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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy

    Secret Surprise

    AAAAwwwwwwww so cute. . . . how did you keep it secret from yourself. . . ???
  2. In the last couple of years I've had to wear glasses for reading so this will make my life so much easier on the forum. It would be great if this tech could be applied direct through the PC on ALL content on the PC, Movies , Web, Pictures etc. . . Well done on Scoring this fantastic trial. Kudos.
  3. LOL the first one is old but still true. . . The second one quite clever. . . Mad me n me workmates laff. .
  4. Andy

    Electric fencing

    Hey Viv, I hope Lazer is ok & has recovered. for your own peace of mind revist the site (if possible) and double check to see if the farmer has posted the required signage (see the link provided by sibe77) If he has then you must have missed it. . . But that's not the farmers fault (sorry) If he hasn't posted the correct signage, then the local authorities need to be made aware.
  5. Andy


    Hi Yong Welcome to the pack What food are you giving him? if in doubt Huskies will eat chicken, they love almost any kind of RAW meat. it is a shame that he has been given away just because he does not meet show standards. but it is your good fortune. . . You have inherited a wonderful pet. he will need LOTS of exercise. Good luck let us know how he gets on
  6. thats such good news. nanooq or various spellings of the name is very popular for boys. Great to see that he so placid especially with all the probing and poking at the vets. you are doing a wonderful job.
  7. Andy


    WOW, that must've been really scary Hope Scooby is ok and there is no lasting damage. I hope nooks Settles down and they can both put this behind them.
  8. WHAT ?????? Read the title of the post. . . I have one. . . I reserve the right to exercise it. . . . occasionally.
  9. Andy

    Nudist Colony

    Lol. . . I can relate to that. . . LMAO
  10. Koda is 4 months she gets 2 chicken wings approx 100gms in the morning 1 chicken wing lunch 2 chicken wings evening. we were giving her Harringtons puppy kibble at lunch but found that was making her loose. we are now avoiding all kibble until she has been solid non stop for a month then we are going to try reintroducing small amounts of Harringtons kibble. We found previously that we were overfeeding her, and as her stomach didn't have time to fully process so much food so it was pushed out before it was digested. . result runny poo. Chicken wings digest much quicker. . .solid poo. . . AND she loves them
  11. I got a citroen Xsara estate. . not the people carrier version. . boot open flat, Koda who is 18 weeks jumps in easy Enough room with standard boot for 2 full grown huskies. drop the back seats down enough for 2 crates
  12. Well done. Great Pics You'd have to pay a fortune in a studio to get the same results. Good Job
  13. Oh, dear. . . that was DEAD funny. . .
  14. I have a walky dog for my bike. mechanically different but the same principle. . .fixed under the stem of the seat and the dog runs beside you. i run Echo my white GSD and she loves it.great exercise. Can't run Koda yet coz she.s too young. if your dog tries to go in a different direction. .i.e squirrel / cat/ bird etc the spring absorbs most of the pull and YOUR weight over the seat takes care of the rest. Even with a good hard lunge the bike does not get yanked out from under you
  15. Whooooo hooooo. . .dances for joy people at work think i'm a nutter. . Lol:)
  16. Looking forward to the new features and the snazzy new look. . . . Hope it looks better and works faster on my smartphone too
  17. Hey, Chris and welcome to the pack. Fantastic that you have rehomed this wonderful Husky, Sounds you are the right kind of person for him. One of the principle causes of destructiveness is Lack of proper exercise. Huskys need MILES of exercise every day if not they become bored and have too much pent up energy which manifest in chewing EVERYTHING in sight. Read other posts here for a proper exercise regime. As for changing his name, yes it should not be a problem. We have a 2 year old White GSD who was called Ginny when we got her, Changed her name to Echo within a few days she was responding to it, no problem. Any other info or problems you have Just HOLLER because someone on this site will know how to solve it. Best of luck oh, yeah post some pictures of Buddy or whatever you call him. . .
  18. LOL. . . See I told ya, someone would know what doobriewhatnot you'd need. It's what we do here. . .Share the Knowledge.
  19. If you want sky to run in front and pull you'll need a completely different attachment. . .I've not looked into those. Ask someone will know. . . However before you use one of the pulling types you'll need to make sure Sky understands direction commands. . . Check older posts that have covered this before.
  20. hi, Martin I have a Walkydog attachment for my bike and I run Echo our White GSD on it she loves the run. When Koda our Husky is old enough I'm going to run her too. . . After getting opinions and advice it seems about 1 year old is the time to start running huskies as their bones have hardened enough and their major growth is just about finished. hope this helps. .
  21. Andy


    Too far away to swap I'm afraid. . . I read all the time, one of my loves in life. Science fiction (all types from golden age to Hard and Cyberpunk) Fantasy and Horror. The occasional thriller too.
  22. Hi, Martin Welcome to the pack. Sky Has really nice markings. Any questions just shout out, there is a wealth of knowledge on this site. We have a laugh and don't take anything too seriously except the care and welfare of all Huskies.
  23. We all met at the Shotover Nature reserve in Oxford. Koda was all sniffy and "yeah new Husky Friends" she went all submissive but still eager to make freinds until. . . Odin got a little too playful and took a nip at her. . . After about 5 minutes of screaming and wailing and general over acting she calmed down. Kelly was strapped onto Odin and we were off down the lane. Dave n Thor Koda was tucked behind Andy feeling sorry for herself. . . once we got to the grass at the far end Linda decided this was the time to harness Kelly up to TWO Huskies. !!! and we were off again. Through the mud and puddles. . . Andy and Kelly wisely opting for the Wellies and wading through. . .Linda and Dave hopping over and around And then Thor and Loki decided to take Kelly for a RUN !!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH. . . off into the wild blue yonder . . .around the corner and SPLAT !! After that Kelly unhooked from the two draggy doggies and took Koda. . . Andy got strapped onto Thor and off we went again. Lots of Slipping and sliding in the mud. Linda n Loki Koda kelly n Koda Linda n Loki And after in the car park Doggies having a well deserved Drink
  24. Here ya go Nix, keyboard shortcuts for Firefox http://support.mozil...board+shortcuts
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