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Everything posted by Andy

  1. LOL great photos Darwin likes to stand on the sofa front paws resting on the back watching the people and traffic going by.
  2. Yeah, why is that ??? They get a few scrapes and I have to go to hospital for tetanus jabs and xrays. [ATTACH]55380[/ATTACH] learned my lesson on how NOT to separate Darwin and Echo that time. :eek:
  3. Lol it's pretty hard to split them up NOW. Have you seen how BIG Malaki is ??? I need a JCB to split these two up.
  4. Andy

    Injured again

    You need one of these. . .
  5. Oh, yeah. It's not the first time we've done this. We had the same nonesense when we brought Darwin into the pack 2 years ago. It's just the first few days until they sort the boundaries out. Then they'll be best of friends. (I hope) One day we'll look at each other and say. . ."D'you know it's been a few days since Darwin and Malaki have kicked off" We'll smile and then listen as the noise erupts somewhere in the house. oops . . . .spoke too soon.
  6. Well if things don't calm down between now and Sunday I can't see them all travelling in the car together. At this rate we'll be lucky to make it to next April camp :eek:
  7. We're hoping to do it with as little bloodshed and vets bills as possible. They seem a 'bit' calmer this morning. Darwin isn't 'quite' as grumbly. Still. . . .baby steps. (and valium)
  8. Nope I'll just go to work and have a kip there. lol
  9. Yeah, thanks Rosemary. . . Linda [MENTION=430]valkyries[/MENTION] said she had nearly a year before Thor and Odin settled down. Hope it don't take THAT long. :eek:
  10. Sleeeeeep. . . I need Sleeep. Arrived home after picking up Malaki. Kells went in and Muzzled Echo and Darwin. Brought Malaki into the Back garden and let the rest of the guys meet him. Darwin Straight in grumbling and barging into him. Echo and Daughtry pretty much ignored him. Darwin and Malaki tussling (thank god for the muzzles.) Gave Echo a ball throw. Seems Malaki likes balls too. So I throw ball for Echo echo races after it. Malaki races after Echo. Darwin races after malaki. Echo gets ball turns around to bring it back Malaki thunders into Echo. Echo twists around him and Darwin barrels into Malaki. Echo brings ball basck and I launch second ball in the opposite direction for Echo. Echo races off with Malaki in hot pursuit, and Darwin chasing Malaki. Repeat this about 20 times. Daughtry is stood near me watching all this with her usual, 'I ain't gettin' involved in none of this' attitude. Malaki finally starts to tire and him and Darwin have another tussle. Echo is knackered so she follows me in, Malaki follows me in and Darwin follows Malaki grumbling under his breath. Into the living room. Darwin continues to grumble and make noises at Malalki which REALLY isn't helping. Every time a human moves Malaki follows with Darwin behind. Everytime they get close, going through doorway or in tight corners, with Darwin grumbling it kicks off. TV has nearly gone over, My PC went off at silly angles. Cups off tables. Jeez guys give it a rest, why don'tcha !!! The good thing is that Echo is NOT getting involved and SHE was the one we were worried about when bringing a new dog into the mix. She's pretty much staying out of it. (thankful for small mercies) Aaaaand so it continued for the rest of the evening. 10pm We're all very tired, so Kells takes the 3 upstairs and I keep Malaki downstairs with me. I take his muzzle off and give him half an hour to settle. I close the living room door and secure it so he can't get out. (The living room and the toilet are the only two downstairs room with doors.) I go upstairs. Lots of scratching and whining going on downstairs. (give him time to settle) An hour later no change, so I go downstairs and bring him up into my room. He now seems quite happy and settles down. except every 10 minutes or so he gets up nudges me paces around a bit then flops down on the floor panting. continue this until 4am. I hear Kells get up and take the other 3 downstairs and outside for a wee. I wait untill they get back up and take Malaki down. He has a good wee and we go back upstairs. I put in earplugs and try to sleep. I get about an hour and he's nudging me again and wooing at me. Downstairs again. Wee. Upstairs. 7.30 nudging and barking at me. Dammit dog I need sleep.!! Give it up as a bad job and get up. Kells gets up at 8.15 bringing the other 3 down. Darwin launches into Malaki. Really, you can't have breakfast first ??? !!! Chuck them both muzzled out into the back garden to sort things out. I have some toast, whilst listening to the intermittent barnies kicking off outside. Kells goes off into town for a midwifes appointment and I feed the 4 monsters. I give Echo a ball throw. (repeat yesterday evenings events). and now they are all in the living room Echo and Daughtry curled up around my computer chair. Darwin near the sofa and Malaki near the door. All peaceful (for 5 minutes) However the washing up ain't gonna do itself and as soon as I get up Malaki will follow me, Darwin will follow him and . . . . Sigh. Hope they sort it out soon.
  11. Andy

    why THE dog?

    Awwww. . . . the answer to that is very simple. . . We're Stooooopid.
  12. LOL he must've know what we wuz planning. . . . "Hmmmm, yeah chase him around the garden, he falls in. Me Echo n Daughrty kick the dirt over him. . .YEAH !!"
  13. Andy


    Mars is 35,000,000 miles from Earth and 141,600,000 miles from the sun.
  14. Oooooh, nice a house by the beach. So envious. Good luck selling yours and finding the perfect place to move to.
  15. OK. So After yesterdays fun and games between Malaki and Darwin at their first meet. we got them together for a second meet with Muzzles. Took them for a half hour walk together first, Darwin had a couple of lunges at Malaki but they soon settled down to just walking. Got to the tennis courts. Gave them both a drink it was quite warm today. Then let them off lead to "mingle" They had a few 'Confrontations' but being muzzled there was no damage Darwin got his A$$ royally kicked by Malaki. Pics. . . Darwin & Kells waiting for Malaki Malaki having drink after the walk Kells & Darwin Malaki Chillin' The boys giving each other a bit of space Getting Closer Come here malaki Darwin trying to get the Muzzle off Darwin edging closer. Closer and chillin in the shade Darwin pushing the boundaries Much better Almost buddies Darwin checkin the bags for treats. Darwin wandering over to see what Malaki is doing Tussle. After each spat they would lie down together in the shade. So we're going back up later to collect Malaki. Echo / Darwin & Malaki will be muzzled for the first few days untill the newness has worn off and there is no more fighting. We are going to muzzle Echo too as she is likely to get territorial when malaki comes into the house. Fingers crossed they should all settle down within a few days and we can start the real work of integrating him into the pack and training him to walk nicely. A few of you Lucky peeps will get to meet Malaki on sunday at the Wendover Woods meet.
  16. Great post. Thanks for sharing BTW there's no such thing as "Too many pics" Looks like the pooches had a fantastic time chasing each other around.
  17. Thanks Linda. Just like we've had to work hard with Echo and Darwin. We can do the same for Darwin and Malaki. But THEY have to give us something to work with. We have to see some spark that they can calm down and be around each other.
  18. Andy

    The kids

    LOL the two boys look cozy. and that's the quietest I've EVER seen Loki
  19. thanks rosemary we are going to be taking the two of them for a walk together first so they get used to being close together (without trying to eat each other) before we go into the tennis courts and let them off lead to get to know each other. they will be muzzled so they can work out their differences without (too much) harm.
  20. Bump so peeps can what was posted earlier
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