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Everything posted by Andy

  1. As both I and Linda @valkyries have learned sometimes blood is drawn. They are both going for a grip on the neck and to force the other down in that position to make them submit. In the struggle to get into that winning position, they grip other bits and teeth grip and hold. Blood is usually drawn by the other dogs twisting to get out of that hold. I know it's not nice, but it sometimes happens. However, eventually they WILL get it sorted and will settle. You're just in the worst of it at the moment.
  2. No, No, No, don't beat yourself up. Better if you learn by the mistakes and experience of others. When you have two snarling, angry fighting dogs it's only natural to feel apprehensive. It's a scary situation. Have you tried letting one dog in first. waiting for a minute then coming in with the second. Just that minutes separation might diffuse the situation. If it doesn't then they are fighting over YOU to be close to YOU as YOU enter the house. Just more rambling thoughts.
  3. Andy


    We hear this soooooo many times. With experienced members in almost every time zone there's always someone around to give you their help or advice. It's part of what makes us the best
  4. sometimes a rant allows people to forward ideas that new members might not have heard or considered.
  5. There are opportunists everywhere. will keep an ear open for any being offered around here. Also If I see anyone with a new puppy I'll ask where they got it from.
  6. First pic is the top of my arm, second is the bottom. Dawins top teeth went in the top bottom underneath and the canines "met" inside my arm. Doc said if he had twisted his head instead of just releasing I'd probably have lost the use of my hand, 'cause it would have ripped tendons and arteries. I count myself to be VERY lucky. However I do not blame Darwin. and I learned a valuable lesson the hard way.
  7. You'll be too bloody terrified to turn up at this rate. Hope you can come I haven't seen Yogi since this time last year at the last October camp.
  8. Andy


    First off . Please can you do a proper introduction of You and your Furbaby in the Introductions section. (with pics) Everything sounds quite normal for a 10 week old. You are doing the right thing with the Bite inhibition by say "ouch". Jumping up and nipping with visitors. Try to teach her to Sit for a treat. Then anyone who comes to visit give them a treat and get them to get her to sit for it. Soon she will be sitting and waiting for a treat from visitors, and not jumping and nipping. Carpets ripped when left alone. Crate train her. It is hard at first, be patient. Toilet. . . great work with the pads. gradually move the pads to the door where she CAN go to toilet. she will get the idea. Then move the pad outside. Again it all takes time and patience. She's only a puppy.
  9. Are you dead set on having a Puppy, could you not rehome/adopt from one of the Husky rescue centres ??
  10. IF you feel you can't just walk away from them when they "Get it on". PLEASE don't grab them by the collar, because This. . . Might happen. That's what I got separating Darwin and Echo in one of their first fights. This was a reaction by Darwin thinking he was being attacked from behind. If there are two of you, each grab the back legs of a dog and pull them away from each other. The time it takes them to react to what you are doing they recognise you and won't bite. You can haul them to separate parts of the room and calm them down. The issue isn't settled but it will be diffused for now.
  11. Yep as they get older, they get "Bolder" and have to have another go around for domination.
  12. Good Lord, I go away from this thread for 12 hours and they're STILL talking about Slapping Marc. WHAT !! Move on. . . please. Camp is about Huskies NOT slapping Marc.
  13. LOL but they work on the principle of idiocy, there are a few people out the who WILL say. . . "Ooooh, thank you, yes you may take my dog for a walk." It's like internet spam They send out hundreds Millions of spam everyday. they only need a tiny percent of a fraction of ONE percent to be idiotic and reply and they get RICH. These people only need a couple of idiots per week to say "Yes you can walk my dog" and they make £1000 per week. Cha-Ching.
  14. Vets are like your local G.P. They are good at diagnosing first line, immediate Physical problems. A lump, or skin rash, etc. However. . . . Once they've identified the problem they then pass you onto a Specialist. They are NOT specialists. I've known a few vets who think they can apply everyday dog behaviour and psychology to Huskies. It just doesn't work that way. If you are a new first time Husky owner, you'll take their advice, because they are professionals. It's their Job. For Physical ills, YEP take mine to the VET. For BEHAVIOURAL, I come here. Why?? Because WE are the experts. WE are the breed SPECIALISTS. Huskies don't think or behave like "most other dogs" as I said in a different thread. 'Sometimes with Huskies you have to do the opposite of what INSTINCT is telling you'
  15. You seem to have missed out :- Possibility Five) He would take your furbaby around the corner into the back of a waiting van And you'd next see Dime for sale on Preloved, or Gumtree. for £800
  16. Awwww, so sweet. I see you have Husky coloured carpet. Is that :- a) Coz you don't hoover and it's now naturally like a Husky shade a pattern cunningly woven in a Husky shade so you don't notice the Husky sheddings so much ???
  17. Shout at me if you like. . . :mad: Sometimes you have to let them go at it. They are obviously trying to sort out pack order. However they can't, because the "Damn Humans" keep interrupting. and. . . until they do get it sorted it may not get any better. We've fostered many dogs before we settled into our current pack. Whenever we brought a new foster dog in all hell would let loose for 24 hrs between at least two of them however by the next morning they had sorted it and each knew where they stood in the pack and they got on great. We've noticed that when we go out leaving them all together, there are NO FIGHTS. They only Kick off when WE are there. Whenever Echo and Darwin have a Spat, we LEAVE THE ROOM immediately. Echo feels she is protecting us from "something" Once we've left the room 10 seconds later it's all quiet. We come back in and they are both hiding curled up together under my computer desk coz they know they've been bad. Sometimes you have to do the exact opposite of what instinct is telling you. Phew !! that's my threppny bits worth.
  18. Andy


    Welcome you've come to :- The BEST Husky Forum in the WORLD !! we have over 4500 members in over 60 different countries. Our depth of experience runs from new owners with puppies, to families who have had huskies in their lives for several generations. So YES you can ask questions. Fire away. Have a scroll down the home page you'll find lots of sections on every topic of Husky life. Post your questions in the area you think is appropriate. There are lots of books on Huskies, However by asking questions here you will get a good cross section of answers. From real people with real experience. To start off with have a look here http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/thinking-of-getting-your-1st-husky-read-this.6842/ Also type a query in the SEARCH box and see what comes back. Chances are your questions have already been asked and answered by someone else. Good luck finding your Husky.
  19. Wot. . . Wot . . . ???? I just fort dey wuz squirly patterns. . . LMAO
  20. Just because two different breeds have different traits, calmness / agility / ability to train etc. DOESN'T mean the best traits from each breed will automatically join together in the crossed puppies. Otherwise why are (legitimate) breeders STILL crossing different strains (of the same breed) to maximise potential after over a hundred years of trying.
  21. Ahhh, . . . hmmmm, . . yes. . well then. . . .
  22. Looks like Marcs on his own then. . . . anyone know first aid ??
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