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Everything posted by nalwade

  1. nalwade

    Ava 07/16/15 #2

    Gorgeous Husky!
  2. He's doing well! He has his follow-up visit this Thursday. I'm going to talk to the Vet about supplements to help him gain some weight. I feel awful because he's so tiny! Thank you for asking! <3
  3. Dexter is doing well, the medication and food is keeping him stable and happy until he can undergo a second surgery! He has gained a little bit of weight and remains super happy, although after his surgery he was stuck in his kennel up until a few days ago... we noticed him getting super sad and he was all wound up sooooo my Husband and I agreed to get a second puppy BUT we didn't get another Husky, we thought of getting a pup who is a little more low key and not as high strung so we went with a Bloodhound. So far they are best friends lol Dexter cuddles with him and Moose licks Dexter and takes care of him and they play fight and they share everything. It's so freaking cute. Dexter seems much much much more happy and Moose loves his big brother! I attached some pictures for everyone to see
  4. Dexter has had a rough few weeks... he started to go downhill right before his surgery but he was stabilized and they went in to try and located the shunt and fix it. Unfortunately the shunt is inside his liver and not on the outside, which means at some point he will be needing another surgery. We have spent 10,000 dollars on Dexter within the last 7 weeks, and it really saddens me to say we are unable to get this second surgery at this time. So now our option is to either find a Husky Rescue that can take him and get him the surgery soon, or we try to medically manage him ourself and we keep him on a no protein diet and feed him supplements and continue his medication until we are able to give him his next surgery... it's really sad seeing him like this. He came home today, he has a little cone around his neck and he looks really sick and there is a huge cut down his belly. The cone is going to be on him for about 3 weeks and he can't do any running or exercise pretty much, for those 3 weeks. He is on blue hills prescription food and lactulose to help get the ammonia out of his stool. Fingers crossed he does well because the first week post-op is the most critical. Seizures are the big thing we are praying don't happen because they'll be bad enough to where he may have to be put down... even worse than seizures, he could fall into a coma by chance... so just everyone keep us in mind, please! I posted some pictures from the last two weeks... the one of Justin and him in the car was Tuesday morning (07-22-2015) before his surgery and the ones with the cone on his head are from today... he just came home. He's doing okay! Super sleepy! I love our little man. The other pictures are just a few cute ones and one from me holding him the third day he was stuck at the ER.
  5. Well, it would be easier to post the GoFundMe page because I post all of his updates on there... but seeing as how I cannot, I will just copy & pasta what I can! 

    Well, Dexter went in for surgery yesterday morning and unfortunately it wasn't a success. Dexters shunt is located on the inside of the liver, the Doctor was able to spot it but was unable to get the ring around it to close it up... this means Dexter will be needing another surgery at some point in his life. It's been an extremely stressful week, from the anxiety his surgery brought to the stress from his bills piling up, to what we are going to do if he needs another surgery. At this point, our options are to find him a Husky shelter that is able to care for him and get him the surgery sooner than we can... or medically manage him as best we can until we pay off the money we owe for his previous surgeries. Right now he is home with us and we are hoping that this very critical week post-operatively goes by smoothly... even though the surgery wasn't a success, it's still possible Dexter can go downhill so please keep us in your thoughts.


  6. They still have no idea what is going on with him but they are thinking it has something to do with his hormones and it is hereditary/congenital... maybe something like Addison's disease. He is still in the Hospital, we visited him today. He was really excited to see us... he's still very sick though. Thank you for all of the wishes of a speedy recovery! Also here is a picture from todays visit
  7. Little man is in the ICU... the Vet just called and said on paper, he's fine... there isn't anything to treat but he is clearly sick. We have no idea what is going on. There is a little something present in his lungs but not enough to cause respiratory distress. Other than that, he is dehydrated... they're going to push antibiotics in the morning to see if it helps.

  8. Well he was admitted into the ICU for 3-4 days... he is on O2 and has a catheter in to push some fluids. His Xrays showed that his heart was an odd shape, they weren't too specific but they sent the radiographs off to a cardiologist to look at. His lungs are clear except for a little bit of stuff that could indicate a respiratory disease or allergies... they're not being specific at all because they have no idea what it is. They said he isn't even presenting as a "normal" sick puppy. He is so lethargic he can barely stay awake. His WBC was a little high which says infection, so they're treating him with antibiotics. I mentioned his pee smelling like popcorn so they're doing a urinalysis and testing for Lyme as well. Also his levels were high... some kidney test they did, and it means he is malnurished so the Vet was like "he hasn't been eating well for a while" which I felt like she was insinuating that we haven't been feeding him correctly or something which really bothers my Husband and I, ugh. He hasn't been eating as much as he should be because he has had a puppy cold for about a week but just yesterday is when it took a turn for the worse, he seemed to be getting better right before yesterday! He was outside at midnight to go potty Friday night wanting to play! Oh and the Vet when we left said we would get a call in 45 minutes for lab results, she never called so we had to call them. Then said she would call between 8-9pm before she left to give us an update and guess what? No call. This is ridiculous ): Picture was from Friday*
  9. So ever since we purchased Dexter he has had issues... first it was diahhrea and when we finally clear that up he starts limping on his left leg and we waited for it to pass and it did, maybe he pulled a muscle or something... but recently had caught a cold and it sort of went away, well yesterday his breathing became really difficult and he was super lethargic... we thought maybe it was too hot so we continued on with the day, well we get back that night and he really wasn't looking good so I let him sleep on the bed with us and then I wake up to a thud... he fell off the bed trying to get down (mind you we don't even have a bedset its just box spring and mattress) then this morning he fell down a step trying to go potty ): so we brought him to the ER and he is currently on O2 and chest X-rays are being done ): I listened to his lungs last night and they were really junky. I'm thinking pneumonia ): has anyone's Husky had pneumonia before or anything that compromised their breathing?
  10. We are going to have to try it then!
  11. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS PROBLEM? He for real pees on our bed, this is the third time. Even AFTER he has gone out and went both number 1 and 2! Does this mean he is trying to like be dominant or something?! Anyone else deal with this? If so what can we do?
  12. Ahhh! He is s handsome! I love his coat! And his eyes! As much as I love him as a pup I can't wait to see what he looks like when he's a full grown dog! Huskies are so beautiful!
  13. He has a bunch of brown hair that's slowly becoming more and more prominent on the top of his head! His dad was a brown husky and his mama was a tan and white one. I'm excited to see how he looks when he gets a bit older
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