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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy


    Welcome Kelly, we look forward to getting to know you. don't be shy now. . . the only thing we take seriously is our Huskies.
  2. lol. . .that tickled my funny bone . . .lol. .
  3. actually I was thinking of Kelly. . . Lol . . . Minted lamb and steak are not safe when she's around. . Lol New sig.thanx . .unassuming and restrained I thought. . .lol
  4. Lol nix , she's lulling you into a false sense of security. . . Waiting for the time you have minted lamb chops or steak. . .and then like a striking cobra Whoooooshh . . .she'll be looking all innocent and. . ."Ooooh, mum. . . Where did that steak go"?
  5. Stop, with the cuteness already. . .lol we're already on overload. . .
  6. Andy

    School photographs

    It's not a joke . . . that really is me !!!! lol
  7. Lol. . .After he stole him, the Sibe wuz probably so stressed at being away from his owners that he started eating the guys house. So he was ecstatic to give him back. . . lol
  8. That's fantastic news. . . How did they get him back ? Do you know ?
  9. I'm at work reading thison my Phone and slapping the desk PMSL two other guys in here looking at me like I've grown a second head. . God that wuz funny
  10. No. . Dan let him sleep in his room. . . Didn't want to let him do that here. however the damage he was doing had to be stopped so we need to, find an alternative that doesn't involve replacing doors n carpets They tried him in a crate as a puppy and he didn't like it,and never used it
  11. 48 hrs after Darwin arrived and my pack are comfortable laying together for a snooze. So happy they are getting on so well
  12. Hell, yeah !! I'm there. . . If you have a decent theatre built into your mansion, I used to be a Chief projectionist running a 9 screen multiplex. So I can run the evening movies, and earn my keep. . .lol We can even have a Husky pit at the from so the furbabies can come and watch too.. . .lol
  13. Hey, Tamz that's great news. . . Now you and Chloe can eat as well as Shiloh.
  14. My Brother emigrated to Winnipeg nearly 20 years ago. He wouldn't come back. I've been over twice. . .and loved it, (even got chased by a bear. . lol) Beautiful country with the friendliest people. If I won the lottery. . .whooooossshhhh. . .I'm there. Just be aware of the Minus 25 degree winters. ALWAYS buy a property upland of rivers, because in the spring the thaw FLOODS everything lower than the local river. I would say do it without hesitation.
  15. Coz I've been getting a bit verbose. . .I've created a Darwin Blog which I'll add to to chart his progress as he settles in
  16. Ok so night number two out of the way. . . Changes the living room door handles so Darwin can't leap up and open the door. We give him an old quilt of kellys to lie on in the livingroom, give them all a pet n cuddles say goodnight and close the door. I can hear Darwin standing up at the door and dragging his claws down the door to try and open it. . . claws scrabbling on the wooden floor at the bottom of the door. then the gnawing starts. . . after an hour of this I go down to find the door is starting to look the worse for wear, not wanting to have to replace a door I let him into the hallway, and shut the living room door. close the strairgate and go back to bed. half an hour of up n down the stairs he seems to settle at the bottom of the stairs. . .ahhhh sleep. Am woken by small whining sounds and the sound of claws dragging at the carpet by the stairgate. . . Not wanting to have to replace a carpet I let him into my room. Try to get him to settle on the floor next to the bed. . . Nope He settled at the foot of my bed and during the night ended up stealing half of it. So he got his own way in the end, And I got some sleep. This morning told Kelly, she goes. . . "Oh, I thought he'd just settled down, downstairs." LOL So any ideas of how to get him to settle at night with the other two in the living room which doesn't involve replacing doors until he gets the idea.
  17. You may not have Photoshopped it but it might have been done before it was put on the site to make the puppy look more "cute" (awww how can you make a husky puppy more cute ???) ok this took me 15 mins in photoshop. Normal Manga eyes.
  18. Sue Ryder, They made my mum so comfortable and looked after her so well in her final weeks.
  19. I've just taken ALL 3 for their last walkies of the night. about a mile to and around the local park. So about 30 seconds out of the door and a woman comes out with a boxer on lead. . .Echo on back legs barkbarkbarkbarkbark ! Other 2 walk patiently. "OOh, you've got yer hands full there" she says. Yes I think, and YOU really didn't have to walk in my direction did you. . .you could have gone the other way. Echo STILL on back legs barkbarkbarkbarkbark ! Echo calms down and off we go. Get to the park, and Koda needs to crack a fat one. Good girl. So one handed opening poo bag and trying to lean down to pick it up. When Koda decides to leap on Darwin. So Three dogs, two flipping over and wrestling and echo lying there good as gold. And I'm struggling to pick up turds in the dark. Manage to bag at least one botty dropping. now trying to tie bag with the Ringling brothers circus acrobats practicing on the end of my other hand. So I finally separate Koda n Darwin, untangle the gordian knot they've made of the leads and orft we tootle. Apart from Darwin crossing over back n forth side to side, and Koda trying to nip at Echo and Darwins necks, the rest of the walk went quite nicely. Well apart from Echo talking loudly to a bunch of lurking Hoodies. "Yeah, man dems dem husky snow dogs innit, dat puppy's well cute. . . Eh? wots dat white one mate?" Hungry. . . I think. "Angry" I say and walk them on, making no effort to quiet Echo down. So we get home and they've had a good walk and I'm knackered from all the untangling of leads. Roll on Tomorrow.
  20. LMAO. . .animals sleep sooooooo funny.
  21. I disliked Vista with a knife wielding psychopathic vengance. . . looks like Windows Photo gallery was one of the top heavy resource hogging bits they got rid of when they streamlined for Win 7.
  22. Welcome Katie, Welcome to the world of Huskies, and this madhouse of a forum, the only thing we take seriously is the love care and upbringing of our lovely Sibes. Any help you need Just shout and someone will soon reply. Always do a search of the forum first you may find the answer is already there. Most of all post pics and join in.
  23. We've been using the Halti's / Gentle leader with Koda n Echo for a couple of months and they are walking beside us nicely. We have just started to alternate between Halti and normal collar to transition eventually to a normal collar. Darwin is right at the start of this process, where he is not liking the feel of the head collar and is throwing somersaults and twisting about. After a couple of minutes he settles down and walks quite nicely. time and patience. . .
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