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Posts posted by mellyp

  1. On 12/17/2015 at 5:05 PM, mydiamond said:

    Hey Melissa. This is a very late reply, but I hope you still get to read this. So I see that Kenshi is resource-guarding. This is a very common issue and probably has nothing to do with the fact that you're his one and only caregiver. First off, keep him a good distance away from you when you're talking to your male friends. Keep an eye on him. When he starts to get stiff (ears erect, eyes wide and focused, tail dropped) and making an approach, tell him to back off. If the warning is ignored, he gets a time out. Don't talk to him, just quietly put him on another room or tie him to the leg of a furniture (not recommended, Huskies are super strong). Start with 30 or 60 seconds, and then go up from there if he repeatedly ignore your warnings (which he will). Rinse and repeat. As you can see this does not make an ideal social situation, so what you probably need is a good sport that won't mind pretending to have a conversation with you when really you're just trying to train your dog LOL but hey, practice makes perfect.

    Another good exercise is letting your friends interact with him - just the two of them. Maybe let your friend feed him little snacks or two along the way. Good luck, and keep in mind you have a teenager in hand!



    Hey Amanda! Thank you for your reply. It's funny because Kenshi is always fine whenever I have a girl friend over it's just the boys that's the problem. It's not so much of the growling like I read regarding resource guarding but more of him trying to physically (he tends to want to guide them out by grabbing thier hands) take them out my house lol. I have tried putting him in time out in the crate but all he does is howl and scream. I will try placing him in the crate in another room if he exhibits this behavior again. Thank you for the advice and wish me luck! 

    17 hours ago, jmscott said:

    Something to remember is that dogs in the long run do NOT recognize all silhouettes as being people, even if we think they 'know' them. Make sure both the men and women who visit your home remove all hats, glasses, (beards can also be problematic), and remove large jackets.


    For a dog this is scary as hell  

    This says "human" to a dog.



    At 6 months old he is also getting a good dose of hormones and is on the first step in maturing. 

    Look into books by accredited trainers like Suzanne Clothier and Patricia McConnell.


    Thanks for the advice and extra knowledge!

  2. Hey guys my husky Kenshi is currently 6 months old and lately I noticed that he has been less tolerant of my male friends. He does well when I have a group of friends over and also out in public but his behavior changes when I am one on one with a male friend. He will start biting their hand and nipping. It's always just been me and him since he was 8 weeks and he is not use to another male presence. I just don't want this behavior to persist or worsen and I'm all ears for advice.

  3. Does anybody know what age a husky puppy's eye color remain definite? My Kenshi has bi-colored eyes. At 8 weeks it had one blue and the other was more blue but specks of amber was present it appeared green to me. At 12 weeks (current age) the eye has turned more amber with more blue color on the other corners. When I did my research it said 6-7 weeks for eye color to be permanent but Kenshi has surpassed that age. 

  4. I agree. He actually does a pretty good job with the peeing. I mean, most of the time when he's awake, he will bark and scratch at the door and we'll take him out. But when he's asleep...? -_- So he'll be taking a nap, get up and just walk so slowly and casually to a spot and just start peeing! We're like "Zeus, NO!" So it's almost like he's too lazy to tell us when he wakes up. He's such a human. At night we leave him in the hallway (hard wood floors) gated in, and he does pretty amazing peeing on the pad. He misses sometimes, but for the most part we can't be mad at him because he's really close. So he does well all around. Only accident he has are because he's too lazy to tell us. He's far from perfected it though, because we do take him out often. Plus, he HATES pooping indoors. Every since he was little, he would cry and cry until we took him out and figured he had to poop. He has been pooping on he pads well, at night. But last night was actually the first night he made it through an entire night holding it. I was pretty proud of him. Gave him a little extra peanut butter in his treat today. haha.

    He's learning good habits so far! Kenshi took a lot of work and we use to take him out every hour when he was 8 weeks. It was a pain because we live on the third floor -_- he's A LOT better now...he can hold his pee for 2 hours after drinking water o and he poops every 4 hours after eating. Hopefully it continues to get better lol






    LOL I tell Kenshi that all the time to stop growing too! I think that may be normal for husky puppies. My friend was telling me her dog use to do the same thing too as a pup. The only down side is the peeing -_- lol. How are you guys with potty training? We have to constantly take him out after eating and drinking or he'll have accidents in the house. 

  6. He is 13 pounds at almost 11 weeks. So if I do the math right, in 4 weeks he went up 8 pounds. So at 11 that put Kenshi at about 16 pounds. So maybe a little undersized at the moment. We just upped his food a little because he is ALWAYS hungry. He loves us for it. He seems to be growing everyday. So I think he should be fine.

    I can't believe he's gotten so big already...they grow up so fast :(. I think with time Zeus will definitely catch up. I feed Kenshi three times a day and he gets a cup of dog food each meal. That's how Kenshi is too always hungry and thirsty lol

  7. He looks awesome. Huge ears too! Nice! I have a question, do you know how much he weighs right now? I am trying to see my dogs pace. We went to the vet this past weekend and he said he was "small". So I am just trying to see where we're at.

    Lol yes he's ears are so big...and you should see his paws...they so don't look like puppy paws :o. He just went to the vet yesterday and he is 20 pounds at 12 weeks. How much does Zeus weigh? When we went to the vet at 8 weeks he was 12 pounds.



    hahaha. We know the feeling. Yesterday my wife and I left to go to the movies and eat and we corner him with a gate to our "Doggy Proof" hallway, as crating isn't going too well. Intend to take him to training for this soon, anyways, we come home to an OPEN door to our room. Our hearts stopped. I guess one of us didn't close it right. All my wife's shoes are in the middle of the room, MacBook cord is chewed (not ruined, thank god), and he even chewed on our MacBook a little. -_-  Luckily nothing was too bad, just some teeth marks here and there and my wife wasn't too happy that he got her shoes and not mine. I just like to think that he loves her more. haha. Gotta love Zeus, he's the type of Houdini to find a way IN and not out. Is that Kenshi in the pic? He's awesome!


    Lol I know that scenario too well. Those little escape artists they start so young! That's what happened the second day after we took him home. I don't know how he got out the baby gate from our kitchen but we came home to a war zone. We got him the crate the next day. Have you tried luring Zeus into the crate with treats and toys. I read that by doing so it creates like a positive environment for them and they'll be more likely to want to go inside. The first few days of crating Kenshi would cry and cry but when I started feeding him inside the crate and surprising him with treats inside the crate he slowly came around to it and now he's sleeping through the night in it.  Yes and thank you! That's him in the picture. Here's two more of a closer pics :)


    unnamed (1).jpg

  9. Our puppies are the same color with the same red nose!! Your Zeus is adorable! The best advice I can give you is if you are not able to keep an eye on him you must crate him. I turned my back this morning for literally 10 minutes and Kenshi ended up eating my macbook cord -_-....

  10. Hello guys!! My puppy's name is Kenshi and he will be 12 weeks old tomorrow. It has been 3 weeks since he's been living with us and boy was the first week tough! I must say that this forum has helped reassure and combat some issues my initial week but now we have been doing much better and getting into the routine of things. I look forward to sharing and continuing to receive advice from husky mamas and daddies :)

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