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Everything posted by Andy

  1. No he's off to some hot sunny place with his wife. We're a small department only 6 of us, so only one can be off at any given time.
  2. Saz. . . Hun can you do me please. . .
  3. Bugger and Damn it. . . . One of my work collegues has already booked those dates off. RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. the vets in witney do but they are too far away.... so im trying to arrange my own
  5. NOT her mum Fergie, she's been all over the news whinging that she didn't get an invite and wasn't there to "dress" her girls. If she had they'd have probsbly turned up wearing something more tastefull like. . . .
  6. You'll be minted in no time then thats's £4995 profit on each one. Stuff the Sock puppets. . . . get her started on these
  7. Good luck on your search. You don't want a boring job. . . unfortunately 99.9% of jobs are just that. You have an initial period of interest and excitement as you are learning the job and progressing. However at some point you have mastered the day to day stuff, and that is what you do. Go to work, do the required tasks, repeat 5 days per week. The trade off are the people you work with, if you are lucky you make some brilliant mates who keep you entertained and expand your social circle, this makes the day to day humdrum tedium of the job you do bearable. This reality, why do 99.9% of people put up with it ? The bills gotta be paid. The food has to go on the table and your Husky needs newer and fresher Sofas to destroy We all have a dream of our ideal job. Artist Musician Football player etc. most of us end up doing it as a hobby. Good luck.
  8. Thanks Marc, Good Tut' Question. those images posted as thumbnail size. . . If you click on them do they then show as full size on a new page or pop-up screen ?
  9. Most important thing. Even if the Vet tells you it's ok. . . DO NOT SHAVE YOUR HUSKY. Because they have a double coat their skin is never exposed to the sun If you shave your husky they can get bad sunburn even on a mild sunny day. Also their temperature regulation is design around the insulation of the undercoat. Just don't walk them at the hottest part of the day. When you do take plenty of water and let them rest in shade.
  10. Slap me upside the head with a large halibut. . . !!!!! for forgetting. John Carpenters . . . The Thing The Most Awesomest J.C. Movie EVER
  11. Lol we've all celebrated this at some point. Now the real challenge. Stopping the little monster from scavving everything that isn't nailed down and keeping him "firm" :laola:
  12. Welcome to the BEST husky Forum in the WORLD !! We organise meets all over the country. If there isn't one happening near you. Then Find somewhere you like to take Kira for a nice long ramble Choose a date about a month away (gives peeps a chance to check the diary) Make sure access is good, parking etc. Post a thread giving time, date and directions. Sit back and see how many people sign up. Simples More pics please
  13. Andy

    5001 Members

    Let's get them all online at once. . . . ooops server crash. . . It's a shame that only a few percent are frequent active members. Most have joined gleaned the tiny bit of info they thought was all they needed and never came back, . . . . .Sigh. (eeeejits) Still, an average of 250 members signing in and posting or even just checking out the new posts per day isn't bad.
  14. Fantastic Pix Zina is obviously having an absolute blast over there in Iowa. Thanks for looking after our intrepid li'l explorer so well . :laola:
  15. Oh, yeah sometimes a flailing lead is a godsend, snagging on stuff allowing you to catch up. Other times the bouncing thing chasing the husky scares the living Crap out of the pooch and he/she runs even faster and further. Glad you managed to catch her though.
  16. Well Done Rich. . . Whoooo hoooo :laola:
  17. Well done for taking him in +1 Loki has Beautiful eyes. He'll soon fill out, Glad he and Marley get on so well.
  18. try a cheap tin of hotdogs, don't need to cook them just cut them up into small sections and carry them in a bag. The smell is strong so you'll definitely keep her attention.
  19. Welcome to the BEST Husky forum in the WORLD !!! Your girlies will be a challenge to say the least, however now that you've joined the Pack you have access to over 4000 members in over 60 different countries. Most have many years of experience with Huskies, so any questions you can think of we've probably had before, and you'll find the answer already here in some post or other. If you can't find it then feel free to ask in the relevant section. But We're not just here to answer questions, we're a community who meet up and share our daily lives with our furballs, good or bad. So jump in at the deep end and join in. See you around. . .
  20. Why I've never fancied owning a pug. Too much of a similarity
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