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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Great idea, things to consider. 1. If manned a reasonable wage for the person/s manning the site. Proper training on Dog psychology / behaviour for them. manned by a responsible person not just some 17 year old oik who's been fight training his staffy for 6 months. 2. Insurance liability cover. 3. the obediance / socialisation classes. you will have to have some form of indoor facility so you don't have to cancel them during bad weather, incurring refunds etc. 4. so then you run into council tax and buildings and contents insurance, and fire safety regulations, and depending on the number of people attending, providing qualified first aiders. I'm sure there are loads more. This is what just "sprung" to mind
  2. OI !! Julie stop poaching ma peeps. . . LOL Great idea, It'd be a great welcome to the family if you could meet Julie and a few of the other northern members. but please. . .Julie . . .NO ! "Raaht then , well tha's only wun thing tha needs to do to become a proper member't forums. Get this ferret down tha trousers, oh, bugger where'd I put the bicycle clips. . . . ."
  3. Nice, looks like they all got along great.
  4. Awwww never mind we are running them approx once per month, and we have mini get togethers almost every weekend depending on work commitments We'll squeeze you in somewhere. Can't wait to meet you guys.
  5. Hey, Mary. I've just re-read that thread and it actually gives you a good flavour of how we interact on the Forum here. We have a laugh and are best mates (most of the time) the only thing we take seriously is our Huskies. and. . . when you need help there is always someone here willing to lend a hand or offer advice.
  6. Hi, Mary, Welcome . . .yes there are a whole bunch of us here and around Oxford. Where abouts in Oxon have you moved to. We are having a Husky meet here on the 31st of July see this thread Don't worry about the down tone at the start of the thread it gets better. . . lol.
  7. Andy


    Wow, thanks for contacting us first. A Husky is a huge commitment, see this thread. But well done for thinking of Helping this poor guy. As the others have said, take your Jack Russels out to meet him first. If they get on and you do decide to take him on then, re-introduce them somewhere neutral a local park perhaps. then take them all for a nice long walk, this will help socialise them together and let them get used to each others smells etc. and end the walk going into the home. Good luck
  8. Have you considered rehoming, there are always a few going at any given time Check the Rehoming section of the Forums,
  9. At this age he's really enjoying learning new things, the mental stimulation and as you said the heaps of praise. At about a year they figure they've learned it all and will then switch on and off the ability to do as you ask dependant on the quality of the reward being offered.
  10. Hi, Adam welcome to the forums. First off have a look at this thread it has lots of important information which will help you decide whether to get a Husky. As to your main point I think most of us are actually petrified of adding it all up, because it will come to one of two totals. 1. More than the entire household income. 2. More than the GNP of a small south american country. Short answer . . . they are not cheap.
  11. Excellent post Sarah, Rant away. (+1Rep) If owners want to breed, that is their right. However it should be done responsibly. Keeping them cool Damp towels put in the freezer then let them lay on them. ice cubes with treat in them
  12. Andy

    Two Topics

    I have been in the past a famous Hijacker of threads. NOT intentionaly, I will be answering the main thread, someone else will comment, and as you said a dialogue happens that spurs off from the main thread. I remember one where the thread was about a backpack that you could attatch a lead to. this lead to a combat vest with rings you could attatch a lead to this then went to full combat gear then onto adding combat boots and weapons, this lead onto Stargate (TV series) and on and on. I AM sorry. . .lol. . .but it does happen. As you say occasionally someone needs to nudge it back on track.. . .
  13. Amazing. . .thanks for sharing Diz. .
  14. Dunc that is wikkid. . ROFLMFAO. . .
  15. Nice Photo's and Loki looks like he had a great time.
  16. Great Job Danny. . WOW Saz how RED was your hair. . . .
  17. Awww glad the walk went well, it's nice to see them when they behave. and enjoying themselves.
  18. Lol yeah, I had a yappie off lead dog set Echo off one day, The owner shouted at me "your dog is too Aggressive" To which Kelly shouted back, "well if you don't put yours on a lead it'll be lunch" Little dogs get away with absolutely everything, if ours were behaving the same way, they'd be taken off us and put down for being dangerous dogs.
  19. Andy

    A proud daddy :D

    Well Done Keath, You all had a stressful time what with all the travelling, Glad you were all well behaved. Glad you all had a good time, and great experiences for Sakari and Nukka
  20. Hope it goes well, When you first meet your Friends try not to stand around chatting, start walking as soon as you can then Jasper will calm down. you may find if you stop to give the dogs a rest and water, Jasper may kick off again, it gets better over time.
  21. Cardboard cut outs for the wedding. . . join us on Sunday. We are there from friday to monday
  22. You have two separate issues here. 1. Dominance with Kaya. This is quite normal playfighting, and yes they are sorting out who is ALPHA in the pack. It is usually harmless there may be a bit of squealing but the growly tone is very low key. My two Daughtry (7 months) and Darwin (just over a year) are always playfighting, lots of flashing teeth and batting each other with paws. Grabbing each other by the throat and the scruff of the neck, and pinning down. Nipping at legs. . All just playfighting. and they will do this AAAAALLLLLL day. . .lol You'll know the instant it changes from playfighting to real, because the tone of the growly noise becomes a snarl and the body postures are completely different. Everything becomes very harsh and much higher pitched. How to deal with it. . . Some say get in and separate them, (though you risk the chance of becoming a casualty yourself) Others say let them get on with it. Personally when Echo (2yr old GSD) and Darwin "get Real" I wait until one or the other is clearly winning, or there is the sign of blood, then I will grab a collar and pull them apart. 2. Barking at other dogs and people. Jasper hasn't been socialsied with other dogs or people very much and feels he must "protect "you and the other dogs We have this with Echo. It is very difficult to get anyone to approach you when they are obviously aggressive so socialising him will be diffcult. People. You will notice that it's all just noise, warning them to stay away. If you can get someone to approach slowly and calmy you'll find soon Jasper is letting them stroke and pet him (the moment they move away He will go off again) but this kind of interaction will help, and as many different people as you can. It is a long and slow process. Dogs. We have started taking Echo to Husky meets and she is learning she can walk with other dogs and not be aggressive and mingle with people and not bark at them. If you can introduce Jasper to other dogs in a safe enclosed area then let them off lead to mingle he'll bark a bit but will soon settle down to playing and sniffing. If not . . .then try to take him to as many Husky meets as you can. or ask your freinds and neighbours when they take their dogs for a walk can you bring Jasper, he will bark at first but once you start walking he'll calm right down. and this will help socialise him. Meeting dogs head on in the park is confrontation, walking alongside is socialisation. Just my ramblings, but hope you can get something useful out of this.
  23. Andy

    scary day

    Ohhhhhh, yeah. They love getting free. . . .and you really can see they are soooooooo proud of themselves. lol Glad you got him back quick.
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