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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I'm sure they appreciate you keeping them cool.
  2. Awwww a puppy in a huge drinking bowl
  3. How'd you stick her to the wall like that ???
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Konica-Minolta-Maxxum-Digital-Camera/dp/B000A7JKMW then you'll need to get lenses to go with it, that's just for the body :eek:
  5. As you said as long as the extra kibble doesn;t give him the runs. Maybe swap a kibble meal for Raw chicken wings. a couple of times per week. loads of protien there.
  6. We give ours plain boiled rice with the kibble and tinned meat. Our guys were really skinny after fighting off what we believe was a touch of Parvo. (Not pleasant ) They soon bulked back up.
  7. LOL i can give you an Aussie one. "Chunder" meaning to throw up. It comes from the days of sailing ships. When someone hadn't quite got thier sea legs and was feeling a bit green about the gills. They would shout "Chunder" or "watch Under" as the pea soup was ejected over the side warning people underneath to withdraw back out of the way.
  8. LOL thanks Al. Still sounds silly to me.
  9. WOW some fantastic pics in there. I was laughing out loud at a few. The expressions on the dogs and some of the comical positions they got themselves into.
  10. The things we do so our pooches can have a little freedom. I spent £3000 fencing my back garden with 6ft close board fencing. Just so they would have somewhere secure to run around in. This pic is roughly the top quarter of the garden
  11. I still miss my Big boy Bear our first white german shepherd. RIP Bud.
  12. My 2 huskies don't do "fetch" they'll take the ball and throw it around a bit then lose interest. However. . . Echo my white German Shepherd will play ball fetch all day non stop. We have a 150ft garden. I stand in the middle with 2 solid balls. launch one down the garden. Echo chases it brings it back and drops it about 10 feet away while running. I launch the 2nd ball and she doesn't have to stop. The first ball rolls to my feet I pick it up and launch it as she flies past repeat until she is exhausted.
  13. Free running around the house and garden are fine. (not that you'd be able to stop her. . .lol) Zoomies are so much fun to watch. . . Don't forget Huskies need mental stimulation too, that can tire them out just as much as a good long walk. simple things like put some treats in an empty coke bottle. Let her figure out how to get them out.
  14. Andy

    Pack Name

    Duh. . . it's on your banner
  15. Andy


    That is sad. What possible pleasure can they get from knowing some poor dog, cat, fox etc is going be in severe pain and probably die from ingesting that
  16. Good question. . . The answer I would suspect is both
  17. Happy 1st birthday Leyka
  18. Andy

    Pack Name

    Ours is simply the Rickard Pack. Coz it is
  19. If you use a flexi lead then please put her on a harness. If the lead is extended and get up a good head of steam from behind you The can damage thier neck on a normal collar as they hit the full extent of the lead. Also they can be travelling fast 30MPH + which could pull the handle out of your hand. The bouncing handle scares the dog and off they run even faster.
  20. Copied my reply from another similar post Your pup shouldn't be doing strenuous exercise before the age of 1 year old. The joints, bones and ligaments are still growing. Strenuous exercise puts stress on the joints, bones etc. You won't notice and the pup is happy to let loose. . . . However. . . . In later years the dog is likely to suffer from hip displacia and joint problems many years before they would normally be expected to. All because the owner couldn't wait 3 or 4 months to start running with the dog when a puppy. Also what need to realise is that the dog will be pulling you, not just running beside you. That will put even more stress on the developing pup. Please just wait.
  21. Andy

    Life Saving

    Hope everyone is ok and glad that the dogs were unharmed. Well done for doing such a great job
  22. Awwwww, handsome. Thanx for sharing
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