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  1. Few pictures more after some time Hope you enjoy them. They were taken yesterday at the dog park:
  2. Actually we simply hold the normal leash (the one we use for normal walks) in the hand when cycling with her. This way it is extremely dangerous because if she runs super fast and pulls, she pulls you and not the bike and you can easily fall. This is way I asked if the kind of leash used in the picture is safe. I am really tempted to try it! Oh, and sorry for my poor English!
  3. Yes, I mean the one in the pic. So, it is not dangerous? I would love to bike with Jill, but using the normal leash doesn't make me feel safe at all.
  4. Hi everyone!! Our little girl is now 9 months (soon 10) and we are looking for some activity to do with her. She is our first puppy and first Husky, I would like some advice from you. We are considering mainly 2 sports: Agility and Sled Dog. I know maybe she would enjoy the most the second one, since she loves running and maybe it comes natural to Huskies. But this is totally a new thing to us. We live in the northern Finland and I am sure somewhere here they raise Huskies for sledding, but I don't know how it works. Do they train only their own dogs? Or they have also sled dog courses for "external owner's dogs" like Jill? What should I look for exactly? Husky dogs kennel? Sledding dog tours places? I am also "dreaming" about Agility because I know this activity improves very very much the relationship between the owner and the dog, but I am not sure. Maybe trying Agility with an Husky is a no sense because of their nature? Has any of you tried to do agility? How did it went?
  5. Great pic!! I want to ask you what do you think of that "bike lead". I have been thinking of buying one (since my Jill tends to pull like crazy and go as fast as she can when we go for a bike and only my boyfriend is brave enough to bike with her) and I would want an honest opinion. Is it safe even if the dog pulls very much??
  6. More picsssss!!!! 4 months, her first time to the beach. Back from her first swim ever Soon more
  7. Hello everyone. I am back finally and I have a few questions for you guys about brushing your huskies. I have brushed my Jill since every day we got her (she was 2 months). She has always been loosing fur, at the beginning very little and as the time passed she lost more and more. I knew already Huskies have a thick fur and 2 times a year they "change the coat" (I am sorry I express myself so badly, I am not native English speaker and I don't know some specific terms), Now, I am wondering... Do they lose hair only those 2 times a year? Or they continue losing hair all the time, just less? How do I understand she is changing the coat? I have spent the past hour brushing her, and it seemed never ending. The more I brushed her the more the brush collect hair. At the moment all the house is full with her fur, even if I brush her everyday and I vacuum every day. How do you guys deal with it? How long you brush your husky daily and how often?! Is there some "solution" to make her loose less hair during the not "changing coat" times? I use this kind of brush I also saw the "furminator" in the dog shop Someone know what it does exactly? Is it bad for the dog? Have you tried it?! Thanks in advance for the replies.
  8. Thanks everyone for the comments <3 Here are some more pics She is 4 months in here. She was celebrating Vappy, the Finnish first of May!
  9. Thanks so much for the comments. You all are so kind. Today we went for the first time to the dog park where she could run freely. She loved it. Here are some pics. Flying dog #1 Flying dog #2 Some friends joined After all this running... she was sooo tired! I hope they are not too many pics
  10. Here are some more pics of my little girl since she is living with us. She was 2 and 3 months old. I love too much this one where she is running like crazy!! "MOOOOOOOOM, I have found a trasure. Can I keep it???!" I love particularly this one, she looks like a little wolf in my opinion! "Let me sleep! I am tired!!" "Stop bothering!!" "GOODNIGHT!"
  11. I have a question. Do you advice some dog white specific shampoo also for a normal husky?! For exemple Jill has normal white parts as every husky and I was wondering if I can just buy and use only the white dog shampoo.
  12. We have had the problem of pulling since our little girl got familiar with the neighbourhood. From the beginning we NEVER allowed her to pull. We always stopped and when the leash was again loose we started again walking. We have been doing this for the first month, but the problem isn't really solved. So, now we are a bit changing tactic. We don't stop, we change direction. We also got a clicker, so every time she follows us we click and give a treat. We also practice home. At home she really fallows me everywhere (also in the bathrooms - which are narrow and dark... not a funny place for her ). Basically we are doing how this guy says in this video: In general I really like his videos, he seems he really cares of dogs and give good explanations why to do a certain thing instead of an other. I have watched TONES of video about the pulling, really. And basically everyone says not to walk when she walks and prize her when she walks with us. Ok, we always followed those rules. Now I am just wondering... how long does it take for the dog to learn that? It's more than one month, but she doesn't seem to have really understood how all the process works (if she pulls she cannot walk, if she walks with us she can and basically she can go and sniff everywhere). Someone even said Huskies cannot learn not to pull because they love to run and to pull (and this is why they are the most used breed in the sled dog sport). Honestly I don't really believe that. What is your opinion? Can it be that she is too young? How long did it take for your dogs to learn not to pull and walking with you is fun anyway? How old they were?
  13. Thanks so much for the warm welcoming! <3 It's so nice to see such a nice and active forum all about our loved Husky!!!!! I have been reading around pretty much, there are many interesting and useful topics. I am sure I will enjoy this new experience with you all. And soon... many many pics of Jill coming! @Vuk-It's nice to see an other person from Finland. I don't know if I can say the exact name of the kennel, but it was in Kilpua.
  14. Hi everyone!! I am an Italian girl who moved to the north of Finland some time ago and, surprise surprise, I have got an husky. Her name is Jill and she is a bit over 3 months. She is lovely! This is my first experience with my own dog and I am pretty excited. I already participate to an Italian forum about dogs in general, but I feel I wanna know and understand as much as possible this breed. I am getting really attracted to it and I am already thinking of getting Jill a little brother or sister at some point in the future. Who knows, we will see. For now I am trying myself to do my best with her. Here you can see some of her pics: at 2 months and something At 2 months The first day in our house p.s.: Sorry about my English. I know it sucks and lately I am focusing so much in learning Finnish that I am forgetting mainly everything I knew of English. Hope you don't mind!
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