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About Antonio

  • Birthday 04/08/1962

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  • Occupation
    MHE instructor
  • Biography
    English born Italian
  • Interests
    Gym, off road, dog

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  1. Have a great new year
  2. Hope you all have a great new year
  3. Wishing all the best in the festive season
  4. So Rocky is 8 weeks old and usual issues of whimpering, howling etc. on a night. I have a veranda that's safe and secure (more part of the house). Put his crate and some toys in there switched off the lights ( there is outside light , like night light) and I slept downstairs without him knowing, just checking every now and then....he slept no problems so think it's too warm in the house itself, he is safe and it's locked/secure, nothing harmful there, and seems happy. He's inside all time just those few hours on a night. Do you think this will be ok as he is only 8weeks old? Any comments, advice welcome. All rest is as expected, very smart dogs,he's happy, his house training is going fine. Just the odd pee inside but when he can't make it to the door, no poops inside, found his spot outside.
  5. Thoughts are with you, it's hard I know( had to make the call the other month) but watching them suffer and having no quality of life is just as bad, be strong for him, you have all done everything you could possibly do and beyond...
  6. Think this is where it might start, been whining all till 3am had to come down and clean up mess in kitchen. Think he slept too much early last night ( when I put him in kitchen he was asleep) Think his food is not doing him any good as he is like a fountain at minute, I took all puppy treats away ( puppy Kong biscuits etc) to see if it was that but it hasn't gone away. He is on "James Wellbeloved puppy food" becouse they had him on Bakers and vet told them to change 2 days before i got him. Thought it could have been change of food or home but persisting too long now. Q. Should I change his food now or wait till I go to vet's next Thursday? Just he's not doing well I think on this diet. Amy suggestions on witch food or any advice welcome... He has appetite and is drinking ok, seems to be growing and very active just watery stools, can hear him go wind when he does them, not right. Below with one of his favourite toys "Rudy" I got him this when we went first time to see him. Chewed some bits off but it's surviving lol
  7. Well hard not to pamper him, getting spoilt. Doing well with house training for the moment, just the odd time we don't catch him on time but he's not even 8 weeks yet. Scratches to go out and quick little bark to come back in. ( his little bark is so cute). Knows when he's to be fed, and have him looking at me eat before he does. Comes back with toys when called. And having a good play with him before bedtime seems to wear him out a bit and after 10-15min he's quiet. Any tips/advice welcome guys
  8. After a late night, lazy morning lol Any tips/advice welcome guys
  9. No crate, just downstairs and confined to the kitchen at night time. Has worked in the past for pups, they never really used the crate. And made a mistake in the thread his first vacation is at 8weeks.....am I right? Don't know why I thought he must have had his first. Think he's only been wormed to date, should be again soon Any tips/advice welcome guys
  10. So.... Yesterday he started to use his puppy pad a couple of times, and is getting use to us opening the door and going outside on his own, even did his business outside twice! but still when he can be bothered lol. He has found lots of spots to hide and lay down, disappear for ten minutes yesterday, made his way through back of the sofa, we heard him whimper and lifted him out lol. But: Came home at 3:30am and light on and wife was up, he been wimpering and she came down at midnight to stay with him, told her not to. So she went to work at 4am with 2hrs sleep. We are trying to plan all the rules starting from next week as he seems to be settling ok, keeping in mind he is just a small pup. Has his second vacation next Wednesday then he can finally go out the week after. Any tips/advice welcome guys
  11. Great looking pup, congratulations Love the German shepherd too.
  12. update: Went to vets to register pup, girls there took him and wouldn't let him go, they put pics up on the vets web site. Went to pet store ( keeping in mind he's not near other dogs and not on floor yet when he's out) got food 'James Wellbeloved puppy food' as that is what he was on. Again he got a lot of fuss..... Before work ( on nights) I confined him to kitchen for half hour before he got company to see how he copped. He wimpered for 10min and that was it. Came in at 3:30am to a silent house, peeped to see if he was ok... He saw me and was growling at me! Moved back and he just went back to sleep not a peep til my wife came down this morning. So all ok, he's very playful and jumps, explores etc. And finding hideouts, sits/lays under table next to one of us Any tips/advice welcome guys
  13. update: He slept for almost 6hrs ( only got up to drink) then about 8pm woke up and that was it, playing around jumping and enjoying his new toys, ate then did his "business".....and let out everything he had not done all day ...three times lol. When it got time to sleep he was confined to the kitchen, had his blanket and pads down...... Only wippered for 30mins and that was it...lucky or what! This morning he was found asleep on his training pad rather than his blanket. Seems happy,playful and eating.....when "power napping" he tends to rest next to one of us now rather than on his blanket. Will see how the day goes, off to register him with vet in a bit, he's 7weeks on Wednesday, just want him checked and schedule next vacation and worming
  14. Got up at 4am to set off early, picked up Rocky at 9am to get back for 12.30. Pup was ok all way back, behaved really well. Hes been drinking but not had anything to eat yet, ( but they did say he had eaten this morning just before I picked him up) He's also sleeping a lot on the blanket I got with him, so left him to it for now
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