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Everything posted by Andy

  1. It's unfortunate that there are some jobs which due to the restrictions of the job i.e.. unsociable hours / opening times etc. mean that some people will be excluded from going for that position. Sorry, that's the nescessities of the business it's not discrimination.
  2. Welcome to the site. Yes you are welcome here. We are not one of those "Oh it's a crossbreed, you DO realise that you couldn't POSSIBLY register him with the Kennel Club" type sites. We welcome all types of Husky dog. And we have a special category of 'Honorary husky' for the other dogs in your pack who might not be 'quite a husky' like my girly Echo a white GSD. We have 2 Huskies Darwin and Daughtry. A White German Shepherd Echo and A Huskamute Malaki We'll look forward to hearing how you deal with the training of such a unique breed. as yours is.
  3. Sometimes they just "go off their food" for a few days. It's not uncommon. However more than a couple of days would have me looking for other things. Have you checked all your plants in the garden. They are notorious for having a "nom" on leaves and flowers. You might have something in there that's not dog friendly. Has she been to the local dog park might have picked up something there. She'll probably perk up soon.
  4. Darwin is a MASTER escape artist. He's opened windows, shot through legs, or slipped his lead/harness. We've probably had to chase him half a dozen times. Once you've caught up with them, DON'T chase them. They turn it into a "chase me" game. What you do once you've caught up with them. Call to them to get their attention. Sit on the floor and pretend that you are eating something really tasty. Make loud. . . "Mmmmmm, NOM" type noises. The thought of food will draw them to you and. . voila snagged. Works every time. However you might still have a 5 mile run to catch up with them first.
  5. Probably ironing in more creases than were there before....
  6. She was given to you Waaaay too early. Normally you don't take a puppy until they are around 10 weeks old. 2 1/2 months . you got yours at just over a month old. They learn their bite inhibition from playing with their litter mates at around 6 weeks old. at a month old they are barely weaned off their mother. As others have said, get her down to the vets for the rash and get advice on what flea treatment can be given for such a young pup. Good luck
  7. It's great to give them that sense of freedom without the danger.
  8. Down to B&Q two pairs of cheap overralls. Install kids into overalls. Tell them they can "write" anything they like on the fence and shed in the fence paint / creosote stuff. Swearing included (a strictly one time offer) However they have to cover it up before dad gets back. that'll take care of the fence and shed.
  9. It's such a relief when you finally find something they will eat. Well done
  10. Thanks. . . I'm supposed to sleep after seeing that!!!!!
  11. Good girl Ryn and what an intelligent and thoughtful young man Brogan is.
  12. Awww bless just Huskies playing. You know the difference when they're NOT playing. :eek:
  13. Wow What an unusual mix of animals. Nice of you to include lunch. . . erm I mean the cats too
  14. BTW is that Elliot in the last pic ? . . haven't heard from him in aaaaaaaaages.
  15. LOL I Think Nix has leads, collars and harnesses in colours to match every pair of jeans and trainers she has.
  16. Lol. . . the master of understatement
  17. Awesome. Hmmmm. now what else can you cover with Husky fur. The outside of the car The inside of the fridge. The screen of the TV which you feel is now too small. get him to clean those every day. You'll be receiving packages from all around the world with Husky fur in To help your supplies, and shock your hubby at just HOW much Husky fur you clean up in a week. C'mon guys and gals Rosemary needs your fur. You'll probably get a new house out of it. Oh, Damn you've already got that sorted haven't you. . . hmmm Oh yeah, cover your bike. . . damn husky fur gets everywhere. . .
  18. I'll try almost anything. I love different foods. However my all time fave is. . . . potato pie. Just like my mum used to make. Brown sauce and red cabbage and good thick crust. . . MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm:)
  19. As long as you believe you can cope with a second one on your own. Then fine go ahead. Once you have them both trained to walk nicely then that makes it a lot easier. Good luck. We have 2 Huskies a Huskamute and a white German shepherd. As others have said . . . the more the merrier.
  20. It's really unfortunate that we live our lives by the expectations of others. You sound as if you have done a great service to both our country and your Mum. If she can't be proud of your achievements don't let that stop YOU from being proud of what you have done. Try to get on with your mum as best as you can. However your focus should be your 3 children. Encourage and praise THEM in the way you would like to have been praised and encouraged by your mum. Be the Mum to them that you wish you could have had. Enjoy their lives and support them in everything that you can. Good luck.
  21. LMAO as if Saz needs ANOTHER excuse to drink Vodka. . .
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