about a week ago now and the previous owner got him from a breeder then realized they couldn't handle a husky as they had him in a crate for 8 hours a day whilst at work. Since getting archie compared to our other husky Lucy he seems to scoff tons of food down the second we put it down and overeating as if he is scared he wont get any hes also doing the same with water. We have to crate archie at night the same we do with Lucy and i get up every 3 hours to let him out for a wee at the moment. However the first few nights he screamed for hours before he quietened down and he is still screaming for a good 30 minutes before calming down as of tonight. when im in all day im constantly giving him positive reinforcement of using the crate by giving treats in the crate and letting him go in and out on his own however he will not voluntarily go in there for comfort without a treat and he will jump straight out with treats. I think the previous owner may have neglected him badly and he is now scared to be in the crate alone at night. so far i have never given in to him crying and even when i feel he is crying for a wee i wait a couple of minutes until he is quiet before letting him out. I'm just wondering if any of you can give me any advise to make him like the crate any better than ive been doing and see if i can fix this issue with him
  13. So if Lucy stops and tries to pull out of it will it slide off her nose? I find she does that a lot with the halti
  14. They say the same for the halti that i bought but it pushes up to her eyes. What stops yours from riding up?
  15. Will those haltis you make stay on Lucy's nose without riding up to her eyes? The halti I've tries ride up and push one of her eyes closed and she hates it. I think a more comfortable one may be better
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