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  1. Thank you for your replies! It's nice to know that its all normal and that other people feel the same way. I wish there were more training options with more similar breeds close by to where I live but its rare that I ever see any Huskys or Malamutes so theres never been any at any of the training that i've found, which would have been nice for Keiko. The closest friend she's found is an Akita who likes to play rough with her as well. It would be nice to find people with Huskys close by and be able to let her interact and play properly. I've seen a few different dog groups on the beach where I walk her but they've mostly been Border Collies and as soon as they see her approaching like a meerkat on her back legs they head in a different direction haha. That picture is really great Mark! They look so much like wolves when they play, it just really showcases their strength doesn't it. How long do you feel it has taken to get them to the point of listening better and wanting to be obedient? I know that the breed is known for having selective hearing in terms of recall and commands etc but I know it can be done with time and effort, I'll stay hopeful for Keiko
  2. Keiko is now 7 months old and is getting heavier and stronger by the days. She's tried wearing a half check choker (recommended by her trainer) and also a harness. She walks on either a normal length lead or a 30/60ft training lead for areas where possible. She walks great on the lead and doesn't excessively pull when there aren't too many distractions about but when there's people or other dogs, she goes crazy! She has been socialised since a young age and simply wants to play but this is so difficult with so much lead to wrap up and her jumping. Has anyone got any tips for not getting completely tangled and tripped up by such long leads? Also is it normal that she's always trying to get up on her back legs and hit other dogs in the face with her paws? She started training when she was around 5 months old but we couldn't take her back as she was play fighting with the dogs and this was seemingly frowned upon by the other dog owners, most of the other dogs were small breeds and I think some people may find it intimidating or don't understand it's not in any way vicious. Any tips on training and basically making her look a bit more sane would be greatly appreciated haha! Thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks for everyone's input so far yeah i imagine they will be charging a lot for it! There's an offer I seen online for puppies but then it said from £15 so I imagine when I turn up with Keiko and try and tell them how old she is they'll laugh and charge me the price of a full grown dog haha! Do any of your dogs have excessively sharp claws or are theirs ok?
  4. I've got a 5 month old husky and so far when she's ended up extremely muddy and couldn't get the dirt off herself we've just washed her ourselves. However I'm just wondering, do many people have their huskies groomed professionally? I know that they don't get their coat cut as they've got an undercoat and top coat that shouldn't be interfered with but just in terms of having them washed. Keiko mostly walks on a beach or sandhills so spends most of her time running on sand. Due to this I don't think her nails are getting filed down properly, would anyone recommend getting them cut by a groomer? I've also seen a few things online saying getting her groomed can help get rid of the excess fur she leaves all over the house so much haha! I do brush her but just wondering if the professional grooming will help or not? Any general tips about grooming etc would be helpful as she's my first husky.
  5. She finally howled properly tonight and sounded as if she was trying to talk back but her voice croaked haha. I think she's only going to get louder and louder !
  6. I've bought both the 30ft and 100ft leads now so fingers crossed she can just run on those
  7. I'll get her one of those and hopefully it'll stop her. She won't be going off the lead again for the foreseeable future until some more training has been done so hopefully i'll be able to keep her away from them as well. Thanks for your help
  8. Yeah she's been off the lead and has been fine but is now starting to push the boundaries a lot more so I think she'll be back on the lead and being trained a little bit more from now on. I did think about muzzling her as I've seen another husky that is muzzled to stop it from eating things. I'm just worried people get the wrong idea and will think that she's vicious and won't understand that its to stop her from picking everything up. Do you know if the halti leads muzzle or if they just sit at the back of the mouth area?
  9. Thanks for everyone's input It's helpful to know they're all so different and hopefully once she's a little bit older she'll get a little bit more vocal. I might regret wanting her to be more vocal if she does start talking and howling all the time though!
  10. Hi, My puppy is now around 5 months old and doesn't seem to make any noises that I would associate with a husky. Her howling doesn't sound like a howl and only happens when she's angry that we've left her in the room that she stays in and she wants to come with us. The noises that she makes that sound as close to when you hear them 'talking' just sound like a longer version of her cry/howl. It's strange to describe! Anyhow, do they all howl or do some never get to that stage? Is it her age that she can't seem to sound like the other ones i've heard haha? Any advice on encouraging this would be great or letting me know about your experiences with your own dogs
  11. Hi, My husky puppy is around 5 months old now and has become really fussy with her food and doesn't seem to be that keen on anything at the moment. She does seem interested in trying to get close to whatever human food she can, she hasn't and won't be having any of that though. I live close to a beach and she often goes there for a good long walk, allowing her to run and interact with other dogs. She's been really good on the whole, except recently she won't leave the starfish alone. There's a hell of a lot of them that have been washed up and she insists on digging and seeking them out. I've read online that they can be poisonous and cause problems, upsetting the dog's tummy. I really would rather not allow her to do this but just don't know how to stop it. Has anyone else had experience with their dog/dogs doing this? Or any other strange eating habits?
  12. Thank you everyone! She's currently got a standard harness and an extendable lead on for walks but I don't feel like it's the best combination for her. When she pulls it doesn't seem to look like it's working and it looks like it is uncomfortable. Does anyone have any advice on the best hardness/collar and lead for her?
  13. i'll try these smiley faces and then see if it'll let me, thanks for the help!
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