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About jayjay060708

  • Birthday 07/18/1985

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  1. I have not been on here for awhile due to my old lap top starting to smoke and just got a new one. But we would be interested in coming if we can still join. Where is the original post? So we can get the details . Thanks!!
  2. welcome to the pack!! shes a cutie ! And her energy prob will not go away hehe huskies are like 2 year olds for most of their lives. We also use a harness for Akira we used the gental leader for a long time but that just did not seem to work as good. Akira will be 2 this month and some of her fav toys are ropes (or anything she can play tug with), tennis balls, nylabones, rubber balls, knuckle bones, bully sticks, the kong wubba and a few more like that. Good luck with your new husky!
  3. Yes they do! Akira starts to woo at 1:30am because my husband made the mistake of feeling the dogs at that time one night and now she is set on eating them and going out. And he is a push over and keeps giving in to them and then again she knows that he wakes up at 6:30am and will start wooing for him to wake up and play with her and she knows dinner time is at 5pm and will woo and sit by the closet that their food is kept in.
  4. Ahhh that drives me crazy!!! Just like when people meet Akira and then say aww I want a husky look how well behaved she is and i look at them and bluntly tell them that she is so well behaved because we have spent over $4,000 on training for her and another $2,000 on sledding stuff and bikeing stuff to keep her excersized propperly (not that you have to spend that much to propperly take care of a husky but its not cheap). And then they just give us the oh look. Gaah some people! And those sites should be shut down a good breeder isant going to post their puppies on that site!
  5. Isant it next weekend?? we are thinking of going to the one next weekend and we are going to go to the one in atigo feb. 19-20 . Do you live in WI?
  6. Oh gosh if we let Akira free in the house for 20mins she will have something all chewed up lol. she is luck that she is so cute and we love her so much ! She has chewed up the carpet in our living room and bedroom, side tables, money, remotes, game controlers, a leather couch, cell phones, pretty much anything else that is at her level that she can get ahold of hehe. And they do it because they are bored so she has to be kenneled when we are gone and can not bring her along. Usaly the longest is 4 hours. And huskies are escape artists that why most people would not let their husky out side alone expecialy for 10-14 hours, There are those angel huskies out there though that stay out of trouble but I can tell you now that mine no matter how sweet she is would totaly destroy our house in 10 hours lol.
  7. I think they are usaly crossed with a type of hound dog if I am remember the book correctly.
  8. Here are some other sites you can check out http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/alaskanhusky.htm http://www.dogster.com/dog-breeds/Alaskan_Husky http://www.alaskan-husky-behavior.com/dog-breed-fact.html by the way i could be totaly wrong about what i said but i read it in a dog sledding book.....
  9. An alaskan husky is a husky mix.... usaly bred with a specific breed to make them fast and determined dogs. But pretty much it is a mutt not that there is anything wrong with that
  10. I agree! When they bring their huskies it is almost like torcher for their dog. Akira would go crazy wanting to be out there pulling with the other dogs. Here is a picture of Akira and her husky friends getting ready to do some sledding
  11. I know we have been so busy but we are back! lol
  12. Thanks!! I miss her bat ears hehe
  13. Thanks !!! And her tail is like a spring lol if you pull it down so its straight and let it go it springs back up the only time its down is when shes really tired or is scared or worried hehe
  14. Yes she is a very happy and very spoiled husky hehe
  15. Thanks and yeah her tail is crazy curley lol
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