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About leelibrian

  • Birthday 01/17/1994

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  • Real Name
    kizzy bowden
  • Location
  • Country Flag
    Great Britain
  • Occupation
    husky mummy
  • Biography
    I grew up in holland, moved to wales and finally arrived in çhesterfield where i met my fiancé Danny. We moved in and within 3months we knew we both wanted a husky baby so we got leeli. She was a expensive always at the vet puppy but that's because she's allergic to chicken, lamb and house dust mites and storage dust mites! We hoover a LOT! We got Brian a couple of months later. He's a rescue mally with a lot of problems but a big loving heart! Can't wait to attend husky walks and husky camps!
  • Interests
    huskies, malamutes, dogs, walking, reading, watching movies, taking photos of the puppies!

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  1. i dont want them to come, and they seem to have invited themselves. they dont know where i live but they know where my parents live which is a slight concern. i'll just tell them were not avilable until all the money is paid and then block there number... that sounds quite good, brian growls sometimes as well and my fiance doesnt always teell him off.. it will be good to be able to look back at things we did and what were doing wrong ect. thank you very much x
  2. that sounds quite good, i'll check it out via my dads fb, thankyou
  3. i do cuddle the dogs a lot and mother them all the time so i know thats a problem :/ it will be nice to see her and how she changes (and us) when the behaviourist does come along. i know what you mean leeli always licks everyone lmao! uh oh previous owners are telling me they will be coming to see harlie sometime. dont know what to do with these people anymore.
  4. Ive kept all the texts. I'm just worried about them selling puppies tbh, they told me they thought food agression was normal for dogs and it worries me about what they might say to new owners of huskies. Thanks, we'll see what happens with CAB. I don't have fb but I might steal my dads to have a look at that because it sounds really good, thankyou! That diary idea sounds really good actually. I will start that tomorrow morning. Thankyou, I'm just so angry at these owners and I wish they would take responsibility and at least admit that harlie had some problems. Shes currently laid on my lap and she's lovely and hopefully this behaviourist I'm counting will be able to help her x
  5. Thankyou. I admit that was a bit harsh but I don't like people assuming I treat my dogs badly. I'll go to the CAB on Monday. Thanks
  6. how dare you even suggest i shout at my dogs?! i do not and how do you think you can say that i do? i started this thread to ask about if i could somehow complain about the previous owners and all ive had is people saying about how i shouldnt use the word 'murderous' no one else can see what she is like and can not comment on the fact if she can or can not kill a dog. you have no right to say about wether or not harlie should stay with us. we are trying our best for her and i cant have people on my back about little comments.
  7. Its matters when I paid a lot of money for her. I think she could kill a dog so yeah I'm sticking with what I said. Ive not come onto this site for people to judge small things I say. There's a bigger picture and I don't need people on my back about small things when I'm talking about the bigger picture!!!!!
  8. Does it say good or bad? I thought it was submissive and good???? I just noticed you live in a different country to me :/ lol
  9. I know what you mean. We've contacted the malamute rescue and they cant really help too much but we might have a friend who is a behaviourist able to help us. It depends though lol.
  10. she's been to a vet they say she seems in great help and that sh eobviously just has some behaviour problems :/ shes been muzzled but will still attack another dog she's fine with hand feeding she's not that bothered really if she's in her crate she growls if another dog even walks past and if she's in a seperate room she decides its 'her' room and guards it. she just seems to guard everything, toys, food, rooms, chairs, she even once guarded a small stone on the floor. she seems to be able to see perfectly okay from what i can tell! ive tried swapping dogs between rooms with a babygate to get them to feel comfortable around eachother, tried feeding them next to eachother and also crated her but all she does is growl non stop. she's been muzzled and put on a lead in the house but when shes in guarding mode we can barely even drag her away from the object.
  11. Yeah once ive paid I'm going to try and ignore them :/
  12. I would but they keep texting me and they seem dodgy and know where my parents live so not as easy as just cutting them out. Sadly.
  13. Well she seems okay and is doing good with our other dogs right now so I disagree.
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