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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Our boy Malaki is a Huskamute although he's more Mal' than Sibe. He's at least a third larger than the sibes and is still growing. the black and white Husky is Daughtry and she's a year older than Malaki the Huskamute. This shows the size difference
  2. We had four torches at work. Four of our associates did the run with the torches through the factory Mini-BMW cowley oxford. heavier than I would have expected.
  3. Andy


    LOL mostly my fault I kind of got a bit carried away recently. [MENTION=7782]Osinn11[/MENTION] Ed I have to agree with Elyse, way too busy, and the words drag the eye away from the husky. My sig is 'Busy' but the eye is always drawn to the dogs.
  4. He's not bothered if you get flooded out then. . . he'll love it
  5. Oh, Poor Al, and poor pooches at the mercy of a permanently randy dog.
  6. As long as the dogs get on then there is no issue with the car ride (as long as you have sufficient space) and as for the walking I can walk three of mine with the leads loose lead in one hand, how ??? One word. . . training. malaki is going through his one on one lead training now and will soon be able to join the other three on pack walks. Put the effort in and you will be rewarded with walks that are great fun for your pooches and you. You do not need to be dragged and hauled everywhere on walks.
  7. Change the style to Husky Owner V3 please and see if that comes back. If that doesn't work perhaps your screen resolution has changed and the browser no longer fits.
  8. what do you mean top banner. . . do you mean the Husky-Owners banner with the three dogs. and. . . . is it just from the main Home page or the top of all the pages ??
  9. LMAO I'm sure my granddaughter will be leaving us all some surprises in her nappies :eek:
  10. Get your finger out and get it done today then
  11. I pose a similar problem for my family. I'm not being difficult by not telling them what I would like. I want to be surprised on Xmas morning when I open my presents. There is so little fun or excitement left at Xmas now, that not knowing what I'm getting (good or bad) is always a surprise.
  12. Before my step-dad Albert passed away he had a young lady who used to come to his house and cut his hair once per month. She had a load of old people on her books and was doing between 5 & 10 old folks per day 5 days per week. had a nice business going from it. While you don't get to unleash your inner stylist with the old folks, it'll pay the bills. Especially if you can get into a few old folks residential homes in the area. You could spend a couple of days per month in each one.
  13. Glad she is finally picking up.
  14. "Oooh, look mum a lawn we haven't dug up. . . . Oooops, well maybe a little bit"
  15. Husky puppies LOVE to play. Husky puppies love to play CONSTANTLY. Husky puppies do not know WHEN to stop. Huskies stop being puppies PHYSICALLY about 2 years old. Huskies stop being puppies MENTALLY when they die. Good Luck
  16. GPS tracker as one of the options. get your pooch a GPS tag on collar or GPS chipped. Walking distance tracker (like the website Walk - Jog - Run) weight tracker. Shots / booster / Birthday date reminder.
  17. Andy

    Lovely Day!

    It was hammerring down here until about 2pm. but it has cleared up and is almost sunny here. However this year, 2012 has been the year of almost constant rain AND a hosepipe ban. we haven't really had a summer, it's been a $h!te year as far as the weather goes. If I'd had S.A.D. (Seasonal Affected Disorder) I swear I'd have been suicidal this year :eek:
  18. Wow Linda. . . Whhhhooooo Hoooooo and it's gonna cost you a bomb to put a 6ft fence around that place !!!
  19. The other owner was completely out of order and should have had better control of his dog. Weimaraners are usually as you said a friendly bounding playful dog. However there are exceptions. Just like occasionally there are Huskies that don't like all humans. Two things I would say, neither are criticisms just observations from my own experience. First, when a dog is on lead they may attack other dogs even if normally they are friendly. It's the fight or flight reflex. If they are off lead they can have a sniff and if they don't like the other dog they can simply run away. However on lead they cannot run away and so some dogs will may snap at other dogs to say "I don't know you so stay away because I can't run off" Unfortunately for us Husky owners they MUST be kept on lead Unfortunately the other dog then tends to respond in kind and it can kick off. My girly Echo (she's a white German Shepherd) is exactly like this off lead she is happy to run around with other dogs and mingle, on lead she acts as if she wants to rip their throats out and the owners too. secondly lifting your dog up 'out of the way' does three things. One, it stops your dog from defending itself. Two, it raises them above the other dog which puts it in a position of dominance and so the other dog may attack even more to try to reassert its own dominance. Three, If the other dog does try to attack the you are likely to get injured as your arms and hands are in the way. When another dog attacks yours there is no wrong or right way to deal with it because it depends on the dogs and the owners. You try to make it out of the situation with as little damage as possible.
  20. I would try a combination of 1. Chicken wings (I'm not a big fan of drumsticks, the thigh bones tend to be a bit thick and so don't get crunched up as much and so don't get broken down they can come out the other end causing pain or difficult poos) 2. reduce the amount of the sensitive stomach kibble you are giving them by half. When they firm up add a bit more until they start getting soft then back off a bit and you should have found the right amount. 3. Grass, Yeah they all eat it at one time or another. Some simply eat grass, others only when they have a dodgy stomach and need to throw it up. I have 4 Pooches. Two of them, Echo and Malaki can eat anything in any quantity and won't stop until all the food is gone. One of them, Daughtry would LIKE to eat anything in any quantity but gets the runs if she eats too much. And the other Darwin will only eat until he is full then walk away from his food leaving it for the others.
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