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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy

    so funny

    Dogs love to chase cats. Cats love to tease dogs. It's a natural cycle until cat gets. . .. Sloppy Then dog has lunch. Rogue is simply in training.
  2. In this case though, his methods failed miserably. The woman still had no viable method of walking her Huskies. Short of paying someone to take them for a run prior to her then taking them for a walk.
  3. Love Marmite. Cesar. . . Meh. Saw the episode with a woman with 3 Huskies. Surprisingly she couldn't walk them coz they dragged. . . (no! really?) He tried this technique, then that technique all to try to calm them down BEFORE the walk Nope 3 hyper Huskies waiting for a walk. His eventual solution.. . . . Run them up and down the street on his skates for 10 minutes. So HE tired them out BEFORE taking them for a walk. YES they walked nicely after that. He cheated. MINE drag for the first 10 mins of any walk then calm down to walk loose lead. This woman can't run the dogs up and down the street BEFORE she takes them for a walk. So Cesar. . . . Meh.
  4. That is awful. Perhaps this is why they were evicted from their previous accomodation ? Good luck with the renovations.
  5. So sweet, only a few monhs 'till he turns into a ravening, destroying. . . Evil Genius.
  6. Should be filed in the "DOH!!" Category.
  7. ever since I was a little kid, I've wanted to go into space. At that time they were predicting that by now we'd be living on the moon. Sigh. . .
  8. OH, HELL YES. !!! can we have a whip round for the ticket please.
  9. http://dvice.com/archives/2011/02/space-shuttles.php
  10. Nope, They have an instinctive need to tread on the family jewels.
  11. Welcome, to the Forum. We have a few members with Various flavours of cross. He's certainly an interesting looking pooch.
  12. Good boy Grey, Echo reacts completely differently to other dogs when she is offlead (calm and not bothered) to onlead (aggressive)
  13. Absolutely genius. © Wayne Dorrington Tried resizing it to make it bigger but the forum won't show it any bigger putting a link to the original article. http://blastr.com/2011/02/the-complete-story-of-sta.php
  14. Wow. . . just. . . WOW !!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354445/Super-pack-400-wolves-kill-30-horses-just-days-remote-Russian-village.html
  15. Unless you have a full set of KC registered papers (going back 5 generations) and good Hip and eye scores, a reputable breeder will not touch your boy. Which means the only way your boy is going to get his jollies is with an unregistered (i.e. backyard) breeder. There are already too many Dogs of all breeds being bred for the money (not for the betterment of the breed) A lot of whom end up as strays or dumped, ending up in shelters or being destroyed. Please don't add to this list
  16. Once they get to the testing / adolescent stage they can stay "in it" for the next few YEARS. It's at this time that they gain the selective hearing ability, the ability to learn all the tricks in the home but completely ignore all they have learned out in the big bad world. There are far too many distractions out there, and once that something has their attention, no amount of YOU calling / shouting or waving 12oz sirlion steaks will bring them back.
  17. Read these 2 FAQ's from the forum. http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2695-how-to-post-pictures-in-the-gallery/ http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5313-how-to-post-gallery-images/ ideal size for images is 700 pixels X 700 pixels. Most up to date cameras take pictures twice this size so as Kells says you may need to resize them. Use VSO resizer it's free. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/image_resizer/ Resize your pics then upload them to the Gallery as per the instructions in the first FAQ Hope this helps
  18. LOL. . . get a third, and you can call them Jon Bon and Jovi.
  19. Well done for deciding to go for a rehome rather than a puppy. Both Echo and Darwin are rehomes. Diamond is beautiful, bit on the thin side maybe. I love her name, however if you decide to change it, don't worry they pick up that the word you keep saying to them is thier new name. When we got Echo she was 18 months old and called Ginny. She's been our obstreperous girly Echo ever since.
  20. Andy

    RIP Gary Moore

    Saw Thin Lizzy Twice, back in the 80's Awesome. RIP Gary the music world is a poorer place without you.
  21. Andy


    Nice to see someone so focussed. We'll still be here when you get settled.
  22. Nice it's not often we get group shots. Sweet.
  23. Welcome great to meet you and Siber. Great advice Linda +1 Please be careful about over exercising him. Too much too soon can badly affect the joints and bones, so that when he gets older he may find it difficult to walk and exercise without discomfort. Unfortunately he will happily walk and run and play for hours, not realising the damage being caused. You have to be the moderator. 5 mins per month of age per session. So at 4 months old a walk of no more than 20mins. but he can have two or three of these 20 mins sessions per day. and don't forget he's probably going to be running around the house and playing in your garden too so overall he'll be getting plenty of exercise.
  24. Oh, go on then just one more.
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